2019 Corn still in the field in Jan 2020?

There was/is a pretty large corn field about 10 miles south of Fargo I drive past to/from work.

Back in December, the farmer managed to hollow out much of it, leaving a strip around the edge full of snow drifts.

Today, I noticed they were working on more of the center.

I can only assume they are looking at moisture content vs snow getting in the combine? There is a good 1-1/2 ft snow in my yard in town and today was mid 20s where it was -19 Saturday morning. Supposed to have more snow and negative temps later this week.

Several years back there was a big corn field along I-29 and I recall that one didn't get done until spring.
I seen a fair amount of corn in the
fields yet up there, place I got hay at
last week had a big field standing out in
the snow yet!
I went to pickup some rubber cow mats for a friend in a town about 100 miles east of me here in So. Mn. Saw three fields with corn standing in them along the way. I wondered too why
weren't they taking it out today? Only about 2" snow on the ground and no snow on the stalk. My thinking is maybe not enough frost in ground to carry combine.
Does not hurt to combine in the snow if it's cold enough, the
combine will blow the snow right out. Just make sure you go
back and run the machine about half an hour after you shut
down the make sure it stays free, the snow will settle down in
them and freeze them up if you don't.
Some that corn may still be high in moisture and low grade....if it can dry a bit
over winter the grade may go up a level...at least that's the issue here in

The combines that got tracks, on them, work pretty good, but like others said still poor quality corn, but it has to come off so they can plant again next year.
So, what what do you do with poor quality corn and what aspect of it is poor.....booze, Ethanol......mildew, nutrients?
Very low test weight.....still used for cattle feed, but at a much discounted price, and less weight per acre means less dollars per acre as well. It's not used for chicken or pig feed due to its low energy density and danger of molds or toxins due to the high moisture levels.
Earlier a lot of the corn was 28-30% moisture and lower to mid 40 lb test weight. The elevators are
refusing anything 49 lb or below. Recent reports I have heard are down to 19-20% moisture and getting
up to that 49-50 lb test weight. As the moisture leaves the kernels naturally, they shrink ant the weight
per bushel increases.

Some of the farmers also have contracts they need to deliver on, pretty stiff penalties if they don?t.

Most of the corn in Eastern ND is used for ethanol. If I were to venture a guess, there are a half million
acres of corn still in the field here.
Some corn out around here due to wet ground conditions. The ground is bare but not frozen right now. When it was cold enough to freeze there was just enough snow
to insulate the ground. A fair amount of crop did not get planted around here last spring so I don't think that the elevators have been backed up much if at all.
Back about 40-50 years ago we had a very wet winter and spring. One field was harvested one day and planted to new crop the next. And that was with full tillage.

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