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Well-known Member
Anybody remember that tabloid ? It used to be sold in the grocery checkout line, right along with the National enquirer?

My favorite front page stories were about Elvis, and Bigfoot!

How about "Grit", also. Boys used to stand on the sidewalk outside of the department stores and sell it. It was a very positive, uplifting paper with news in it that was encouraging. Some change today, eh?

Tom in TN
We could never afford the National Enquirer tabloid, but my aunt would visit us and bring a few dozen old ones for me to read when she would visit. They USED to have a section where if you saw a blooper on TV, you could write them, tell them about the blooper and get a cash award. I actually saw a blooper on the TV show "Cannon". (Remember that show? William Conrad was a private eye who drove big Lincolns) Anyway, I saw an episode on TV where he was chasing a bad guy and lost a hub cap. A few seconds later, he was still chasing him and the hub cap was back in place. I pointed that out to the National Enquirer and they actually sent me a T-shirt that said: "I am a National Enquirer TV Blooper Spotter". I was in grade school and was VERY proud to wear it. I have no idea where I lost it. Maybe mom threw it out and burned it. :)

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