It happened again

flying belgian

Well-known Member
I'm making a new recipe of cherry bars. Wife has a fit every time I taste some dough with raw egg in it. Says it's going to kill me. I always answer the same. I'm still here ain't I?
I have 4 cousins about the same age as me. When we were young and over at Grandma's we were always daring each other to do things. One of those things was eating raw eggs. So I've eaten many. If I'm dead tomorrow, I doubt it will be because I ate a spoonful of raw dough today.
It would be interesting to list all those bad things that end up in a farm boy’s mouth. Out in Rocks and Cows country it doesn’t surprise us, but if that list were presented to a 612er they might get a bit green at the gills.
Your post, plus the fact that I watched Hogan's Heros last night, reminded me of our neighbor who was shot down over Germany. He bailed out and was captured and subsequently he and a buddy escaped from a prisoner of war camp. Traveling at night, sleeping in haystacks during the day, one great source of food was to steal raw eggs from henhouses. Another was to drink fresh milk directly from a cow. Both of them were farm boys who could speak fluent german.
I like Hogan’s as well. Wife does too.

Fun thread all around. When you grow up a kid on a livestock farm, you had a lot of things pass through you.....

Yes, but they went through absolute hell trying to get the American troops to believe they were Americans. The Germans had been infiltrating American lines wearing American uniforms. That was the worst treatment they experienced during their entire prisoner of war experience. They said they had a pretty good time in the camp. Played softball, touch football. Had some guys go to the hospital after being injured playing games. But, they were all airmen. Herman Goring, the Reichsmarshal, an airman himself, had decreed that enemy airmen would receive better treatment than enemy ground troops.

When I was a kid, homemade ice cream contained raw milk and raw eggs, and the ice was chopped out of either the pond or a stock tank. I ate my fair share of it and I am still here.
Don't forget that you were eating farm fresh food that hadn't been exposed to all kinds of handling that modern eggs and dairy products go through. You knew where everything came from and what types of exposures the products had been given. Can you say the same thing about those products today?
Oh the things i have eaten. Raw milk and eggs don't even come close. How about raw meat, balut, vegeies right out of the garden just wiped off on pants, berries out of the woods. I even ate cow poop one time not on purpose though. Cows got into fresh spring grass It was all over and trying to hook up the milkers you have to breathe sometime. We even had to pressure wash the ceiling.
While we are on the subject of Hogan's Heroes, here is an interesting fact:

The actors that played the German officers were mostly Jewish. Werner Klemperer, Leon Askin, and Howard Caine were all Jewish. They played Colonel Klink, General Burkhalter, and Major Hochstetter.

As to raw eggs, raw milk, and the like, the real danger is from food-borne pathogens like Salmonella, Giardia, E. Coli, and botulin toxin. From most well kept farms, the danger is minimal. But, once you start buying eggs, raw milk, and meat from the local grocery store, do you have faith that everything came from wholesome and disease free places?

Regarding raw eggs in ice cream, the cold temperatures needed to freeze the cream mixture into ice cream is usually enough to disable any pathogens.

Another side note. One of the items used to induce vomiting is raw egg whites. Right up there with syrup of ipecac.
Once or twice a year one of the ice cream plants in western MN and Iowa will still have a product recall after someone failed to properly clean out a semi tanker between loads of liquid eggs.
(quoted from post at 19:26:14 10/22/20) You can see who the mask wearing crowd is can t you?

I ABSOLUTELY agree with you, SV, anyone who has ever taken care of farm animals has ingested sh*t and most likely survived.

Been there, done that!

"Stuff" splatters! Sometimes on your face!
I made mayonnaise from raw eggs from my hens, daughter and i ate it, were still breathing, and without masks!
(quoted from post at 20:13:22 10/22/20)
(quoted from post at 19:26:14 10/22/20) You can see who the mask wearing crowd is can t you?

I ABSOLUTELY agree with you, SV, anyone who has ever taken care of farm animals has ingested sh*t and most likely survived.

Been there, done that!

"Stuff" splatters! Sometimes on your face!

Yes, just as you can see who the crowd is that equates an easily-avoidable one-in-a-million chance to certain death.

Not every egg has salmonella. Not every salmonella-tainted egg will get someone sick. Not every person that gets sick will die.

HOWEVER, if you can turn that one-in-a-million chance into a ZERO-in-a-million chance, why wouldn't you?

What is the "thrill" of eating a raw egg of unknown provenance? Do they punch your man card? After seven punches do you get a free coffee at Tim Hortons?

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