Finally broke down and repalce battery cable IH548


Well-known Member
So yesterday I went to start the IH584 and like it has done in the past the - cable would make and break contact. So of I went to town and picked up 7 foot of 00 cable and 2 lug ends and 2 battery end. I made up both + and - cable but so far only have one put on. Once it was on I tried to start it but battery had to be charged first. Charged it for around and hour and putti back in and it fired right up. I'll replace the + cable once it warms up a bit. Bad thing is that it cost almost $50 for the cable and ends
The aggravation reduction was probably worth it, not to mention the fact that your time spent will be repaid in reliability. Jim
Well this tractor has a bear bone only wires needed to make run wiring. The 2 battery cables. A charge wire off the alternator to the battery. A wire hanging loose which I touch to the battery to turn the engine over and a wire at the alternator I touch to the charge stud to excite the alternator. No other wires since all the other wires burned up when it caught fire before I got it. If I ever find a dash and the gauges etc. I may install them but that is if I find one for a good price
And $50.oo sounds cheap to keep your sanity. Been there a few times myself. What I do now and then is go down to the big metal scrapyard about 20 miles from me. Take a dive into the "Dirty Copper" pile. Everything is by the pound. I have pulled a roll of welder cable. BRAND new. Don't remember if it was 4 or 6 but really big and extra fine flex wires. Almost as big as my pinky. Absolute beauty. Also dig out any good 12ga. extension cords. Broken ends or a cut along it somewhere. Just inspect them very carefully and replace the ends. For the price you pay for scrap the costs with new plugs I got seven various length extra heavy cords for the price of one new hundred footer. Works for me. Have also seen opened rolls of 14-3 and 12-3 two hundred foot with maybe 50 foot used. Hate seeing waste like that but I have gotten some awesome bargains.
Nope more like two or four /O. Those big sizes got to remember they go the other way around. Made incredibly good cables. Hey I just happen to be in the local auto parts store and picked up a used Interstate OPTIMA battery for $40.oo. three month guaranty. That is a $200.oo Plus battery. Score!!!
Just be REALLY careful about making any sparks near a lead acid battery. You cannot beleave how big of an acid filled explosion you can get.
When everything is working as it should I touch the start wire to the charge stud on the alternator that way it is over 3 feet from the battery
well just my 2 cents worth but anyone that is willing to walk around a tractor a couple of times to start it then touch a wire to make it charge instead of putting a switch on the dang thing gets just what he deserves no sympathy from me
Ah but you have no idea any thing about this old thing. It was hit by lightning and caught fire so ALL the wiring and number of hoses and the radiator all where burned to the point none where any good. This tractor cost me nothing more then the cost of going to get it and the cost of a new radiator and a couple hoses. Dash was melted to the point it and the gauges where not there. The cost to replace all this is way more then I'll spend on it. As for walking around WRONG I walk up to it gab the cold start lever touch the wire to start it then reach forward and touch the charge wire and climb on and go simple as that. But as I said you know nothing about this so your talking obut things you have no clue about
you are right I do not know anything about it but I also have some old wrecks here to but I at least put a simple switch on them so anyone else can run them instead of getting run over by jumping it
Did you but crimp on ends or the bolt on type? I have good luck with the crimp type. I cost the wire with flux,crimp and then solder. If I remember I slide some heat shrink on before I start.
Starting from the ground is really a bad idea.

How much time would it really take to fix it right?
So then answer me this where does one put a switch when there is NO DASH what so ever so no place to install a switch To put all the thing on it that should be there would cost more then the thing is worth
David I start almost ALL my tractor standing on the ground and have been doing so for decades. A tractor is NEVER parked in gear on my place and if someone messes with one with out be being there I would charge them with criminal trespass simple as that. On most before I do anything there are thing that need to be done on the ground so why climb on just to have to climb back off to do the things like oil the chains on the baler which has to be done with the baler in action etc. So starting them from the ground saves climbing up and down.
But if someone messes with it without you being there and you go to start it from the ground thinking it's not in might not be there to press charges against them....
Well David it goes back to the fact I was taught to start them standing by them but again you know little about me. Back in July of 1980 when I moved to where I live ALL the tractor we had, HAD to be started that way. Both where hand crank and I still have one of them which you have seen for your self. ALL things I was taught to do with them I still do as in double check the shiftier etc. Plus another thing you have to remember I work on tractor for other people and trying to start them it is very common one has to be on the ground to check what may or may not be wrong so one ALWAYS make sure there out of gear before trying to start them. So for most maybe not a good idea but that is how I was taught and how many I work on have to be done to trouble shoot the problems
#1 starting a tractor while standing on the ground is what I was taught but then back in July of 1980 when I moved here we had a 1935 JD-B and an A/C B both hand start so one had to be on the ground to start them.
#2 I work on tractors and to trouble shoot them most of the time one has to try starting them while standing on the ground so one learns to check to make sure there not in gear.
#3 trouble shooting things takes thinking out side of the box which means having to try things that many people would not try so I check and double check things and well never had one run me over

You don’t have to defend yourself. Start your tractor any darn way you please. I’m sure your aware of the potential dangers involved with heavy equipment.

You said: I walk up to it gab the cold start lever touch the wire to start it then reach forward and touch the charge wire and climb on and go simple as that.

Did you forget to say you first check the shifter to make sure it's in neutral before you crank it?
I park all my tractors in neutral when I park them and on this one the shifter is placed as such one pretty much has to look at it before I grab the wire so yes I do check that just in case but only way it can get in gear is if some one messed with it or if a horse which can get to it shifted it but I do not think the horse would do that. As for some one else messing with it not likely either with my mile long driveway and it being parked I the hay barn which I can see from my front porch
(quoted from post at 23:08:58 01/17/19) Rich,

You said: I walk up to it gab the cold start lever touch the wire to start it then reach forward and touch the charge wire and climb on and go simple as that.

Did you forget to say you first check the shifter to make sure it's in neutral before you crank it?
"SO"you just don't understand Pete,he made it clear in his last post that he get's out of his box before doing anything to his tractors. There's no time for getting back into his box to look at shifters. You are talking advanced technology here. Besides,if the tractor did take off,picture how the Lone Ranger hung onto the saddle and vaulted up onto old Silver's back as Silver left in a cloud of dust.
I'll be nice and take this s a joke which if not go well you know. But yes very long time ago in the past I have jumped on one that did start in gear. Ben doing this stuff for 38 plus year so one learns what to do and what not to do and when trouble shoots tractor of all type one learns what to do and what not to do. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure out the simple working of a tractor
This is what happened to me a few years ago standing beside my tractor while starting. Tractor stopped on a hill. The mower was the only thing holding it from moving. It only starts in park. I thought I was good. Soon as it started the mower raised up, and off went my best tractor to a 40 or more ft. cliff to almost total destruction. Lucky for me there was a ditch that held the tractor. The tractor only starts in park, on level ground I may still start it standing. Stan


Yes, I agree with you old, and I too admit to trouble shooting while standing beside the tractor....but I sure as heck know I can't get out of the way near as fast as I once could if I made a mistake. A couple of close calls sure changed my attitude. Stay safe, my friend.
I start mine from the ground all the time to just the way I do it then after the tractor starts I grease it and the implement while the tractor warms up . So don?t let the
Yt department of occupational health and safety administration get to rough on you
Well I figure Old is smart enough to know if the tractor is in neutral or not before he tries to start it,and also think if a person isn't smart enough to figure out whether
their tractor is in neutral or not they probably shouldn't trying to start the tractor regardless of where they are sitting or standing.
One thing on the IH 584 is that is has a loader o nit so if it did start in gear not likely to go far if any where. If it was in reverse that would be a bigger problem then a forward gear due to how I park it. Forward gear I am sure it cannot push threw 40 or so big round bales of hay. But yes as to trouble shooting sure is hard to sit on the seat and check spark at the plug wires and the coil wire. Been doing this long enough to know what to check before doing things
(quoted from post at 00:19:58 01/18/19) This is what happened to me a few years ago standing beside my tractor while starting. Tractor stopped on a hill. The mower was the only thing holding it from moving. It only starts in park. I thought I was good. Soon as it started the mower raised up, and off went my best tractor to a 40 or more ft. cliff to almost total destruction. Lucky for me there was a ditch that held the tractor. The tractor only starts in park, on level ground I may still start it standing. Stan

what model tractor is that Chief? it looks like a 400 deere.

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