
Well-known Member
Looking at trigger locks. Are they all the same? Do you prefer keyed or combination? For shotgun and rifle. Thanks..
If you have children etc. I can see using them maybe but I taught my kid there is not such thing as a toy gun. But the key type are the better of them
Marshall County used to give out free locks, might check with your local SO or PD. I think they got them through the NRA safety program
I don't see the need for trigger locks as a gun owner. Maybe as a dealer in a store, pawn shop, or at gun shows where unknown customers are allowed and wanting to handle the merchandise.
As for child safety, a gun safe is a better way to go. Covers the possibility of theft also. A gun should be kept out of the reach of children whether it has a trigger lock on it, or not. And of anyone else that doesn't have a sense of gun safety for that matter. If its in the gun safe, its out of sight, out of mind, with no worries. Not even someone fumbling around, picking it up, dropping it, and scuffing it all up.
Just curious why you think you need one? Is cheaper than buying a gun safe what your thinking? I'd go with the gun safe at whatever the cost, if it were me. Better for safe keeping all the way around.
I bought a box of 10 on Amazon that were all keyed alike for convenience. They came with 10 identical keys which I found useful.
Personally I keep most of my guns in a vault without trigger locks. But I would never put a lock of any kind on my personal defense weapons. They are loaded and ready to fire at a moments notice. IMHO a locked, unloaded personal defense weapon is no more than a rock.
Just curious here--has anyone that has a personal defensive weapon ever have the need to use it?? In my life time i have never had to and I have visited New York City and vicinity often
(quoted from post at 12:19:38 11/20/21) Just curious here--has anyone that has a personal defensive weapon ever have the need to use it?? In my life time i have never had to and I have visited New York City and vicinity often

Dependzic, They can still dream, right?
I don't happen to own any gun locks, but I would avoid actual trigger locks. There's a very real risk of chambering a round and discharging it with a trigger lock, but if it's impossible to chamber a round it's impossible to fire the gun. Cable locks work with most pistols, but not necessarily with long guns. I don't think you can use a cable lock on most tubular magazine rifles, for example. For bolt guns, you can remove the bolt and lock it away somewhere.

Here's a cable lock that should work on just about any long gun:
Longarm gun lock
I guess so--had a home owner point a rifle at me when a neighbor called him in for burning leaves and we were putting it out but i just shouted him down--i guess the halligan i was holding helped a bit!!!
[b:654c4848f0]has anyone that has a personal defensive weapon ever have the need to use it[/b:654c4848f0]

I wonder how many could actually pull the trigger when the time comes???
Yea they say they could; and may even believe it in their mind to the point they are 100 percent sure they could.
But could they really do it.

And if they could in the heat of the moment could they live with their self afterwards.

I can tell you first hand.
Taking a human life; even in a accident and not your fault; is something you live with for the rest of your life.
One of my favorite YouTube channels is 'The Lock Picking Lawyer'. He has a bunch of videos on gun locks.
Or you can look at it another way. If your grandchild was spending the night and it came to the point of having to take someone's life in order to keep your grandchild safe what would you do? I can guarantee you most of us are going to protect that grandchild no matter what. Maybe city folks look at things differently?
I hope I never have to use a gun for self defense but I know my guns and how to use them if ever I have to.Im not afraid but still dont want to be defenseless either.yes Im sure it would be hard to live with taking a life but better than not protecting my loved ones if I dont have anything to protect them with
[b:654c4848f0]I can guarantee you most of us are going to protect that grandchild no matter what[/b:654c4848f0]

I agree with that.
Lots of people can do things in the heat of the moment they can not normally do.
Living with it is a differant story.
Hopefully you and others here never have to experience what I'm talking about.
But those that do most likely can see my point and might even agree with me.
Use to be a nice neighborhood , like i said USE to be . As the old die off and the home is sold one by one they sold off to shell we say Slum lords . and what moves in lets just say they are no the best upstanding . Then ya have the MINISTER that bought a home two doors down , yep a real piece of work , then we get the DRUG dealer move in next to me yea that was fun . Got rid of them and we will not go into detail on that . the minster sells to a new on the block slum lord and he turns the place into a half way house . This now has five -six lowlifes living there for maybe three months up to six months and the place has a revolving door as you have no idea who is coming or going . Then towards town we have a couple drug dealers one on this side of the tracks and one on the other side of the tracks . Sofar in the last two years they have raided three meth labs one JUST down the street . One evening the wife and i were setting on the porch and a county Mont ypulls up and come walking up the walk and he informs us that we now have a x-x-x offender now living five doors down Whoo0opppppeeee . While we still had a dog twice while we were on the last walk of the night and that usually was around a half mile total twice shots were fired . Not much protection to hide behind just a few telephone poles . The one time it was 8 shots the next it was five , two different locations . Call copes report shits fired use telephone pole , wait on cops 18 min. went by before the FIRST one arrived and he cowered in his car layen across the seat second one was about a min behind then the other two showed up . At that point in the walk we were maybe 6 blocks from the cop shop , you could see it plain as day from where i was standing. Nothing was done , they never even went to the house the shots came from. Next time they were Faster by three mins. and again never went looking . Prowler one evening was in my back yard , my dog alerted me to something wrong and i look out the side window and see this guy looking in one of the other windows So i make the call and wait and watch , i watch him start going from house to house it is 3:30 am i sneak out on the ft. porch and watch him while on the phone to the cop shop giving them a blow by blow of what is going on and where he is and what he is doing . I can hear the cops coming at this time in the morning , no no lights of siren i can see from where i am standing as the one came off mill street and made the zig and zag and went up the one street to cros over and work his way from the city limits back towards town Ok this is good then here comes two more coming down my street . them bone heads were LOST as they started with the spot lights like idiots at the bottom of the hill when i told dispatch he was over half way UP the hill on the east side those idiots were looking on the WEST side a 1/4 mile away from where he was at . Well he saw what was going on and ran behind a house, i fed that info to dispatch and NOW here they come still looking on the west side . Then dispatch asked me if i was SURE he was on the EAST SIDE YES EAST SIDE . Here again they NEVER got out of there cars to go on foot . Earlier this year around 1:10 Am we must have had a real desperado on the run as this time i looked out the back window and WOW we had it must have been the whole dept. along with the two townships two state boys and two county boys running around in the back yards with flash lights . Nope they never found who ever they were looking for . So you say you don't feel safe gee what ever gave you that idea . Yea i feel real safe as i am never more then finger tip away from something . And while on the road being a commercial tourist i have always carried even way before it became COOL and while on the road five times in 8 years it was out of it's holster .
If your grandchild was threatened by imminent deadly force I agree--but in most circumstances other means can be utilized to reduce or remove the threat
Sorry I have no advice regarding locks because I choose NOT to use them on my personal protection firearms, but neither are they where any kids or grandkids etc. can get to them. HOWEVER I fully support those who choose to use them or those who choose to have no firearms at all either for personal and family protection or sport shooting or hunting. Either is a persons own free choice for which I will not make personal attacks or criticize them and demand the same in return. Make whatever legally permissible choices for personal protection or sport shooting or hunting you choose, that's what I do and again support others free choices regarding the same even if opposite from mine.

TO EACH THEIR OWN CHOICES REGARDING PERSONAL PROTECTION OR FIREARMS OR TRIGGER LOCKS. I make my choices and respect others who may choose otherwise, its YOUR life YOUR risk YOUR choice NOT ANY ONE ELSES let alone some stranger on the internet lol provided all is legal.

Best wishes yall take care best wishes and God Bless America

John T
M Man, Im sure you have heard the old saying BETTER TO BE JUDGED BY 12 THEN CARRIED BY SIX. If my family or grandkids were in imminent danger of death, I believe I would use all necessary force to save their lives but no one knows until such may happen AND HOPE AND PRAY IT NEVER DOES, BUT ID RATHER BE PREPARED JUST IN CASE THEN NOT BE PREPARED. To each their own free legal choices ... even if different them some stranger on a chat forum

John T
Personally I wouldn't have a lock. If you have young children in the house you don't keep the gun loaded. When an adult can keep an eye on it then load it. Think of it, if someone kicked in your front door and came in to do harm to you or your family would you want to fumble with a trigger lock. What mistake most people make with kids and guns is they bring one in the house and tell their kids to never touch it. Of course that is the very thing they will do. I took my kids to the shooting range at a young age and let them shoot the gun. They felt the power of it and tended to respect it since. My kids never handled a gun without me or my wife present.
I live in a very peaceful place. How many times have you heard a newscast start off by saying It was a peaceful little town..? Im not living in fear. Im prepared. I have had a 15k standby generator that has never been use for emergency back up. Im prepared. And when Im not in my peaceful domain, Im traveling to places Ive never been. Besides Im too old to fight, so I carry an equalizer. I have never had to shoot anyone and have only presented it once. But SWMBO has presented her personal defense weapon more than once while she was traveling without me.
I was taught at an early age about guns and how to handle them. Got a bow when I was 7 or 8 then a pellet gun the next year and wore it out then a 22 rifle. Still have the Sears 22 rifle. I taught my kids there is no such thing as a toy gun and only to point a gun where you want to hit something and there is no such thing as an unloaded gun
Newest law Oregon basically states you cannot leave a gun unattended. It's either with you or locked up even in your home.
Yes, John. I see your point, and I agree. The older I get, the less inclined I am towards any kind of violence.

Typical. A request for information on trigger locks gets almost no actual recommendations, but plenty of fantastic claims from folks who never use them.
I sure hope none of us here have to experience this too. I've seen the proof so I know exactly what your point is. Even so I think it's our duty to protect our family.
(quoted from post at 05:12:23 11/21/21) Typical. A request for information on trigger locks gets almost no actual recommendations, but plenty of fantastic claims from folks who never use them.

yup, people watched lots of cowboys and Indians and cops and robbers as kids.
(quoted from post at 16:19:38 11/20/21) Just curious here--has anyone that has a personal defensive weapon ever have the need to use it?? In my life time i have never had to and I have visited New York City and vicinity often

Yes. Several times, on duty and off. I will say this, I have seen a lot of people that should have had a means of defense that didn't and paid the price. Most of us will never have to make these decisions, but usually just the presence of a means of defense is enough to defuse a situation. You have to be responsible about it and you need to pray you never have to use deadly physical force. But there is nothing anywhere in human history that shows me an unarmed population is better off than an armed population. It's the individuals choice. I won't bash someone who doesn't want to own a gun. Fine, your choice. But don't bash those of us that do want to. We aren't criminals, that's where the problem lays.

This post was edited by Bret4207 on 11/21/2021 at 06:01 am.
(quoted from post at 05:12:23 11/21/21) Typical. A request for information on trigger locks gets almost no actual recommendations, but plenty of fantastic claims from folks who never use them.

If you want to know if trigger locks are universal, you ask the manufacturer of the trigger lock, or a gun shop owner.

If you want to stir the pot, you ask here.
Good Morning,
I have seen you on here before, read your a Firefighter, was curious where? I live in Mid Mo, retired on Aug 3, spent 45 yrs in the fire service the last 43 here in my home town. Worked through the ranks and retired as Fire Chief, served the last 3 in that position. Nice to see another FF on here.
Thanks for your time
Greg Harrell
That is the truth, having worked there for 15 years, there were a lot of visible changes for the good in many areas that were a problem. He was not afraid to take on certain factions, that others may not have, meaning he had brass ones so to speak.
Aside from political opinions and the like, for whatever reasons, it sure seemed he did a lot of good vs not.
I'm thinking of the same thing. What I think I've decided is, key locks on every gun not intended for home protection. The one that is will go in a little pistol safe with a push button, 4 digit combination. quick and easy to open just by laying your fingers on the 4 buttons and pushing the right ones.

Of course that one will be loaded ready. It's a revolver so no need to worry about chamber as all 6 will be full.
(quoted from post at 15:57:50 11/20/21)
(quoted from post at 12:19:38 11/20/21) Just curious here--has anyone that has a personal defensive weapon ever have the need to use it?? In my life time i have never had to and I have visited New York City and vicinity often

Dependzic, They can still dream, right?

Soy boys gonna hate. OK. I have proven I can fire at humans. I have no hesitation to do it again if needed, No one comes to my home uninvited, even after I retired from the patrol car.
I live out on Long Island and have a place in Massachusetts--been a volunteer for 57 years

Showcrop is a volunteer fireman also
(quoted from post at 07:38:33 11/21/21) Good Morning,
I have seen you on here before, read your a Firefighter, was curious where? I live in Mid Mo, retired on Aug 3, spent 45 yrs in the fire service the last 43 here in my home town. Worked through the ranks and retired as Fire Chief, served the last 3 in that position. Nice to see another FF on here.
Thanks for your time
Greg Harrell

Greg, thanks for shouting out. I have been a firefighter for almost 39 years. I was a nozzle man for most of it. I was out for 8 years but have been back in for three and a half now as a driver operator in a small town in NH.
Yea sure , so what do i do with the house ??????? at the moment forsale signs are up like election signs and at the moment NOBODY is buying or even looking . They try open house and hey guess what NOBODY comes . Nothing he3re to attract people . Lots of appartemts are empty and today when we went out to the store we saw LOTS of U hauls loading up , nothing coming in just going out lots of for rent and for sales . And at my age where should i go . Don't care for the south , to old to go farming anymore and ya have to look at health care . bad enough that i drive 84 miles now to get decent care as that is another thing we don't have . We do have a nice fancy hosptile BUT they will not do anything for you , if you go to the E/R sure hope your not in real trouble as they even forget to hook you up to monitors like the last visit a month ago . Went in not being able to breath and pain in my back and got stuffed in a cube and it was over and hour before the Dr. even came in Then they hooked me up three more hours when they decided to go to X ray took them and hour to do three picture and back to the cube and dumped me off and left never hooked me back up , two more hours went by and Not even crickets then some nurse came in and said your not hooked up , Really you did not see that at the center station i could see that i was blinking red flat line , were you just waiting on my body to get cold or what . I sorta lost my temper and told her to find the Dr. and i unloaded on him and he tells me Well i am not sure what is going on here so i was thinking of putting you in a room so we can run tests over the next week or we might transfer you . Nope you don't know and have no idea nah i am going home and if i get worse i will not come back and just go up to the Clinic , they treat you way better and the nurses are Cuter and a LOT MORE FRIENDLY .
It's always been my contention and belief that I will never make the decision to shot someone, that person themself will make the decision to be shot.
(quoted from post at 15:29:03 11/21/21) I believe you are a retired police officer?

If you mean me, yes. That's why I said both on and off duty. If I hadn't had a rifle in my hand one day on the backside of my farm, I'm pretty confident I would have had my head knocked in by some guys trespassing. Also had to show another guy I was armed when he decided to mess with a neighbor. Same for numerous times I've had to defend against livestock loss with both long gun and handgun. It's not all about gang warfare and TV shootouts. On the job I've been on both sides of the barrel of a gun. I can tell you even a 22 looks pretty darn big when you walk around a corner into the muzzle of one. I'm very thankful I never had to shoot anyone. Came close a few times but didn't have to. OTOH, I've seen the results of people who didn't have any means of self defense. Ever see the result of a strong arm robbery of a senior citizen? Or a woman whose violent ex decided to beat and rape her? I could go on, but this stuff is far more common than it should be, and I live in a very rural area.

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