Please Be Safe Out There!!!

About 3 1/2 hours ago my uncle was loading sand into a trailer with his skid steer and was thrown from it, pinned by it and unfortunately was killed. Things can go wrong so quickly. He could get along with anyone and was the handiest person I have ever known. Thankfully I was able to learn a lot from him, but had so much more to learn. He is gone at 58years old.
I am so sorry to hear this. The loss of one you respect and admire is tough. You'll feel awful for a bit, but I pray the good memories of his presence in your life will bring you peace and a smile.
Every time I remember how close a call I had (many times), I am shocked that I still live.
May those memories last and be passed on. Jim
Sorry for the loss of your uncle. I lost a uncle when he was 58, my uncle had an aneurism. My uncle was also the handyman in the family, and seemed to be able to fix just about anything from a water pump, to a refrigerator. My dad was the same age as my uncle, and my mom and dad were very close to him, and it was a rough time.
When a person does things on a regular basis, you become complacent of the apparent danger. I will be 58 in a few months, and have to keep myself in check, as I have done a few risky things in the past, and have gotten away with it. Your post reminds us all of how easy a routine job , can turn into disaster. Hope your family can find comfort and healing from your tragic loss
Very sorry to hear of the loss of your uncle. A lot of people have been hurt by skidsteers that are too old to have belts and lap bars. Not long ago a fellow I know lost the use of his hand when he stood up and reached out to flip the bucket latch and hit the bucket pedal with his foot and smashed his hand between the boom and adapter. Both the lap bar and the seat belt switches has been by passed. The safeties got fixed but his hand never will work again.
Sorry to hear of your loss. Our lives are so fragile and precious and we don't realize it until some one is gone. So Sorry!
So sorry to hear it.

Do you remember when they were loading disc blades in one without a cage off the back of a truck over to Ithaca? The driver backed up with that one and when the bucket slid off the truck,it flipped up and crushed him between the skid steer and the back of the truck.
Daughter works in local ER. She texted they had a young man that was driving his tractor home with his wife following him. The tractor broke down 100 yrs from driveway. He was hit by a car as he was talking to his wife. He didn't make it.
Very sorry to hear. Every time I get on a tractor or work on a vehicle, I think about what could go wrong. As others have said, things DO happen fast. I get nervous brush hogging near tree lines. I've been smacked pretty good by limbs that catch the ROPS.
So sorry about your and your family’s loss. I’m sure this will leave a big vacancy in your lives. Most of us who have run machinery for awhile have had our close calls but have managed to avoid the grim reaper. God bless him
Had to have been 40 years ago if I'm thinking right. It was back before you saw very many with cages on them,and that one didn't have one. It happened at Fowler's.
You got that right.

I've been shot at and missed, I've been on an aircraft carrier that was on fire, once upon a time no less than Chairman Mao of Red China set the date I was supposed to die (he obviously didn't get the job done), I once came within a hair of going overboard off the flight deck of an aircraft carrier while the ship was underway at 2200, etc.

Throw in other mishaps over the years and I'm sometimes amazed that I've actually survived for 83 years. Guess I can thank the Big Guy up above. And I do, regularly.
Ah, ok, probably before I was born or I was too little to remember. I grew up just over a mile away from Fowler?s so I should remember something like that if I was old enough when it happened.
So sorry to hear this you are so right that things can happen so fast will be praying for comfort for your family to get through this
I'm just sad to hear of your loss, yes it happens so fast, obviously he cared a lot for you.
Sorry just doesn't cut it sometimes but It's all we can say. I feel your loss, was never close to my uncles but my Grandfathers were another story. Miss them all.

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