Reminds me of a line in and old Homer and Jethro song when they were playing baseball in a cow pasture.

"We all laughed until we split, when our daddy got a hit, and slid into what he thought was second base".
Had some cousins show up to help bale hay when I was a kid.

Haymaking got rained out, so a softball game ensued.

Still can see my cousin Ray sliding into second through a cow pie, and the expression on his face.

I was 12 yrs old riding a gas powered mini bike wide open. Jumped a terrace and lost it face first in a fresh pile. Mouth open. Worst part was I had braces and packed them full. Started throwing up and got most of it out. Went to a pond close by and flushed most of it out then went home to no pitty from mom. 60 yrs old and think of it every time I see a pile.
When I was a kid I was liming the walkways before we even got started milking and slipped on the lime. I some how and fell length wise into the gutter and had to get hosed off outside. By the time I was hosed off from my head all the way to my boots they just sent me to the house.
Back when I was a kid. We cleaned the barn out by hand and a wheel barrow. Dad would lay wide planks down on the pile and go up the pile and dump the wheel barrel. As the pile grew so did the incline. When I thought I was old and big enough I took over the job part time. One winter day I was heading up the pile with a load . The planks were slippery and my feet went out from under me backwards. I fell face first in the wheel barrow and then my weight and gravity tipped the wheel barrow back on the handles and the load came down over top of me. Was not a happy camper. I swore that when I was old enough to take over the farm the cattle were gone. A couple years later we put in a gutter cleaner and retired the wheel barow and planks. Still didn't like the cows much. 20 years later we sold the cows and started cash cropping and custom work. Every once in a while you still get that taste in your mouth. Ahhh the good old days. I do miss the farm most days.
Growing up on a farm with animals makes so much of life easier to take- I tell the guys at work all the time that "I start my day in the barn, none of this stuff scares me".

Well, yes. When I was a kid, we thought it was fun to grab one of the cow's tails and "ski" in the muddy cow lot after a rain. And, just like any other form of ski activity, sometimes you would take a fall and slide.

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