Finally got rain

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Weather channel said no chance of rain for two weeks til yesterday, then they said maybe yesterday evening. Was up til midnight at the local fair and the rains kept breaking up and so I went to bed frustrated. Was woke up by thunder but didn't hear any rain so went back to sleep. Woke up this morning to this.


Was right on the edge of losing my corn, but this will get it close now. Won't be a bumper crop regardless, but will make enough to harvest even without more rain. That was a huge stress reliever.
It finally stopped raining long enough here that I got my wheat cut this past week. Straw windrows in the first field are bracketed by ruts. No way to get through there with rake/tedder/baler, so I put on the spinners for the remainder. I was going to get $120/ton for the straw laying in the field. Down from $150 last year. I think the wheat will go for feed. Problem is there's so much of it around. There's plenty of wheat still to be cut, and everything is a cluster, because this area isn't set up to handle lots of feed wheat.
My understanding is that almost everything going into Geneva is being graded as feed wheat. I figure at some point they will stop taking it and as you say this region is not setup to take a lot of feed wheat. I can't even get the combine through the fields yet. Just resumed spraying yesterday and even the hills have me digging ruts in spots. At least we did not catch much rain out of that last weather system that left Niagara County with several inches of rain.
We have had very spotty rain showers in this area. Road might be wet for a mile and then dry again. Two fields along the hwy look to be beyond help. Maybe three feet tall in spots and brown and yet there are fields that are a beautiful green and 7 ft tall.
I feed my wheat every year (dairy cows) and bought some extra from my neighbors this past week. When I could buy their wheat for less than the value of corn, and sell some corn and pocket a little $ along the way, it was a no brainer.

I think your region of the country will figure that out quickly, too, at least til new crop corn comes in.
Nice to hear you got some rain at last jon. I wish we could get some sun. We had a couple sunny days. I cut hay, 27 acres, but it wasnt going to get dry before todays rain, so I baled it last night. 175 4x4 bales, and wrapping them today. I dont have storage for more than couple hundred bales of dry hay, and 400 bales of straw. So wrapping this hay to keep it out of the weather isnt much of a big deal. But it does let me get hay that I couldnt save. The bale wrapper has been a real blessing for me this year. Cost two bucks per bale for plastic
Good for you Jon. It rained because the fair is going on. Happens every time. With the weather going into fair time as dry as you are I doubt if the rain made a dent in any of the activities.
Good for you, Jon. We are right at 8 & 2/10 for the tear and some of that was late snow. Should be in the high teens by now. Everything goes either north or south of us. (Cokato Mn.) You must have caught the lower end of that storm that hit Duluth. Hope you get more next week, Gary.
Missed the Duluth rain, went just north of me. This one came from more south and we were on the north end of it. Just south of me they got 2

Glad you got at least a decent amount.

We had been real dry down here in the tropical part of MN too... Then in the last week and half we got two really good rains. Of course that happened while a crew was trying to install our new septic system... so it caused delays but that was OK , as we had really needed the rain.

The two things I truly love about renting-out our land: 1.) the rent check in the spring, and 2.) no stress about the weather anymore. :)
I shooed it out of my yard about 2:00 this morning. It had dropped 2/10th and I didnt want get swamped.
We got 2.3 inches at our tree farm on the CA border, we really needed it. The surrounding area didn't get that much, but we did, I had it in 2 different gauges. Baudette and International Falls each got less than 1/2 inch.
We got 2.3 inches at our tree farm on the CA border, we really needed it. The surrounding area didn't get that much, but we did, I had it in 2 different gauges. Baudette and International Falls each got less than 1/2 inch.
We have had a extremely wet July. Not complaining but the first cut hay that wasnt cut is dead on the stalk in the fields. Tough business you are in.

Earlier they would not shut the faucet off and then couldn't get a rain to save the garden. Now they can't shut the faucet off again. Got a small spot that got the wheat done now need a week to get the going old second cutting done. Then it can do what it wants for a while.

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