Weed--No tractor

big tee

Well-known Member
We have a new weed that has flourished in the pond this year--As the weather and water has warmed up it is taking over. I tried copper sulfate but it did not seem to help--I looked for help online but no luck--Anybody have any suggestions--Thanks ---Tee



We get that in one of our ponds and dad sprays it but not sure what he uses. I will ask him in the morning. I know round up will kill the weeds above the water.
Howdy Big tee,

One thing to consider is grass carp. These are fish with a voracious appetite for water plants (including algae). They are neutered to prevent unwanted reproduction. I use them in my small pond to control weed growth. Check with your local fish farm. Here in Texas we have to get a permit from the fish & game department to buy them.
I use alge cure from tsc I can spray it in the morning and by that evening it is starting to turn a brownish color that quick. Three years ago my pond did the rollover thing where the oxygen gets low and all the crud on the bottom of the pond comes to the top and kills any living fish I lost ten grass carps and hundreds of bluegill and bass I have a foundation in my pond but had it turned off for a couple days the temp outside had been in the nineties for a few days the water temperature got higher than normal depleting the oxygen long story short the alge started growing out of control two days after the fish all died.with no fish to eat all the nutrients floating around the algae will grow very fast I I restocked the pond immediately and started using the alge cure it kept it under control until the fish got to growing and eating all the nutrients in the water now I never turn off the fountain it keeps the oxygen in the pond and everything turned back to normal and the algae slowly disappeared after a couple months now there is no trace of any algae in my pond the grass carps are constantly eating keeping the pond looking beautiful
Yep, sterile grass carp cleaned my pond right up.
If they don't have enough pond weeds to eat, I have seen them plop up on the bank and grab grass and pull it back into the pond.
Richard in NW SC
KCM--That is what we have--Typed it in an a lot of info comes up--Will go from there--Thanks---Tee
We built the pond 6 years ago and stocked it the 2nd year--Our pond did the same rollover as yours did 2 years ago--killed a lot of fish but not all. It is a little over an acre-built in 2003 and we stocked it with what they recommended-cost over $1000-and have not restocked. So there are still fish in it but apparently not enough to keep up with weed growth. My Wife's family in having reunion in a month at the pond so I am leery about using too much herbicide this late--kids like to swim--now that KCM helped identify the weed we will go from there. Thanks for your info---Tee


Building the beach with hauled in sand and homemade equipment.
No we never fertilized it but we get some runoff from tillable ground. There is a 100 ft. filter strip above the pond but when you get over 4 ins. of rain in 3 hrs. like we had last week it probably does very little good. If I see the algae coming I can hit that with a little copper sulfate but it seems to have no effect on the "new" weed. I will try something but I don't want my Wife's family to grow extra toes and fingers from swimming in treated water!Thanks John---Tee------PS--we still have those semi-tractors with only 1 seat.

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