Corn height analogies

What different descriptive terms for corn growth heights have you heard? I was familiar with "knee high by 4th of July" and "high as an elephants eye". Today I talked to a farmer from Indiana and he said his corn was "cat high". Never heard that one. :? I measured my tom cat standing and to the top of his back and it was around 10 inches. Any other interesting descriptions out there ? :D
Going to add a little different reply. Here in SJ there is Stellas
farm market. They usually have sweet corn the week before the 4th.
Always delicious. The one field is over a foot high already. They
supply corn to several other places plus they supply tomatoes to the
local Shop Rite too. Was there today to pick up some fresh zucchini to
make Ratituli. There to my delight were Fresh Peas!! Got a big bag of
them. Just love eatin them straight out of their little pods. Yummy.
As a kid when it is the middle of summer about one o'clock in the
morning and it is a hot sticky night. Go out and stand in the corn
field. Kinda cool listening to the corn grow. Snap, pop, sqweak,
maybe you can pass the zucchini recipe to Ultradog??,,he is learning to love squash,,Did they grow the zucchini already in South Jersey?
Always hear Ahole height to a tall indian.
Some of my tall corn has a bad case of
green snap from the 70mph wind Thursday.

When I was a kid an old timer said that if you can tie it over your shoe on the 4th of July it will make silage (western PA)

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