Future Crop duster


Well-known Member


NASA testing an electric aircraft that takes off and lands vertically
I did not know that, Thanks.
I left Knox in 1967. Only return to see my youngest sister who lives at Bass Lake.
When the lake was low, they had the only boat ramp to the lake.
Her husband started an HAVC business back then. Her two sons basically run the business. 6 months a year, They are snow birds in Florida.

Well, small world. I live in Starke Co., IN. Actually a few miles from Bass Lake. Is it BlueBird Ag. Services using drones or individual farmers doing their own spraying with drones?

Did you notice how that article is not really about that passenger "plane"??

It is written to make the public think that the expense of NASA is worth the cost.
Notice how many different NASA divisions/offices/layers of bureaucracy were mentioned in that article.
Carl and Al Shibley? Spelling may be off.
Weren't they from Hamlet?
I was born in a farm house a few miles North of Hamlet on US 35.
My dad hang out at the Mobil station.
We had Riverside dairy on the edge of town, next the the yellow river.
Small world.
Carl Shively, yep, that was my dad. Al was my uncle of course.

Yes, grew up in Hamlet. Good memory! Riverside Dairy, Marsh?

I put my email in my profile in the event you want to continue this discussion without derailing this thread.

This post was edited by JWinIndiana on 09/05/2021 at 12:07 pm.
Small world. I think my dad and yours may have pulled a few pranks in Know.
One may have been tying a goat to trash can and putting it next to sheriff office
after Harold Wyland got elected.
Another prankster filled the cannons at the courthouse full of black power and created
a loud boom. They then filled the cannons with concrete.

Good chance as a kid, I may have delivered milk to your house in Hamlet.
My dad spent a lot of time at the Mobil station spreading B s.
Riverside dairy and my last name is Marsh.
I left my email open if you want to chat.
I think Al was the taller guy, right??

Son of a gun!

Yep, uncle was taller. Dad bought a black Quarter Horse off of your dad or uncle. Yes, we got the glass bottles of milk home delivered. I remember when the barn burnt. An uncle or nephew of yours taught school at O-D a few years ago. His son and then daughter in law did the photos at both of my daughter's weddings!
My other brother was into horses.
My nephew Mike taught History at OD, He retired because of bad health.
I was a freshman in college when the barn burnt. Dad had sold all the cows before I
My youngest sister would give anything for a glass bottle with Riverside Dairy on it.
She and her husband have a HVAC business south of Knox on US 35 south of at the Toto
road. You would make her day if you find a gallon glass bottle. It would be priceless,
Do you still live at Hamlet??

I would love to have one of those bottles also. Amazing the things that were by the hundreds when we were kids that are scarce now.

I live in Toto, I teach Ag. at NJ-SP.. Dad died Nov. 2019, he would have loved to heard about you.
I left my email open. Send me a message. I don't know how to open your profile.
We have lot to chat about.

George, I tried to find your email. It isn't available in your profile. Only PM and that was disabled. In my posts, I see a profile box as well as an email box, click on the email and see if you can send me an email.

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