Billy Shafer

Well-known Member
The post by him got me to thinking. About all the things that were common. Items and anyone working around engines knew about. Same with tractors,vehicles everyday items. That people today know nothing about. I have has to stop myself from saying anything. When I stopped and realized they had never seen the item. Things sure have changed.
As Bob Dylan said Billy, "the times they are a changing" ...... but I think we often forget that there was a lot of knowledge and skills that your grandfather's generation had that you and I know nothing about. Same thing happens today and will keep happening.
There is an underlying set of facts/knowledge that is common to both yesterdays world (ours), and today's ownership by 20 somethings. Electric cars have all the components of of a 1950 Roadmaster, except the reciprocating engine. Electric motors, radios, lights, seats, drive shafts, wheels, tires, roller, ball, sleeve, bearings. I believe there are fewer and fewer of the population that has any idea that these things even exist. They operate on faith (small F). 5 out of 20 Engineering students I encounter have a clue, and they are supposed to be the best of the thinkers!!!!! I start classes with a very large gap in fundamental comprehension in my learners. Jim
I'm a trim carpenter by trade! I got started in 1984. I was exposed to window weights because the guy I worked for was too cheap to replace the Windows! Lots of guys-some older than me-have no idea about window weights!
Yes they are changing. I recall sitting around hearing my elders talk about how things had changed for them. I grew up on a farm here in Texas. Things did change for them. Grandma was the family doctor. Couldn't afford a real one.She could make a poltice that could cure. Just about any thing. Because it smelled so bad no one would come near you. Made her own soap and butter and a big pot. For boiling and washing clothes. Hung them on a line to dry.

Grandpa talked about retiring his mules when he got his first tractor. Ordering a car from the Sears catalog. That was shipped to you buy rail. You had to unpack it and put it together. Got his indoor bathroom at 25. No more cold morning trips to the out house. At 27 he had those new fangled electric lights added to the house.

Some people today don't understand the good ole days.

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