
Over the past few years the gnats have gotten worse and worse, has anyone on here found a way to keep them away? I've tried every kind of bug spray
and nothing works on them, my grandmother used to call them dog pecker gnats! I was in the field the past few evenings and there must have been 200
of them buzzing around, trying to get in your eyes and ears. It got so bad last week i had to put a bee vale on, cotton in your ears and sunglasses
help some but not near enough. There's got to be something that will work!
(quoted from post at 22:17:28 07/16/20) Over the past few years the gnats have gotten worse and worse, has anyone on here found a way to keep them away? I've tried every kind of bug spray
and nothing works on them, my grandmother used to call them dog pecker gnats! I was in the field the past few evenings and there must have been 200
of them buzzing around, trying to get in your eyes and ears. It got so bad last week i had to put a bee vale on, cotton in your ears and sunglasses
help some but not near enough. There's got to be something that will work!

Bug Soother is popular in the Iowa and Illinois, not sure where you are but you can buy at everywhere here.Works good and doesn't smell too bad either. Made in Columbus Jct, Iowa
Around here we use some vanilla flavoring for baking and put it around ears and face. Also encourage swallows to nest in open buildings they also like mosquitoes too.
There is a very strong lemon flavored spray made from lemon grass that helps some for gnats. A boy is might be less gas as well, if you believe the latest Burger King promotion.

We have moved past a thankfully short gnat season into a very tiresome mosquito flare up.


It seems once the little bugs come out and bother, the store shelves empty instantly of whatever works best, and you can’t find any. I’m often last one to the party I guess, which makes me top of the list for the bugs.

Absorbine Jr.. A few dabs on a cloth and put around your neck repels gnats and mosquitos. Get a bite; little dab on the bite stops sting quickly; it works...
Mix Listerine(The yellow kind) and vanilla flavoring in equal amounts.
It doesn't have to be the expensive vanilla imitation will do.
It always works for me.

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