Electricity Power Off


Well-known Member
The electricity company shut the power off in our area because of falling trees, during strong winds here in Southern California. It has been determined several of the California fires have been caused from downed wires in the past. My electricity was off for 15 hours. I can't imagine what you people go through back east when your power is off for days. I ran the generator in my RV to keep the freezer, and refrigerator working. Sometimes I don't appreciate how handy the light switch is. What is the longest your power been off? Stan
Longest time without power. . . . 6 days roughly. Christmas of 2009 I believe it was and just as the distant friends were all coming over. Power went out with 15 minutes of cooking time remaining. Glad to have an outside grill at that time.
I think the wife went 7 days up here before we got married.
We were out for 31 hours a couple of years ago, summer wind storm, brought down a lot of trees. We have a little Coleman 2500 that got us by, running the coffee pot, (first priority) fridge and freezer. It struggled to start the sewer lift pump, it must be a 1/2 hp. I always keep 5 gallons of potable water just in case, and we carried water from the lake to flush the toilets. Our well is 220v so I can't run that.
Back during the crippling Ice storm Dec.7, 2007 we were
On the Diesel Gen set for 13 day's.
Most of the time it's usually 6 to 10 hours.

It's got much better in recent years since the power co. started and keeps a aggressive tree trimming program.
Used to be all it had to do was cloud up and the Generator would come on.
11 days, ice storm took down the transmission lines, the under-build, the service lines, the poles, the transformers, trees, destroyed the whole area. War zone.
About a week in the summer of 2002. Bought a B & S 5500 watt generator and have used it occasionally since. (Less and less).
2 weeks a couple of years ago. Few times a years goes out for day or two. Monthly out for hours.

Don't bother to fire up generator until its been out a day or need water.
(quoted from post at 21:44:12 11/14/18) Sometimes I don't appreciate how handy the light switch is. What is the longest your power been off? Stan
I don't know if it is our weather or just good service from Sask. Power but I don't ever remember being without power for more than a few hours. This area has a lot of underground power lines.
During this same flood, storm mine was off over two weeks, have standby generator running on propane and it ran the entire period.

15 days, Ice Storm of '98, in January, in Northern NY on the Canadian Border. First couple days weren't bad as it was in the high 20's and water was flowing. The it cold. I was working 12-14 hr days and coming home to water all the stock. Had no wood supply, no generator. Fortunately we did have a hot air wood furnace in the basement that would funnel heat through the house. I had friends at work that we're firewood fanatics and gave me enough to get through and a neighbor had a PTO generator for his farm so I could fill 55 gallon drums with water to supply the stock. Worst night I was still hauling water at 1:30-2:00AM, back up at 5AM.

I now have a 25Kw PTO genset, a Honda gen and a Coleman gen, plus I have my wood. Never go through that again if I can help it. It may sound funny, but thanks God my mother in law as here at the time. She thrived on Depression Era living and helped keep my poor, housebound wife sane!
5 days. We had a big ice storm in 2001. I bought an 8000 watt generator at an auction the spring after. I haven't needed it yet....
Three days without power... two different times.

Once was a power company issue like a transformer (thank you, Mr. Squirrel). LOL
We saw that neighbors had power on evening two - so called the power company in the morning and asked what was going on. Informed them our freezer stuff was thawing. They came out with a generator post-haste. Turns out they THOUGHT our power had also been restored the previous day... but we are on the tail end of a line and somehow they missed it.

The second time was the great ice storm on Halloween of '91. For that one we took our toddler daughter and went and crashed at my in-laws since they had a wood stove. We crashed on their hide-a-bed in their living room... three feet from the woodstove (now that was toasty).

During another ice storm, we kept our power... so we ended up with 4 house guests for 3 days. That got to be a bit long - you know that saying about fish or company after 3 days. LOL!
3 weeks and 2 days. Ice storm '98. We're not far from Bret4207 but on the Canadian side of the river. Got home from our honeymoon the day the power went off..... Had a hand pump on the well and a good supply of firewood so we were fine. Bought a generator about 10 days into it as they were on sale somewhere in Michigan and my Aunt and Uncle sent some up to a few of us in the family....
I remember that ice storm. My niece and her husband were troopers working out of Plattsburgh. Once they could get out, they made a run down our way to borrow all the generators the family could spare to take back up north

2009 ice storm we were out for 10 days, burnt 360 gallons of diesel powering the poultry barns keeping the chickens comfortable while we slept in a cold house.
July 03 wind storm had us out for 7 hot miserable days and nights.
One snow and ice storm back in the 60's left us without power for over 3 weeks, lines were broke down in the hollow with no accessible roads for the power company to get to them, dad hauled the linemen and tools there on a tractor.
(quoted from post at 12:28:59 11/15/18) 3 weeks and 2 days. Ice storm '98. We're not far from Bret4207 but on the Canadian side of the river. Got home from our honeymoon the day the power went off..... Had a hand pump on the well and a good supply of firewood so we were fine. Bought a generator about 10 days into it as they were on sale somewhere in Michigan and my Aunt and Uncle sent some up to a few of us in the family....

Hey neighbor! I remember the AM radio station was still in Brockville at the time (830 AM?) and they were doing a better job at letting folks on this side of the river know what was going on over here than the 1 station we had up and half running. That was a great station, had the best weather for our area there was.

Where are you located?
(quoted from post at 13:24:55 11/15/18) Brett
I remember that ice storm. My niece and her husband were troopers working out of Plattsburgh. Once they could get out, they made a run down our way to borrow all the generators the family could spare to take back up north

Pete, what was their last name? Probably know them. Parent maybe?

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