More liquid cancer


Well-known Member
Bought used rims to put the new 11l15 tri ribs on the 3020



If you weren't so far from me I would have rims that weren't like that. Just brought one in with nice rims. No calcium in the front but yes in the rear.
Ford 2000; 3 cyl. diesel; 8/2 trans.....just curious, could you put a rubber patch over the heavily pitted area and then put a tube in the tire to get more use out of the rim?
I wire wheel the rust off then spray paint the inside of the rim using multiple coats on pitted areas making it smooth so not to puncture the tube .always worked for me
If it were me, I would clean it real good, and spread a coat of JB weld over the whole thing. I don't think it's a structural issue around the stem hole. If it was on the rim edge maybe a problem. Stan
Apparently you have not had wheels that set outside for several years. I've seen that happen to wheels without any chloride in them from just the rain water getting in the stem hole and not being able to dry out well. It will do it both flat and inflated.
I'd just weld up the deepest pitted spots and grind them down smooth and run em.

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