Pruning Japanese Maple


Well-known Member
I planted it 2 years ago and, surprisingly, kept it alive thru out the drought. It's about 6 ft tall and I have done nothing to it. When and what do I look for? I plan on doing it after corn harvest. Thank you.
I planted a Japanese maple between house and garage

It wasn't suppose to grow more than 10 feet tall.

When it grew way more than 10 ft it rubs on the shingles, I pruned it off level with the ground. Now I have a Japanese bush. It doesn't take long and it rubbing on the shingles. I prune it off level with the ground about every 5 years and it keeps coming back. It's in a place I can't get terramite to. I planted this tree in 96. Lost track of how many times I've pruned it.

I can't kill my Japanese maple.
Is it a weeping or upright variety?

Either one, don't prune till winter. They are bad about having winter die back on growth that has not had time to harden off before frost.

Only fertilize in the early spring and never after late July.

Do you know what plant zone you are in?
(quoted from post at 10:39:58 08/21/21)
I can't kill my Japanese maple.

I have done the following to many trees. Might take awhile but I aint found one yet that survived.
1-cut tree or bush to a manageable size.
2-paint ortho ground clear on the stumps/branches.
3-if any regrow, repeat 1 & 2.

Had a box elder grow new branches below the cut line of stump. IIRC took 2 years before it died off.


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