Need all the prayers we can get

YT friends,
I have been an occasional poster and longtime user of this forum. I know we have all had concerns that needed prayer. To day I need
prayers for my wife, (and myself). In Aug 2014 she was diagnosed with brain cancer (CNS lymphoma). She had surgery and chemo and by
spring of 2015 there was no evidence of cancer. In spring of 2016 it returned and she had chemo and whole brain radiation and it once
again disappeared. An MRI in May of this year showed an area of concern, A PET scan in June revealed it was cancer a biopsy was done in
July to get a genomic analysis and in Sept immunotheapy infusions began. She became extremely weak and ended up in the hospital in early
October and was discharged to a skilled nursing and rehab. She resumes her immunotherapy this week. I need nothing but your prayers for
her recovery. We have been married for almost 48 years and never been apart for more than a few days. Now with nnalert 19 I can not visit
her and it is the hardest thing I can imagine. We have very good health insurance, financially ok, and have help of family and friends..
All we need are more prayers. Thank you.
May the Lord Jesus guide the hands of the skilled doctors and nurses so that your wife returns to good health. May HE give YOU peace of mind and help fight the fight needed to cure this brain cancer forever so that you both can return to your life as it was before the years of her cancer. Wingnut
Prayers sent for you both. Have a lady at church that has had brain cancer for 6 or 7 years-- has 5 kids teenager to 7 years old. She beats the cancer down with help from good doctors and it keeps coming back. Just hang in there and don't ever give up--NEVER!!! Gary.
Phil you brought a tear to my eye. She and you have already been down a such a rough road and now this. I pray she can be healed and you can be together again. Jim
Will add prayers too. I've had a somewhat similar experience. My wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer's eight years ago. She went into memory care four years ago. When nnalert hit in March I wasn't able visit and see her anymore. She had a fall in July and passed August 20 after 56 years of marriage.
Positive communication, love and tenderness can assist the healing. Build on your faith in the future, and may the spirit be with you both. Jim
Thanks all. Prayers worked before along with the medical attention. The first time she had chemo about 1/2 way through a sense of peace and assurance came over me and I knew she was going to be ok then. I knew that God was with us and guiding her care so I am praying for that again. His mercy is never ending and His will will be done.
I will pray for you and your wife. She sounds like a very brave women and my heart goes out to Her and you God bless.
Prayers sent.

Has to be so hard not being able to visit.

God bless and comfort both of you.

James 5:14-15

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up.
I read your post and the Lord and I talked, God knows your situation and will intervene in his time. Know that your wife and you are loved and protected by our God. Jesus Christ saved us when he went to the cross, He that believeth in him shall not perrish but will have everlasting life. AMEN

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