Ran over dogs nose

David G

Well-known Member
My border collie got too close to the mower and got her nose ran over.

It rolled her canine over, the vet is going to knock her out and roll the tooth back up, dogs are resilient, hope it heals and does not infect.
Ringo grew up around machinery so he knows about safety around equipment 🙃


I hope your doggy gets well soon
Years ago my brother was changing a flat on his skid loader. When he rolled the flat out of the way it hit his dog, a pup at the time. Best thing he could have done, after that anytime the dog saw a wheel rolling it knew to watch out..
That's too bad. I am sure the vet will fix it back in place. It will be painful for a while. We had a horse get his lower jaw around the gate chain, and the horse pulled back breaking the lower jaw bone The jaw was just hanging. The vet wired it back together, and the horse recovered. I am sure your dog will be fine. Stan
Talking about this stuff, many years ago late 70s I knew a lady who got kicked in the mouth by a horse. They did a pretty good repair job on her. A little bit of scar and a bridge. Her name was Kay.
We had the third dumbest dog in Richland county Ohio. When I was about 6, just learning to drive dad's old Allis B, I ran over our dog's tail with the front tire. Quick reflexes, hit the clutch and brakes, still on the dog's tail. Dad got a little excited until I backed off of it. No permanent damage, dog never got any smarter.
Dogs can be very smart but they also get distracted easy and instincts kick in. I almost hit a heeler one day. A guy was mowing near the road. He hit a plastic container and it kicked it out in the road. The dog took of after it. I nailed my brakes and swerved. Lucky I was paying attention or it wouldnt have turned out good. Another time a friend of mine was mowing hay or grass seed. His border collie always tagged along chasing mice. Not sure what happened but he ran into the header and was killed. Probably chasing something or got distracted by a mouse.
I'm glad your pup is ok and the vet can fix its tooth.
Me too and the same for the kids !
My outside dog I would have to put her in a pen when I was mowing. A blue heeler. Good chance she was trying to "herd" the mower ?
My father in law had an untrained cattle dog that would spend the entire day running backwards and biting the front tire of the tractor. It was un-nerving and even aggravating for the first few hours each day, but eventually you would get used to it and learn to ignore him. We never did run over him - he was quick. He was doing what he loved to do, I guess.
When I was a kid, we had a dog, Rover, who followed the tractor every where, especially when Dad was driving. Rover would follow him while he ran the sickle bar mower, weaving in and out of the cut hay, all around the mower. One day he got too close and stepped on the cutter bar. He ran home and laid in his usual sleeping space. Dad checked his foot, doctored him a bit, and kept him tied up for a few days. Pretty soon he was hopping around on 3 legs, and by the end of summer, all 4. Rover was an appropriate name for him-always on the run. He also got hit by a car a few times too, knocking him in the head. He was a slow learner, though; he died when he got hit by a van when he was older. Mark.

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