
Well-known Member
Its sort of machine /tractor related
My neighbor and many others get their lawns cut here in NJ by a landscaper.
I never have,,but when I got sick I went to see him last season.
I explained,We want to cut our lawn,,,but I if we get in trouble I may need him to cut.I said,its tough for me to admit I need help,,I have cut lawn since around 12 years old,,and enjoy doing it.
He is a maybe 10 years younger than me,and a hard worker.
We hit it off so good,He said ,I understand 100 percent.Do what you can,,and anytime you need I can cover for you .
We have become friends,,If he cut he got paid,,but didnt care if it was everyweek or only once in a while.
A week ago he was real late at the neighbors.I took him a bottle of water.

He has seen me doing well this summer,,cutting with the walk behind scag each week,and doing the garden.
When I took him the water,I said your late tonight,,breakdowns?
He said,,no,,my help didnt show up.
I cant get help.
He went on to tell me that he pays 14 dollars an hr,if someone knows nothing,,and he teaches them the weedwacker.
If someone knows anything he pays 20 dollars per hr.
He cant get help.
He even asked me,,your hired,,you can run the zero turn.////.Im gonna be 63 Oct 6 and got offered a job ,he cant find any young people to work...
I have a buddy that works part time for a sizable grain farmer across the road from him. He helps out at planting and harvesting time and I think they cover about a 1000 acres of soybeans, wheat and corn. I ran into him in Lowes last week and happened to mention I was retiring next April. His next word were "I can get you a job". He was talking about the grain farmer he helps out. I have been around farming all my life but have never ran anything newer than late 60s, never ran a tractor with a cab and my combine has a 6ft cut. My biggest tractor right now is a Farmall M. I'm not even sure if I can see to the end of the cutting head on this new equipment. LOL I'd love to play with those size toys but I'm almost afraid to do it. I'm sure I could work for the guy if I ask. I'll see what happens next spring.
If we are to believe what we have been told,only illegals will do that kind of work. That's what happens when you give illegals citizenship,they start getting welfare and no longer need to work.
I just wish someone would have told my father me and my brothers weren't supposed to chop cotton,haul hay,muck out stalls or anything else that was needed on our farm. Now I'm 74 years old and can't break the habit so I still mow my own yard.
My friend/business associate with excavating and gravel pit business has quite a few retirees driving trucks. Some only in the summer when it is very busy.
2 of my classmates are driving truck full time, hauling pulpwood with their own trucks, and we're 67-68. There is a real shortage of truck drivers, and I guess if you own your truck the DOT regulations are less strict. But, we don't want old guys dropping dead behind the wheel.
(quoted from post at 09:23:22 10/03/18) If we are to believe what we have been told,only illegals will do that kind of work. That's what happens when you give illegals citizenship,they start getting welfare and no longer need to work.
I just wish someone would have told my father me and my brothers weren't supposed to chop cotton,haul hay,muck out stalls or anything else that was needed on our farm. Now I'm 74 years old and can't break the habit so I still mow my own yard.

Ain't got nothing to do with welfare of illegals. We see the same thing here and no illegals to be seen. Guy i know has a boat shop, puts in and takes out docks (for you warmer climes people leave in a dock here the ice heave will destroy it) shrink wraps boats for winter storage and does boat and motor repair. He is this year offering 12 bucks and hour for someone to wrap boats and he's willing to train. No one will take the job. None of the kids in the area want to work. The only ones who do parents make em work. Those a few and far between. And no, mom and dad are not on welfare. But they have been told that they are worth 20 and hour and entitled to this that and the other thing. It's more a sign of the times rather than people drawing welfare. Now here is the kicker. If he would find someone who was willing to work and wanted more he'll help them get into a recreation engine program and hire em part time while they are going to school. And he still can't find help! You see it isn't in an office in front of a computer........

I doubt anyone could just clime aboard the larger equipment, and start working. It's a learning experience. I'll bet in a few hours you would be operating like a pro. Just start out I a big field. Stan
You are so right. It has nothing at all to do with illegals. The illegals are working and showing up every day. But
still the "Now Hiring" signs are everywhere. My feed man, my fertilizer man, my welder/metal man, my farm store man are
all trying to hire people....not much luck. They are faced with no-shows, limited skills and lack of basic arithmetic.
If the computer doesn't spit out the difference they can't make change. Try to run a store with those people. How can
you put a guy on a fertilizer truck that can not calculate 20 acres, at 200 lb per acre, $500/ton.. how much to charge
and how much to load in the truck.

That is why in the good old days these people worked in a little factory doing the same thing over and over and over.
Yes, but do you have any current experience trying to hire people or do you just get it second hand on the radio?
Good for you, Larry.

I retired at the end of June and have spent the last three months catching up on some projects postponed for too long.

I'm now mostly caught up and have found myself bored to death lately for the first time in my life.

Looks like I will be looking for part time work soon.

Hey Larry, it's only a few more weeks so go for it. You just might enjoy the dickens out of yourself. Get payed to play. Serious.
$20 an hour won't pay off a college loan which is where a lot of young people are now that took the 'experts' advice to get a college education.Problem is a lot of jobs available don't require college and are not going to pay but so much.Plus its been drilled into kid's head that doing manual labor is a low class thing to do,don't blame the kids they are just the product of their
elder's stupidity.
That might be a win-win if it works for you. For the landscaper
$20/Hr with no benefits for part time labor is less then the cost to keep full time people on the payroll with benefits.
Traditional Farmer noted below that $20 per hour won't pay off a college education loan. No, it won't pay it off but it would help towards paying it off. Twenty bucks and hour is a lot better than not working because you'd rather not work, I think he mentioned that as well in his post so good point to think about.
Take it!! It'll build strength and endurance. When you get tired switch to the zero-turn. Even the weedwacking will build you up.
And it's easier then lifting and laying stones.
Why would someone else doing well bother you? If you aren?t happy with what you have, looks to me like you would want to do better, not lower what they?re getting.
Larry, take him up on it. Even if you do not feel up to carrying a weed waker just the idea if you are up to being able to drive a mower it will get your mind off your other problems and not just setting and worring about your health. I don't have good health either and at 75 no energy to do anything.

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