The saying of what go around comes around

Buckeye Oliver collector

Well-known Member
I think this will ring true once again. Neighbor was out cutting lawn at 9 AM this morning but it all works out. I'll be out there at 2 AM over the weekend. We get along well, never talk to each other!
Whats wrong with cutting at 2 AM? Hint: both times interrupt peoples sleeping time (He works first shift, I work
second). Now someone will come on and say two wrongs do not make a right. So be it.
(quoted from post at 08:10:33 04/28/21) I think this will ring true once again. Neighbor was out cutting lawn at 9 AM this morning but it all works out. I'll be out there at 2 AM over the weekend. We get along well, never talk to each other!

Uh, maybe you should try talking to him. 9am is a normal time to be up and about working. He may not realize he is disturbing you. Just a thought.
Didn't work, last time I did that he said get the hell off my property and that I was not allowed to come back, which
is interesting because there are no signs that say no trespassing, no solicitors, etc.....but I'm not taking chances
with it.
Cutting the grass at 9 am would be reasonable in my area, especially in the middle of summer. The same at 2 am would attract the police even if no one complained. Why flag yourself as That guy.
Neighbor had kids that would party loud and shoot of fireworks all hours of the night. County has no noise ordnance, so I decide to chisel plow at 3 am on a weekday with the 4520 and straight pipe. That was the end of the loud music.
9am is not unreasonable. People do that all the time. I also see the lawn service people out mowing that early too. That gos with living in the city or with close neighbors. Just one of the many reasons I live out in the country without any close neighbors.
I get along with most of my neighbors. The ones I don't I just don't renew their contracts.
Being a landlord has some advantages.
Don't have plans to sell properties next to me.
Okay, so he cuts at 9am. Then you cut at 2am. Where can it go from there? Who makes the next move and what can that move be?
well if your working nights and sleeping in daytime its all on you to get your sleep. you wont be making new rules. i have done shift work for a lot of years. and if it was good neighbors they would take this into consideration if they knew your times. hang a sign on the fence ... caution im sleeping, mow at your own risk ! LOL.
When I worked third shift I slept from 8 AM until afternoon. I never expected my neighbors to not cut their grass or change their lives in any way. We seem to be shifting to a thought process that believes the minority gets to dictate to the majority. No matter how I argue your position with myself, it still comes up unreasonable. Run a fan in your worked for me.
I am good on 3 sides. There are 3 houses on one side of me and they are all great neighbors. The bad ones moved about 8 years ago
If you work second shift (3pm to midnight?) don't you still have eight hours between 1 am and 9 am to get a good nights sleep? If you are new to shift work, talk to other people on your shift to find out did to adjust, most people have to make more adjustments than they first expected.

Shift work is definitely not for everyone, and it is not your neighbor's fault that you took that job. If all else fails, you may need to find a different job on first shift.
The world doesn't revolve around you and your watch. I sympathize because I get up at 1am to go to work. Neighbors run up and down the road at all times of the night with side by sides that apparently weren't equipped with mufflers. Motorcycles run by all the time with radios blaring so loud you can't hear the motorcycle running. I'm sure my neighbors don't appreciate me going out at 2am on my little open tractor hauling hay to beat the heat of the day. I doubt they understand why in the comfort of their fancy new cab tractors. I can tell you for certain though, no one better come on to my property and tell me what I can or can't do and what time I can do it. I'll tell them exactly where they can go.
What did the neighbor say when you went and explained you work schedule?

And as far as telling the cops to get off your property at 2am, the great and very wise Ron White once said I don't know how many cops it would take to arrest me, but I know how many they were going to use .
I appreciate my good neighbors. They are all good, with some even better than good.
24 hours in a day, If you work 8 yours and sleep 8 hours that leaves 8 hours to play. Some of my sleep time and all my play time is going somewhere, If you get it figured out maybe it will help me find it,
Friends wife was sick in bed,his neighbors dog was on a dog run between their two properties and barked incessantly.he explained to the neighbor about his wife needing rest and asked him to simply relocate the dog on the other side of his house.the neighbor said he wouldnt do it.OK his sick wife stayed over at her sisters a few days while my buddy ran his airboat on the trailer when he knew his neighbor usually slept.guess what the neighbor moved his dog! If youve ever been around an airboat you know theres no drowning out the noise with anything!
The egg rendering plant is to our north. The pig farm to the west. The turkey farm to the south. And our heavy snow comes from the east. Cant win them all. Oh well, at least We dont live in town! Now if I could just get those darn Robbins to sleep in past 5:30....
We mow when we can here. Fire season has already started and tall dry grass certainly would'nt help. I try to mow after a rain or when fire danger is down. It wont belong and we wont be able to run power equipment after 10 am.
Look at it this way Bucky, it could be worse. My neighbor hardly ever cuts his grass, the place looks like a dump. I'd welcome him to cut it at 2 AM if he wanted. You've had a bad run, football team, basketball team, president .... all down the road .... LOL !!!
Reminds me of the time I had to fire up the Detroit with straight pipe at 5:30 am. got a couple of comments from neighbors from that one! I felt kind of bad about till another neighbor had feed grinder in first thing in the morning with a Detroit powered outfit running wide open for hr or so! The way I look at it is thats why they make ear plugs.
I have planes come over my house to land at the airport day and night about 3 miles or so straight across as the plane flies,no big deal hardly notice most times.
1/4 mile sounds like a lot but in the country sounds really carry. There is someone 1/2 mile from me that plays loud music until well after midnight which is loud enough you can make out what songs they are playing without going outdoors. He's in an area where he has about a dozen neighbors. It's a wonder someone hasn't blown the electric meter off his house.
I saw a guy mowing his lawn, right next to a church (10 ft.) was holding a service at 10 AM on a Sunday morning. The church was there when this guy bought the house. Yes he has a right to do it. Shows what kind of a person he is. Class or no class?
That would bother me too if I was trying to sleep. Once again I'm reminded how lucky I am to live out in the sticks with no close neighbours to complain about anything I do.
Things like that is why I am happy to live in an area where my nearest neighbor that live there is almost a mile away unless you walk and then there a 1/4 mile and up a hill and threw lot of trees
It just amazes me sometimes how people can't deal with an occasional, temporary inconvenience like the other guy mowing his lawn for an hour or two once a week, so much so that they demand that the other guy inconvenience themselves continuously and permanently.
My nuts so neighbor lady cuts her lawn at 2 am. So, consider yourself lucky. I live in the country with little traffic,, so if You call the cops she sees the headlights and shuts down and hides. She did move to 10 pm sometimes which is curfew time so maybe they got to her.
You've never actually worked second shift, have you? Going to sleep at 1 am is like telling someone on first shift to go to sleep at 6 pm. Do you think that happens much? I usually get to sleep between 2 am and 4 am. And no, I'm not switching to first shift. Many of the people that work first at my work are total a-holes and I don't work well around those types.

I have always wondered why they put headlights on riding mowers. I always pop the bulbs out of any mower I owned.

Will have to see this year on this topic....

The neighbor on one side of me was one of those folks who mows their yard 2-3 times a week whether it needs it or not. Drives like a snail with a bagger and goes over it at different angles. Yard is less than 1/2 the size of mine but take 2x as long... No big deal usually but sometimes they'd do it before 9am on a Sunday morning.

That seems a little rude to disturb the peace at that time.

Well, I found out recently they sold and moved (I never saw a for sale sign) and I got a new neighbor. Will be interesting to see what happens there.

I would never start mowing or weed whacking before 11am no matter what day of the week living in town.
(quoted from post at 12:49:25 04/30/21) You've never actually worked second shift, have you? Going to sleep at 1 am is like telling someone on first shift to go to sleep at 6 pm. Do you think that happens much? I usually get to sleep between 2 am and 4 am. And no, I'm not switching to first shift.[b:783d313bbe] Many of the people that work first at my work are total a-holes [/b:783d313bbe]and I don't work well around those types.


That line says a lot.

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