Im embarrassed to admit this


Well-known Member
We still have roughly 26 acres of first cutting standing in the field. Started out great with nice weather and then it hit the crapper. Cant seem to get more than 2 days here without rain. Barn is full of small squares, weve baled only 15 or so big rounds. All the rest will be big rounds. I really that itd be all baled by July 4 th. Cant get it cut and dry. Pretty frustrating. The second cutting is ready on what we were able to get off in June. All this rain is crazy here ! And yes it was crazy dry here for a while. I wanted some rain. Should have kept my mouth shut !
I think it was last weekend that I got my first cutting done due to the weather. Latest I can ever remember doing it but the hay barn is almost full of round bales
That anyone can make dry hay in any shape is amazing to me, given the weather. When I was young, and several of us farmed together[cousin, uncle, father, etc] we raised a little bit of everything. We pulled red kidney beans and laid them on the ground for pickup with the thresher. Now I am the only one left. I swore a long time ago that I would never raise another crop which needed to be laid on the ground.
I, too, have had a terrible time getting hay baled. I finished my first cut on my 20 acre hay field about a week ago. I should have started my second cut this past week, but it has been so outrageously hot, I decided to let it wait another week. We had rain last night, but I plan to start cutting my second cut tomorrow. I do all small squares and I do it all by myself so no matter what the weather, it takes me a long time get it done.

I've sold a fair bit of hay to my horsey customers and to my goat customers, but I still have about 700 square bales in the barn.

Tom in TN
(quoted from post at 17:56:25 08/01/21) We still have roughly 26 acres of first cutting standing in the field. Started out great with nice weather and then it hit the crapper. Cant seem to get more than 2 days here without rain. Barn is full of small squares, weve baled only 15 or so big rounds. All the rest will be big rounds. I really that itd be all baled by July 4 th. Cant get it cut and dry. Pretty frustrating. The second cutting is ready on what we were able to get off in June. All this rain is crazy here ! And yes it was crazy dry here for a while. I wanted some rain. Should have kept my mouth shut !

Sounds like what we're dealing with in Northern NYS.
The weather is so unpredictable. We started out the spring in severe drought. The rain just did not fall. The first cutting was half a cutting because it was so dry. Second cutting was just a few bales but then it started raining We will be knocking down the third cutting tomorrow. It will be the best cutting of the season. After the second cutting the rain started in and now we have had 6 1/2 inches of nice easy well timed rain since then. After hearing about you guys who are either too wet or too dry I truly feel blessed.
Do you raise hay to sell or do you feed it all to your own livestock? Alternate cash crops (corn, soybeans, small grains, custom grown silage, etc.) or alternate harvest and feeding methods might be worth a look (chopped haylage, balelage, pasture grazing, etc.). Some years baling marginal land is profitable, some years it is just not worth the effort (water ways, road ditches, stream buffers, etc.).
Over on this side of New York, eastern New York, we had the third wettest July in history, we had over 9 inches of rain for July here,
We only grow to feed the small number of beef we have. Usually 12 or less. Getting into that would not work.
Our weather is not much different than yours as we arent far from each other. This year is challenging to say the least.
At least you have hay. One of my fields produced 40 bales last year, This year only 4. Other fields are worse than that. So not even worth cutting. On a bright note, you can cut it in the morning and its dry enough to bale before dark.
It rained here today in the Dallas area. Most years it quits raining the end of May and doesn't rain again until the end of September. It's suppose to rain a lot the coming week too. Can't get anything done for the weather this year.
No need to be embarrassed. The weather is out of your control. I'm the one who should be embarrassed. I have about 6 acres of first to cut yet and here in So. Mn. we have had lots of good dry weather. I've just been so busy doing other things. I have about 3000 baled and sold and have orders for about 2000 more this year.
Same here, I owe customers another 250 small bales, and the rest of it will get grazed, thought I would be done by the first week in July. See what thought done.
Haven't cut any hay in Alabama yet this year. Rained every day since June first....... Except Thursday and Friday this past week..... First 2 dry days in a long while. Can't cut hay for at least a week once it stops raining....fields are soggy. Glad I don't depend on it.
To solve this problem get a bale wrapper , mow today bale tomorrow and wrap it and make silage bales . Cows love them , the faster way is one of them thar WORM maker wrappers . My buddy makes a lot of silage bales due to time , weather . I can not tell you how many wet bales my 806 has wrapped this year . We even have started to wrap straw bales .
I have had a in-line wrapper, bought it new in 2018. Got fed up with fooling around with the individual wrapped bales, too much plastic and too slow.

I took this picture the first week I got the wrapper. Because I own the machine, it cost me only $2 per bale for plastic, my individual wrapper needed twice the plastic. So far this year I have not made a dry bale, but have wrapped 900 for myself. I dont do custom work, but if a friend is stuck, I will go help them out. I find that alfalfa hay needs to be cut one day, lay in the sun day two and baled late day three. Otherwise the bales weigh far too much. My 4x4 bales always run over 1000 lb. I have wrapped straw and dry hay in the past with good results
My first is done and was done in pretty good age. My second was left to get the wheat done and now will try to get the second done this week supposed to be in the cool nights so expect to have dew each morning but no rain for about 5 days currently. I guess I'll drop it all and see how it goes. The hay is a week on the old side now.
Thats farming ,got to have two or three contingent plans ready all the time. Anyway what I think from having one crop failures after another.
Had wheat crop summer like this never got close to the field till late august, just exercised the combine .
We lost the crimson clover this year , went to seed . Raked it , and left it .amazing the clover coming between wind rows like a shamrock carpet. Today might make a great second cut ,anyway pray for that.
Same with the weather here. I've had mine custom baled the last two seasons and it went well but I'm still waiting for my guy to show. His whole schedule has been pushed back and he's having trouble getting barn help. He also told me this may be his last season of custom baling.
No problem. I baled a big field of first cut last week and it had so much second regrowth that the bales could almost pass for second cut. Looked good, smelled good.
With the weather we're having , I'll be making hay thru October. I have 9 more fields of first to do, 7 fields of second past due and two fields of third cut about ready. Plus many fields of second that will be ready by the time I get to them.

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