Started carrying

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A knife that is. I was going through my brothers things a month ago and found a fairly good knife, I need to use a knife about every day. I was always looking for something to cut with. Usually ended up with a cheep china box cutter, that fell apart. Since it was my brothers it's kind of a special knife to me. Might find a holder and attach it to my belt. how many of you carry a knife? Stan
I carry a Milwaukee folding razor knife. It fits in my pocket and when its dull just get a new blade and if I loose it I am only out 10 bucks.
I have carried an OLD TIMER" knife for a lot of years. If my pants are on I have the knife. It really holds a keen blade also. I don't leave the house with out it.
I carry (in the university) a Colonial band 3 blade Barlow pattern. One is a carpet blade, one screwdriverish thing, and one very sharo center blade. Probably 1953 to 55 vintage. Nice steel. Jim
I like Swiss Army knives, have a few of them, from real small for dress cloths to a bigger one for working, also carry an electricians knife sometimes. Every pair of pants has a different knife in it!
(quoted from post at 22:31:21 07/02/20) A knife that is. I was going through my brothers things a month ago and found a fairly good knife, I need to use a knife about every day. I was always looking for something to cut with. Usually ended up with a cheep china box cutter, that fell apart. Since it was my brothers it's kind of a special knife to me. Might find a holder and attach it to my belt. how many of you carry a knife? Stan
irtually never without one
I carry a buck stockman. Used to carry a leatherman wave religiously but I was having a lot of sciatic nerve pain and it seems to help when I don’t have it hanging off my hip. It was also around the time my job switch from mostly labor to mostly management so I had a lot less need for the pliers. It also keeps me from breaking them. At one time I sent 7 pairs of pliers to be repaired and they repaired or replaced every set. No questions asked
I've carried one of these since my 20's.

First one was a gift from a friend.

I'm probably on number 4 now I think, lost a couple, broke one. One I carried until all the embossing on the handle was worn slick!

Nothing fancy or special, but very handy without being bulky.
Just one???? Dad gave me my first real knife at age 8, it was a small 3 blade stockman.

Since then I have at least one with me at all times. I have since started packing a gerber made multitool and a large folding clip knife in my back left pocket.I use to hang em on my hip but had sciatic problems. There is always a US made Bear and Sons 247R 3 blade stockman in my front pants pocket..
Have carried a knife most of my life. Sometimes a 2-blade Old Timer in sheath, sometimes a smaller Uncle Henry, and sometimes my Buck 425. Also carry a multi-tool sometimes but not very often. All blades kept sharp, but not quite sharp enough to shave with.
I don't understand why any man would not have a knife with him at all times. I carry a Case Muskrat in my pocket and a Buck 110 on my belt at all times. I use one or the other almost daily. There is a knife or multitool in every vehicle I own. I have seen videos of people needing a knife to cut a seat belt. free a whale or Dolphin from a net or rope , free a deer or elk caught on a basketball net, trampoline net, etc. and no one has a knife.. I few years ago Wallyworld had 5 Buck 110 anniversary knives in the special tin on sale for $17.00. I bought them all. One I sent to my son in Afganistan, one I gifted and I carry one now when I used the 110 I had at the time and left it on the bumper of my truck.
I have carried a knife for as long as I can remember. I have put my knife in my pajamas pocket to make me feel complete. If I have a pocket I will have my knife.
I have had a knife since I was in Boy Scouts. We all had Swish Army knives. I still have a few of them and just gave one to a couple of Grand Daughters that have been with us since the nnalert thing started.
When I went to work I got a Leatherman and have had one on my belt ever since. I have had a few problems caused by abuse but the warranty either repaired or replaced the knife.
Old German dairy farmer near us had three rules for his hired men. They must be able to eat three big meals a day and carry a pocket watch and a jackknife.
I’ve carried the same 3 bladed folding pocket knife for as long as I can remember!! Most of the time it’s so dual it couldn’t cut soft butter, probably because it’s scrapped more gaskets, mud, grease and etc then any scrapper I have ever owned!!! It goes where I go, just wouldn’t feel dressed if ever tried to walk out of the house without it!!!!
I don’t carry a knife all the time. I have had various knives over the years. Swiss Army, Old Timer , and China junk. All wear out, none hold a decent edge for long if you use them much. So when I do carry a knife, it is a wooden handle tile knife with a hooked blade. It slides into the rule pocket on the leg of my bib overalls. Never lost one, and never been injured by carrying the knife this way. Long enough handle to give some leverage while cutting net off of big round bales. And when it gets dull, a quick trip to the bench grinder will bring to back. Cheap to buy, and I also drill a hole in the handle so I can put a cord on the handle, and I can hang a knife on a hook in the barn. Or on a convenient place on the tractor that bales the hay, or is used to feed bales outside. Pocket knives are for kids
The cell phone has been replaced with a smart phone, but on my belt every day.
There is always a pocket knife a 3' tape, 4" crescent wrench and an ink pen in my bib right front pocket and my inhaler in the left one, a red handkerchief in right rear and my chewing tobacco in the rear ones with wallet in bib pocket. Been that way for a long time
Have carried one since third grade when my mother ordered me one from Sears. I have lost several over the years, but my Uncle Henry is now about thirty years old and always with me.
An American made kershaw, one hand operation, very sharp and serrations for cutting rope, clipped into my side pocket. Tape measure on belt and something else around my ankle
I've carried a jacknife since I was about seven. Still have my first one in my dresser drawer, a Camp King. If I'm dressed, I have a knife in my pocket. If I'm in work clothes there's a 4" adjustable wrench in my pocket also.
Worn out two or three small, 2 blade CaseXX or XXX. Goes in my pocket before truck keys. Working there is a razorknife in the other side pocket. Never more than a step or two from one in the house or shop.
(quoted from post at 23:31:21 07/02/20) A knife that is. I was going through my brothers things a month ago and found a fairly good knife, I need to use a knife about every day. I was always looking for something to cut with. Usually ended up with a cheep china box cutter, that fell apart. Since it was my brothers it's kind of a special knife to me. Might find a holder and attach it to my belt. how many of you carry a knife? Stan
I am a little silly with knives. I normally carry 2 Case XX at all times. One is a 3 blade 3-1/2 inch and the other is a 4 blade 3-1/2 inch that was an aniversary present. If I am working outside, I also carry a Shrade 4-1/2 lockback in a belt holster in case anything heavy comes up. When I go to the back fields I also carry a Taurus PT-1911 in 45 ACP in an Uncle Mikes clip on belt hoster with 2 additional clips. We have a terrible cyote problem in my area. A neighbor was attacked by a band of 7 while plowing one of his fields. He now carries a 30.06 in a hard scabbard mounted on a fender. They have bred with strat dogs and have no fear of people. Population has boomed in the past 5 years as the local kids have grown up and no one hunts them anymore. One of the hazards of living close to rural river bottoms filled with brush.
I usually carry 3 knives,a craftsmen utility,husky multitool,and a 4 inch buck knife in holster.i lost the multitool in a pasture,and i have tried electrition multitools and a leatherman but nothing has been near as good as my husky was..i miss that little feller.
I have had a knife in my pocket since grade school. Knife in my pocket and a pliers on my belt since high school, except until 3 weeks ago when i lost 2 fingers in a table saw accident. Hard to open the blade on a pocket knife now, but i WILL do it soon. Gary.
(quoted from post at 08:59:52 07/03/20) I have had a knife in my pocket since grade school. Knife in my pocket and a pliers on my belt since high school, except until 3 weeks ago when i lost 2 fingers in a table saw accident. Hard to open the blade on a pocket knife now, but i WILL do it soon. Gary.

Sorry to hear of your accident. I hope you heal rapidly without too much discomfort. Will keep you in our prayers.
(quoted from post at 08:59:52 07/03/20) I have had a knife in my pocket since grade school. Knife in my pocket and a pliers on my belt since high school, except until 3 weeks ago when i lost 2 fingers in a table saw accident. Hard to open the blade on a pocket knife now, but i WILL do it soon. Gary.

Sorry to hear of your accident. I hope you heal rapidly without too much discomfort. Will keep you in our prayers.

Have carried a leather man since the Super Tool came on the market in 1994.
Needed a new holster and it was a little too large . Added a LED flashlight and a box lighter . Had to reverse one of the batteries in the flashlight as it was always getting bumped on and running the batteries flat .
I got my first pocket knife at age 4, and I have carried a folding pocket knife ever since. I'll bet I use a knife 20 times a day for cutting, scraping, etc. I still have that first pocket knife, plus maybe 80 to 100 others I've accumulated over the decades. I'm not a knife collector, I just like ordinary pocket knives.
Had a watermelon feed on the town square when I was about 7years old. Seen them old timers cut off a chunk and stab it with there pocketknife. How neat. Never been with out a pocketknife since.
I always carry a pocket knife. Like you, some years ago I had to do some work in a USPS. I had to take knife back to my truck.
I am a retired truck mechanic. In my early years at work, I carried a pocket knife, but would lose them on/under a truck. Then I left my knife in my street clothes and kept a pocket screwdriver in my work uniform, and a razor knife in my tool box. I actually feel naked doing mechanical without that pocket screwdriver. And it saves a lot of trips back to the tool box! I still lost them occasionally, but the tool man would usually hand out free ones. Now a days, I still keep the pocket knife on me, but I still lose one now and again-leave it on or under a baler, or some other piece of equipment. And I still reach for a pocket screwdriver when I am fixing things at times. Another thing I like to carry is a small pocket size flashlight-old eyes! Mark.
Now you belong to a special club. I always notice when someone else is missing a digit or two. Not long after I lost one, I met a guy who was missing four on one hand. He had been a barge hand and got his pinched off with a tie off rope. I asked him if they still hurt and he proceeded to pound them on a chunk of steel and said, nope, they get tough like anything else. Mine got tough too, and I hardly know it's gone. When doctor was working on mine I asked him if I would be handicapped, and he said "only if you want to be."
I have planted so many knives in my garden that they should be coming up like the weeds. The way I abuse a knife, it would be a sin for me to carry a good one. When I get a good one as a gift, I think of how I'll feel when I loose it.
I carry a Swiss army tinker mostly for the screwdrivers. As blades are not too good so I have a small old timer for cutting.
I always had an assortment of the sorriest knives you ever saw- busted, chipped or missing blades, half the handle missing, etc. So a couple of years ago I got myself a nice Case pocket knife for Christmas, and haven't managed to lose it yet.
I have always carried a pocket knife. These pocket knives I have found out to be handy. I took on leather work after high school because I needed stuff made for tools. I had many older cars that needed tools to be in cars. Making tool punches for keeping tools together in trucks of Mustangs and cougars. Pocket knives where great as long as you kept them in your pocket other than that you could lose one. I started making leather punches for my belt because out fishing the problem was getting it out of the pocket while your hands where wet. In my older age I know have tied a string to one that is in my fishing bag so it can be pulled out when needed. I use them all the time when I caught those small fish that insist that they to are like the big ones.
Rossow ..... 365 x 20 = over 7000 times in a year .... that is a LOT of scraping and cutting! You're not a surgeon I hope ..... ha !!! I carry a small 2" Gerber pocket knife. Years back I went to a courthouse to see a law student get sworn into the bar. I had to turn my pocket knife in at the front entrance. When I came back to get it after the ceremony, they told me they are all tossed out and could not be returned. Had they told me that in the first place I would have taken it back outside and hidden it somewhere in a plant pot or some such place. I wasn't too happy, it was a nice little knife.
I've carried a little folding knife as long as I can remember. It's more of an all purpose kind of thing- digger/scraper/screwdriver- than it is a knife.
Sorry to hear you’re missing pieces. I think stiletto knives are legal in some states. Pops open with a push button. Either folding out or ejecting out. I have a couple. Might be easier for you. Hope they heal fast for you.
Oliverguy mentioned the Kershaw for one-handed opening and there are lots of others designed with that feature. I'm pretty sure the number of amputees from the Civil War created the demand for one-handed knives. The spring-loaded "switch-blade" is one way to do it, but they are not legal in all jurisdictions. And anyway, most of them are poorly made. There is a blade-shape designed for one-handed use. Rather than tapering the top of the blade to a point, the blade ends with a hump that stands above the grip when the blade is folded. The hump can be engaged on anything, the seam on your pants leg is the handiest, and used to open the blade.
I was given a knife by the swede high voltage splicers I worked with . It is called Morakniv . They said it was a five dollar knife .I figured it would retail for about fifty bucks US . Cheap plastic sheath the blade locks into and plastic handle with the best piece of stainless blade. Actually they gave me two and I sold one on eBay.
I don't leave the house without my Gerber spring assisted 3 inch blade folder clipped the the back edge of my right front pocket.
I've carried a pocket knife pretty much as long as I can remember. Somebody who worked for my dad gave me a knife with one broken blade when I was five. He told me he broke it fighting a bear, and of course I believed him. I bought my first stainless steel Case pocket knife from Jax Surplus in Ft. Collins when I was in college. It cost something like 23 bucks, about a week and a half of my budget as a college student. I carried that knife for another twenty years before I lost it; I still prefer Case knives above all others.

A couple of years ago I picked up a older Leatherman tool at a garage sale. It was in like-new condition, except the leather holster was dried out to the point you couldn't snap it closed. I soaked the sheath in water, stretched back out, then oiled it up. I've been carrying that Leatherman ever since, and it is a wonderfully practical tool. Far better than a Swiss army knife. I still carry a Case jackknife as well, mainly because my pocket feels light if I walk out the door with a knife in it.
I've carried a three-bladed Old Timer knife for years. I have two or three spares for when I lose one. Best thing about them are the carbon steel blades, not stainless. They sharpen up to a razor edge and seem to keep their edge much longer than stainless blades. Have had over the years other stainless knives, Buck, etc. and none of them measures up to the Old Timer. Used to be around $12 but I now buy used ones off eBay occasionally for less. I probably fish the knife out of my pocket at least once a day for some task or another.
Have carried a pocket knife since about 10 years old. Last 15 or so have a pocket knife and small leatherman on me at all times. Once in a great while my pocket knife will get misplaced and its not there when I dip in my pocket, the wave of terror seems about on par with when my wife misplaces her purse.

Working an office job too you get funny looks when you pull it out lol.
not having a pocket knife you might just as well go naked NOT a pretty sight. I often have 2 in my pocket.

One exception . US Military
pilots are issued switch blades . In case
They only have one useable hand to use the knife with .
My 2 brothers and I always said you could throw us in a ditch when we died, just make sure we had a knife in our pocket. My middle brother died of cancer and when we went to the family viewing at the funeral home I asked the director if they had put a knife if his pocket. He looked at me kind of funny and said no, they hadn't. I took mu old timer out of my pocket and told him to make sure he put it in my brothers pocket. That is the best knife he ever had, he always bought a cheap impereal because he would loose them. I figured I would just go get another one but found that it had been discontinued, the current one had sharper orners and some kind of pick in the handle and was uncomfortable in my pocket. I keep looking for one and no luck untill we went to Smokey Mountain Knife works in Pigeon Forge Tn. I went straight to the old timer section and asked for one. I told him why I wanted one and he said for me to wait. He went upstairs and came back with a box and said it was his personal knives, every time they discontinued one he put one in this box. He dug thru it and handed me one. I carry it everyday
Carried a CaseXX electricians knife for 40 years. It was so worn I had to grind the stop to get it to close, blade was loose and sloppy, wooden handles almost worn off. I finally retired it and switched to a Swiss army knife, no comparison on quality. Now I carry a Bucklite which holds a good edge or maybe I don't abuse it like my old one.

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