JL Ray

Ok farmers. I here all the time on how much money's can be made with league growing canibus. Anyone out there doing it? I would think you'd have to setup a good security system. But what else? Any inclose building with good power supply for grow lights.
(quoted from post at 14:36:54 06/03/18) What is league growing?

Russ I think that's how you spell legal when you been checking the quality of said crop..... :lol: :lol:

rrlund- I was down in Bend, Oregon a couple of days ago and saw some for $80/ounce. Back in KY, it ran around $300 to $400/ounce.

I tried it while in college.....it wasn't for me.
I've only been around it second hand. I've never really been a fan of being in an altered state no matter what it was that got me there.
Don't have a clue what it would involve, but I suspect the government red tape and taxes would be a deal killer!

Not to mention the threat of robbers and the stigma attached.
Here in Ohio the state decides who gets to grow the medical weed to be sold here. Greenhouse grown only, no outside stuff.
Yep, a lot of red tape license fees, taxes, testing costs etc. My brother ran a couple grow operations in Colorado for his brother in law. You could probably do it with just an assigned number but they used bar code labels on each plant. Final product sold had to be traceable by amount back to each plant it was produced from. All records subject to unannounced audits by the multiple legal entities. One thing he said was he felt 1 out of 10 clients had a legitimate medical issue the rest appeared to be folks that found a way to work the system to get high. Oh and not to mention the cost of production and security. One time something happened to an A/C unit upset the whole grow cycle and some kind of disease set in and almost bankrupted the whole deal. After that they spent a bunch of money on a monitoring system that set off a beeper he would carry. On off hours if it went off he would have to log in on line to figure out the problem which generally meant he had to go down and correct some issue. He got tired of improper compensation and moved back to Phoenix and works in real estate.

Probably cheaper and more immediate reward to licensing and building a small distillery and learning that craft. I think that would be fun as a hobby, but out of my league on the dollars to get set up
If you get rolling, make sure your business license or sign our front says "Legal Cannabis" and not "League
Canibus" ...... otherwise they'll put you away for a few years. League Canibus is dangerous stuff ..... ha!
Up here, I think individuals are about to be able to legally grow a certain number of pot plants, maybe six
or so. It is a very labor intensive way of farming, a lot of pruning and culturing to make sure the right
stuff goes to the flowers where all the fun stuff is manufactured in the plant. The stems and leaves don't
have any or not much of what pot users enjoy.

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