How to prevent mice

I?ve been having some mice getting into my tractor behind the dash and radiator and I was wondering how you guys prevent them from getting in there? I?m not really looking to use moth balls but if they work I?ll probably try them out!
I didn't have any success with moth balls when I put them inside the cover of an outboard motor. Mice built their nest right on top of them.

Try trapping them, there will always be more but at least you can disrupt the supply.
I had the same problem with back up generators. I think we tried everything you could think of. Some worked until the mice learned to avoid them. Some just made good nesting padding. The phone company had some packs that worked. But the great EPA got it banned. If you think a tractor is bad. You should see what they do to a Transfer switch and the control system. Of a generator.

Get some of those outdoor bait stations. Load 'em up with "Havoc" Stop those mice BEFORE they can get into your shed. You can even set up a few bait stations inside the shed.
I?ve had good luck with what we call ?green grain?, get it in baggies or bulk from the Ag store. Looks like barley with a green colored poison on it. I put a little on a coffee can lid and watch to see if it disappears.if so I set up several spots out of the way of the other animals and let it work. Couple days later start finding dead mice. I also use moth balls and cheap dryer sheets when I winterize my travel trailer, gotta air it out come Spring, works pretty good.
We use mothballs in our boat, they seem to work well. I also use Tomcat bait blocks in the garage where the boat is stored, and outside in empty bottles.
What ever method you use they will eventually find a way around it . Metal box traps work but there are cheap ones on the market now that dont work -- the ones that work say tin cat stamped in the metal lid . Dont buy any thing else even if they are on sale . You can make a trap out of a 20 liter pail with water in the bottom and a roller on top. Go to you tube for instructions on how to make . Of course you will have to substitute anti freeze for the water when it gets cold. Be sure to keep your pets away from the anti freeze as it is poisonous . When it comes to vehicles poison does work but they will get wise to it and will avoid it after awhile. Also you will get dead mice in spots where you cannot find them and get rid of the smell. Some vehicles mice cant get in but others are terrible such as a motor home -- you will never find all the ways they get in . Here there is clearly a conspiracy between the manufactures and hordes of mice . If you cant keep them out you have to allow room for a predator to get in . Keep a window down and a board ramp up to it . Keep a door ajar blocked form closing with a block of wood. Leave the glove compartment open . Storage buildings--- be sure to have a hole big enough for a cat to get in . Do this even if you dont have cats -- there are lots of other predators that eat mice that you will never see or know about . Combines leave the cab door open along with any acess pannels to closed in areas -- any spot where you have had mice in the past try to leave a hole at least big enough for a weasel to get in . Dont shoot foxes or coyotes as they eat many mice out in the fields that will eventually find there way into your yard .
(quoted from post at 06:28:36 10/26/18)
Get some of those outdoor bait stations. Load 'em up with "Havoc" Stop those mice BEFORE they can get into your shed. You can even set up a few bait stations inside the shed.
Yes. That is the only way. Try to keep the population down (or eliminated). I have bait stations in most buildings year round and it makes a big difference. Fall is the worst time of the year as the mice are looking for a warm place to spend the winter. Like your house or sheds. Or vehicle.
I have tried about everything but a cat. the only thing that I keep using is Decon. I buy it in the little bags that look like MM bags. I never open up a bag just give them a throw everywhere. You'll see there opened when they find them. Feed them, Feed them, Feed them.


Need I say more.
I have been told that mice don't like the smell of Irish spring soap. I am going to try it this winter on the camp trailer. We'll see what happens. Wish me luck.

Good luck. A few weeks ago, I had a pack rat in the engine compartment of my car. In just a couple of hours, he completely tore the Irish Spring soap bar into pieces about the size of garden peas and had it everywhere in the engine. Didn't bother him a bit.
We have a neighbor that owns a huge cat and apparently she doesn't get fed much. She is big tho, and she sits up on my hay wagon and watches the shop and house and keeps them pretty much in check. Had a huge chipmunk pop. also...not so much now. Nature works best.
With the bait blocks make sure to wire them in place. That is what the hole is for. Pack rats haul them off otherwise and store them with out eating them.
A log roller mouse trap works pretty good. I evicted some deadbeats back in spring, and their house was thoroughly infested. I put a log roller trap in the garage baited with peanut butter and caught 22 mice in the first 24 hours. Ended up catching over 80 mice in two weeks.
(quoted from post at 21:24:17 10/26/18) With the bait blocks make sure to wire them in place. That is what the hole is for. Pack rats haul them off otherwise and store them with out eating them.

Yes. That way you can keep an eye on them and replace when needed. I've seen the time when the bait blocks disappeared in less than 24 hours. Nothing but crumbs to indicate where it used to be.

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