Ruh roh pup and I in the dog house.

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Decided on his name by the way, he's going to be Abe. Not that that will help matters much. Last night he chewed up one of moms knick knacks on the deck and a grand daughters doll. Guess he's going to need a chew toy. He also got a bit rough with one of the other dogs yesterday. Hope this passes soon. We have been very lucky to not have any destructive dogs in the past so mom is not happy today. The doll should have been put away, but the other thing is clay and weird that he would chew that. Oh well, we'll work with him and get past this I'm sure.
we have a new dachshund pup called PITA for [pain in the as-] has eaten just about everything it can reach but we have a 11 year old that never did anything wrong as a pup. as of this morning she has got 11 cel phone cords
Proceed with care and patience with the new dog. Be aware that he is not a puppy and is an adult. Keep a good perspective on priorities. Grandchild and wife first, established pets second, and Abe third. Sometimes there is a sound reason for a dog to be “given up”?
Usually yes, but our last three never chewed anything. We were spoiled. And he did choose the granddaughters favorite doll and moms new home made gift from a friend. Would have been better to chew the bumper off the car. Lol.
We have a three month old Boston Terrier that we bought when she was 6 weeks old. She chews anything and everything she gets near. She's primarily a house dog (she now weighs 5 1/2 pounds). We've had Bostons before. They have all chewed but this one is chewier than any of the previous ones.

Did you ever learn the little children's saying:

"There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good, she was very, very good,
But when she was bad, she was horrid."

That's our Millie Lou.

Tom in TN
How about the drivers fender...?
My Dad, who was a good animal trainer (dogs, horses, cattle, etc.) always claimed that to be able to train animals, you have too be smarter than they are. I really never understood that, I guess, because I never had any luck getting my cats to do what I wanted them to do.
My BC loves things to chew on.

I do kennel her at night in garage, she goes right in and is calm.
Jon F mn,

If there ever was an unruly dog, I inherited it. It took some doing. I gave my wife a few months to get him squared aaway. Believe it or not, simple daily routine and never-wavering repetition and small treats when he responded worked.

That little snipping antisocial mutt became one fine dog.

(I hate dogs that bite).

Hang in there,

Several years ago, I aanswered an AD to 'rehome' a young Rott. They said his name was Chewy. Said, He had chewed up everthing.. We took him home and found he was over that stage. Was a great family dog.
Several years ago, I answered an AD to 'rehome' a young Rott. They said his name was Chewy. Said, He had chewed up everthing.. We took him home and found he was over that stage. Was a great family dog.
Remember Jon, Abe wants to be with you, so while he is waiting for you to reappear, he busys himself with chewing. Was he a chewer when with your daughters friend?? Patience and training will solve your problem. Hope Momma has plenty of patience. Remember you really need to catch him in the act of chewing to punished/correct him. your gonna have to "set him up" so you can reinforce the rules are the same whether he can see you or not. good luck. You seem to be able to accomplish whatever you set your mind to, this willbe no different. gobble
I'm thinking the dog may have been an indoor dog that was constantly glued to someone's side. That's the way my dog is now. He started off life half feril & beaten. Took quite some time & loooooooooooots of patience to make something of him. Now he's a good dog. Listens 95% of the time. Stopped running off & doing dumb s*** like going into the neighbors yard. On a nice day, just this past April, he opted to act out. In the couple years I've had him, that just seems to be his thing. He was cooped up all winter & was squirrely in the nice weather. So he acted out the one day, that earned him a half hour lockdown in the bathroom of the camper. The next day he acted up & ran off, it was an hour. Day three, he ran next door to great the UPS man. I called him back with no problem.... except he peed on the neighbors parcel. Got scolded for that. The mail truck was on it's way down the road & the dog decided to greet it by the mail box by running in front of it. Fortunately the driver was just coming to a stop & didn't hit the dog. That was the last straw. Two hours in the hoosegow!!! Figured, well I have some time now. Going to go in the basement quick to assemble a boxcar. Came back up with 15 minutes to spare & the mutt chewed up the wall!!! I was so ------ I couldn't get mad. Just sputtered as the dog slinked by me & out the door. I did not whoop him, didn't even scold. That dog has a new set of ears since. Won't even think of sneaking off when my sister takes him out. It only cost me a $500 deductible, but he pays attention now. We'll see how he acts next Spring.


(quoted from post at 19:54:16 08/23/20) I'm thinking the dog may have been an indoor dog that was constantly glued to someone's side. That's the way my dog is now. He started off life half feril & beaten. Took quite some time & loooooooooooots of patience to make something of him. Now he's a good dog. Listens 95% of the time. Stopped running off & doing dumb s*** like going into the neighbors yard. On a nice day, just this past April, he opted to act out. In the couple years I've had him, that just seems to be his thing. He was cooped up all winter & was squirrely in the nice weather. So he acted out the one day, that earned him a half hour lockdown in the bathroom of the camper. The next day he acted up & ran off, it was an hour. Day three, he ran next door to great the UPS man. I called him back with no problem.... except he peed on the neighbors parcel. Got scolded for that. The mail truck was on it's way down the road & the dog decided to greet it by the mail box by running in front of it. Fortunately the driver was just coming to a stop & didn't hit the dog. That was the last straw. Two hours in the hoosegow!!! Figured, well I have some time now. Going to go in the basement quick to assemble a boxcar. Came back up with 15 minutes to spare & the mutt chewed up the wall!!! I was so ------ I couldn't get mad. Just sputtered as the dog slinked by me & out the door. I did not whoop him, didn't even scold. That dog has a new set of ears since. Won't even think of sneaking off when my sister takes him out. It only cost me a $500 deductible, but he pays attention now. We'll see how he acts next Spring.

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