Anybody else like an egg


Well-known Member
On the top of a hamburger with cheese ? I just got in from
moving snow for a few neighbors and time for a warm supper

Sure! Iv tried that before, its great, i have to load up on hens this spring, i had 20 great layers, was selling eggs like crazy, then july 4th a weasel found its way in, wiped out 16 hens, so only 4 layers right now and no egg sales, but enough eggs for myself for the winter.
By the way i fixed the little holes it got in and tried to trap the sob but have not got it yet. I let other chickens free range 16 years ago, then things got bad, i lock them in sob still finds a way in to there coop! Cant win
They never gave me problems, until last year, i read they can get threw a hole the size of a quarter? I read they dont look for chickens, but prey leads them to it, and they kill for sport. Thats how i figure its a weasel, only something that small could get in and kill like that
I once had a cat that killed weasels. She had the remainder of 3 in about a weeks time on the floor in the barn. That was a great cat.
Our cat did the same thing ,we figured she wiped out a nest of them. She brought one in the house to show it off to us, that is when I learned they have sent glands that are quite unpleasant. She also brought a live one home and set it down on the ground, Tony our Jack Russell terrier made quick work of it, I never saw him attack so fast. This all took place in just a few days and haven't seen a Weasel since.
I like cackle berries on a kid it was nothing to scramble up a dozen at a time. Playing sports and lifting weights, I would drink 6 raw with milk a couple times a day. We always had an unlimited supply of fresh eggs.
I understand 1" chicken wire will stop weasels. I use 1”x2" welded. Coon got most of mine. I will get more iñ spring, Also more in June so they start làying àt Thanksgiving time in order to have eggs through next winter.
I like to fry the egg over easy and put it in tge burger with cheese, pickles and ketchup. It's messy but so good. You ever scramble eggs with peas and carrots? Thats good too! We have so many eggs here i like to experiment with them, duck and turkey eggs make the best omelets.
Us I it was possums,we had a rat terrier that would kill one every few would drag it in the yard to show us I guess.over time he killed 39 of them all dragged into our yard
I don't have chickens, so I leave a weasel alone. They clean out all the mice the cats cant get to, then move on.
Big brown male mink got in my pen couple years ago. I couln not trap it. I showed my female lab his entry hole and did some pawing and scratching in it Then left her there. Next morning he was lying quite stiff on the front step.
I was some restaurant a few days ago, can't remember where.
They were advertising a "breakfast burger'.
Burger in a sliced donut with a fried egg and cheese.
Even tho I like all those items, somehow all together
wasn't appetizing to me.

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