Heart Cath Follow Up


No blockages found. They are scheduling a cardiac ablation in a few days to correct the irregular heart beat. Good news, the bad is that the garden is loaded down and no way the wife can keep up with it. He told me to stay away from it until he gets the heart beat straightened out.
I dont know which is the worse, Blockage or irregular heart beat, i had mine worked on also in 2017, I wish you the very best !!
I've had two ablations. It helped a lot. I don't have to run to emergency anymore to have to paddles put on me. Really never thought that was much fun. I still do have an irregular heart beat. They said that I will have to live with that.
I have A-Flutter, heart beat is irregular 95% of the time. Have had a Pace Maker for 5 years, made a world of difference. Having a aortic valve replaced tomorrow. Using bovine tissue, I'll get emotional every time I see a cow!

Worst part of A-Fib or Flutter is taking a blood thinner forever. I was hoping I would be included in a Cleveland Clinic study that puts in a WATCHMAN when they replace the valve. Blind study, so it's a lottery and I didn't win. After procedure you take a baby aspirin forever.

I have afib that comes and goes. I can't tell when I get it, so do not want an ablation, too radical. I take warfarin blood thinner. Self test and report weekly, no problems with that.
Miss V had the ablation done about 20 years ago.
When they put her under, the flutter would stop.
So they had to do it while she was awake.
She felt everything they did and had to lay still.
When the Doc finished, he said "WHEW".
My wife said "You got that right".
Any neighbor close by or a kid needing some work? Loss of garden might be more expensive than a few bucks to an industrious kid. I have my 17 year old granddaughter come help me once or twice a week. She even built a firepit for me.

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