Neighbor cut down 35' blue spruce on my property


I live next to a housing development built in the early 60's, 10 properties on north side. One of these neighbors planted a blue spruce 27+ years ago (I purchased property 26 years ago next week). Neghbors planted it 2' on my side of property line. I had survey done when I purchased and knew where property line was. I blocked my view of their driveway and streetlight, Yesterday neighbor had the tree cut down without checking with me. they said they did not know where property line was but since they planted it..... claims it was dead (it was not) I can see this tree from my bedroom window (about 60' away). question is what would you do? Does her homeowner insurance fall into this? Do I contact my homeowners insurance? I did google search and found Iowa code section 658.4 willfully injuring any timber, tree, shrub on the land of another... the perpetrator shall pay treble damages at the suit of any person entitled to protect or enjoy the property. how do you value a 35' tree? I've been very helpful to this neighbor when they need help but are rather standoffish (snobbish) when they don't need something. Tractor related I had to use my JD 630 with 45 loader to push the pile of branches they stacked in my yard back into her yard. I documented what I could with camera, I don't know what I should do.
Had a friend that a neighbor did that to. She did not pursue it to the full extent of the law and that neighbor just plain got away with it (to improve their view). Have another neighbor who's neighbor cut down one of their trees (after taking a load of his dirt to use as fill) and he sued. Got reimbursed for the tree and had no more issues with that neighbor.
Sounds like my neighbors . I think i would tell them to replace it .I'm not certain but there is a lot of legal issues here i wouldn't let them walk away with it .
My beef with them is when they plant trees right straight down the line with no set back and no consideration that they'll grow over on me. They start mowing around them,then they mow straight,then that make two passes with the mower instead of one,and on it goes. Then when I plow right up as close as I can,plow up where they've been mowing and break up the roots,they act like I shot their dog or something.
Too late now, but there is always a next time to remember, "good fences make for good neighbors".
Sometimes I just don't know what people are thinking. What ever happen to look someone in the eye and have a talk? Sign of the times I guess. Years ago had a place on river, guy next to me had a cabin with several large trees. Checking on things and there laid one of his trees out in hay field. Had a little meeting with him, he had the nerve to ask me if I wanted it cleaned up! Did I say that this was a huge tree for our area, 3 foot trunk. Could tell many stories of people and property, as most of you could also, but better left alone.
For one thing if possible, get those limbs back onto your property. If the tree was on your property, even if they planted it there in error, then it is your tree. By pushing the branches onto their property, they could conceivably come after you.

As for value, check with any nurseries that sell larger trees or, better yet, look up one or two arborists.

Now for the $64 question -- do you want to keep these neighbors "AS" neighbors, or would you rather have hostile people who live next to you? In other words, sit and think a while as to whether you really want to pursue this. Another tree can always be planted, but how likely are these people if they're angry to start calling in every time you're running your tractor (noise) or kicking up dust?If they get other neighbors to side with them, you're sunk anyway.
If he planted it how Is it yours . People run cows on my place in the summer I guess this fall I?ll lock the gate and say nope they?re mine
The neighbor only had legal right to cut any limbs hanging over the property line. I doubt if it is a matter for the insurance company, that would be a civil matter, at least that's what it would be in Texas. I think all you could do is get someone to appraise the value of the tree and take them to small claims court. If that value was too much for small claims I'm sure the expenses would be too much for real court.
If he planted it how Is it yours . People run cows on my place in the summer I guess this fall I?ll lock the gate and say nope they?re mine

What a stupid question! :roll: Just because they planted it doesn't mean it's theirs! By your definition I can plant a tree on anyone's property and it is mine they are NOT allowed to cut it down according to you! Are you really that much of a Dunce?
If they mistakenly planted it on the property 27 years ago and decided to cut it down and you are just wanting to see if you can get some money from this error, thank god you are not my neighbor.
First of all, are you sure that they planted the tree?

The value of the tree might be in the thousands of dollars.

They could have removed the limbs on their side and that might have injured the tree but that is not what they chose to do.

It would be a fun suit for one of the TV judge shows and no matter what, you will get some money out of it if you do the right show.

You are correct that they owe you triple the value. Since spruce trees are valued for construction lumber, figure the board feet, go on line to a timber market bulletin for your area to get the value per board foot, calculate the value, multiply by three and send them a bill registered mail. When they don't pay take them to small claims court.
If they mistakenly planted it on the property 27 years ago and decided to cut it down and you are just wanting to see if you can get some money from this error, thank god you are not my neighbor.

The tree was not theirs to cut down! The tree was on the property when he bought it which means it came with the property. The tree belonged to him and he deserves to be compensated! I wouldn't want you as a neighbor either because you obviously do not respect other people's property!
Couldn?t agree with you more JMOR, fences do make better
neighbors. I bought some property on a lake about 5 years
ago, was wide open for anybody to come and go as they
pleased, told my wife that I going to fence and gate it off , she
was concerned I was going to offend the neighboring property
owners by doing so, I was the one being offended by
neighbors and strangers using my pier, my boat ramp, my
electricity, water, etc and leaving trash, and ash piles from
camp fires everywhere. I paid for and built all improvements
on the property single handed and decided it was time to nip it
in the bud, best thing I ever did was fencing the acreage off,
neighbors started improving their property so that they could
enjoy it like they had enjoyed my place after sponging off of
me for a couple of years, not trying to hijack the original posters topic here but land owners need to know exactly where landlines are whether fenced off or not, had it have been my tree that was cut down on my side of the property line without my permission I believe I would have had a serious talk with the guy about it and let him know I expected some sort of restitution about it
This is not an insurance issue but rather, a tort.

Trees are valued highly by the courts.

You will need to sue to recover but should have little trouble doing so.

Pdruff, if you don't read any other responses, be sure to read kcm.MN's. That said, I am having trouble grasping that theory of where the pile of branches should be. They damaged your property (cut the tree down) and to add insult to injury, left the trash on your property. I think you have every right to push them on to their property for disposal. as a possible compromise to pissing off your neighbor in to perpetuity by being awarded a judgement for treble damages, wonder if you could attempt to 'negotiate" a settlement of say half the treble damages or so. They "may" understand they screwed up and need to make you whole, but that you did not make a huge issue of it.
I bought a chunk of property back in 96. Right after, a neighbor came up about trees along the property line and how they were his trees and I'd best not be messing with them. Seems the previous owner had cut one down.
Several months later, the state came through on a highway project and surveyed every thing. Turns out those trees were on my place after all. Long story short, one of those trees died and needed to be cut. When I cut it down, we loaded it on his trailer and he took it to a mill and sold the lumber.
What is the tree worth in terms of neighborly peace? Sounds like these are the sort of people who would walk on you as long and as far as they can. Some folks need a good lesson in property rights. Happens a lot when they take momma Leonia's advice and move out to the country.
This is not an insurance issue this is a court case. You MAY have to take it to court--i.e. sue them.
Sounds like you live in town or close to town.
I have a lot in town and the neighbor added to his garage and did have enough space for the driveway--all before I bought it. In the buying the intrusion was discovered and the seller did not want to do anything but agreed to handle any costs I incurred. With survey in hand and a proposed solution I went to the neighbor and discussed it with him, he modified my proposed solution acceptably and we settled. Your is slightly different but the same approach may work. You have the survey, what do you really want, then approach the neighbor and you may find out he'll agree and you are done. Don't be offensive be friendly so it is easy for him to be corporative.
First off check your state/town laws on this as they vary greatly. Also in some states certain departments handle this Forestry or conservation. They can fine the person.
You mention that the neighbor had the tree cut down, if they hired someone such as a tree service then I would contact that business and register a complaint, they may or may not be partially liable in your state but they may have some sort of release that the neighbor had to sign which would prove that the neighbor is 100% responsible.
You ask "I don't know what I should do"

My professional advice is to consult a competent local attorney who practices in the area of Torts and civil damages for advice and NOT hang your hat on any lay or even professional opinions posted here. Still, as always, I support any persons free choice to do anything they darn well please.

John T BSEE, JD Attorney at Law
(quoted from post at 21:56:03 05/10/18)
If he planted it how Is it yours . People run cows on my place in the summer I guess this fall I?ll lock the gate and say nope they?re mine

What a stupid question! :roll: Just because they planted it doesn't mean it's theirs! By your definition I can plant a tree on anyone's property and it is mine they are NOT allowed to cut it down according to you! Are you really that much of a Dunce?

Louis A, you have a serious problem with manners. This isn't the first time you've shot your mouth of in an incredibly rude way. Try wording things in a more reasonable, less insulting manner please.
Louis A, you have a serious problem with manners. This isn't the first time you've shot your mouth of in an incredibly rude way. Try wording things in a more reasonable, less insulting manner please.

How about you quit telling other people what to do! :roll:
Louis ....... I suspect that you have been on the receiving end of a few nasty punches over the years as a
result of your bad manners and offensive comments.

If they planted it then they obviously thought it was on their property, as they stated. Since they planted it, and it was (they thought), on their porperty they thought they could cut it down. No one should not be required to hire a survey before you cut a tree! Unless you somehow informed them where the line was when you bought your property (doubtful) you are likely out of luck.

How in the world would you even think that insurance would get involved? If anything you are accusing them of a criminal act (vandalism). Be careful about what you start. I am amazed at the things that will set some folks off.

Live with it and move on. This is the price we pay for living close together.
Louis ....... I suspect that you have been on the receiving end of a few nasty punches over the years as a
result of your bad manners and offensive comments.

Why do you people keep condoning assaulting someone for something that they say? People like you are why the second amendment exists and why I have a carry permit! I dare someone to try to assault me! It will be the last thing that they ever do! PERIOD!
See I have the opposite problem, previous owner of my house supposedly let the neighbor plant a pine tree close to her house on his/now my property. Her house sits pretty much on the property line. We're in town and they ran the fence between our two yards right off the corner of her house years ago. Anyway I have mowed around this tree for years now, but noticed as soon as I bought a chain saw her son will now mow a strip right in front of the tree. I would like to cut it down, but figure I may get sued since she planted it and it would make for bad neighbors since her family lives all around me. I decided to let it go.

I figure 2 things. 1. They keep cutting the top off the tree because she like putting christmas lights on it at the holidays and only wants it a certain height. The trunk is about 9" in diameter and the tree is about 9 to 10 feet tall. I imagine at some point the tree trimming will eventually kill it.
2. I saw they were working on her foundation this spring. I wonder why when she planted said tree 2' from the side of her house.

Oh well.
I delt with this twice on my property. West neighbor planted trees on my property..couple years later I put up a fence on the property line..trees were 4 feet over my side.. I dug up the 6 trees and put in pots and laid on his side.. He got pizzed but I told him I could have just wacked them off.. figured it was nicer to pot them so he could replant..

second time was neighbor to east put a well on my property by 15 feet.. again didnt take time to find line.. So on this one I got an attorney to write couple letters and we started charging him 50 bucks a month for water as I needed this well moved as not to have right aways in the future.. He moved it and I got a free well for my time and money..

Dont care what anyone says.. you need to know where your pins are before doing anything esp close too lot line...
Funny thing is both my neighbors got mad yet it was their own fault for assuming..
I have some advice contrary to John T's expert advice (which I value greatly).

You have a longer and happier life if you let it go.

Neighbors cows got through his fence came onto my property eating corn {after harvest }.he proceeded to round up his herd with his 4whl p.up w/ small trailer in tow untill I stopped him as my property is posted ,he knew this. Told him to get law if wanted. He left. Law came, told me neighbor has right to get cows, I said fine don't want them on my land but they walk to retrieve them. They did. If they had came to me first{ I was home} would maybe have had a different outlook. The cows had gotten out twice since then too and I saw where they were getting out. Neighbor didn't fix problem ,has since moved them.
Agreed. If it bothers you so much plant your own tree.

besides that - lots of Blue Spruces are dying at a rapid pace. The idea that it was dead or dying sounds very pausible.
I'd send them a thank you card. Saves you from having to pay someone a big fee to have it removed.
Louis ...... looks like we're in for even more overcrowding in our jails. Take a deep breath and cool down.
Maybe take a few days or a couple of weeks away from the YT forum and get yourself under control.
tuff spot you're in and no easy way out.

1st thing. don't push the brush on them. leave it where they left it lie. if you push it on them it could be considered dumping and a $500 fine depending on where you are. You could go after them for that too...

2nd. you'll to talk to them. ask them why they cut your tree down on your property. they may give all sorts of answers. then tell them you did not give permission and you did not want your tree cut on your property and you want to be compensated for it. if they argue, politely tell them you'll let your attorney handle it from here on out.

3 call your attorney.

if you don't address it they'll do it again at some point and you'll ALWAYs be mad/pee-oo'ed at them.

I've got a jerk of a neighbor too. he'd have a holy fit if a 2 year old rolled her ball in his yard but he gets offended if you complain his kids drive their go-carts on your yard and when he drives his boat and trailer thru your yard. He also put a fence up right on the line which is good so i don't see them now but in Indiana he has NO right to come over to keep it maintained. He too planted trees/shrubs right on the line. I'm ok with anything that blocks my view of his place but the trees are getting huge and are going to kill each other.

In Indiana you DO have the right to prune anything hanging over the property line regardless of which property its planted on but mind you, you can only prune the branch up to the property line (cut the branch off at the line) but no more.

good luck.
I have to say, I'm a bit flummoxed with the concern over how the neighbor 'feels'. Or, maybe what kind of relationship one will have with their neighbor after this kind of dust-up.

A good neighbor will make sure where the property line is first. A good neighbor would come over, and say they were going to cut the tree down, and why(dead, dying). A good neighbor will ask if they have an objection to cutting the tree down, property line notwithstanding.

A BAD neighbor will: Trespass. Damage property. Create nuisance. Litter/waste on MY land.

Frankly, I don't give a wet dribbly spit(repl h for p) how my [u:f6d5834401]bad[/u:f6d5834401] neighbor feels. I live in a rural place with 2-4Ac lots. I have a ton of great neighbors and one bad. Their kids broke into my motorhome and damaged it years ago. Then, their for-hire comm truck used to be parked on the street for weeks at a time.

I told them to their face they are the worst neighbors anyone can have, and every time I drive by if they are outside I give them a free bird flip. Makes me feel downright good! So they hate me. Bonus.
In that case, maybe we wouldn't make good neighbors for you as we don't usually take things so cut-n-dry. We're human. We make mistakes. Our memory fails at times. Sometimes we have a brain fart and "think" we remember something correctly, then later realize the mistake. The way we figure, we certainly cannot be the only folks on God's green Earth who are like this.

That said, I know that "I" haven't always been this way! But they say that with age comes wisdom. ...Sometimes also cantankerousness, sometimes bitterness....but we've gained a lot more compassion and understanding through our years. It may not always get us perfect results, but we do the best we can. Goes along with what the Good Book says about turning the other cheek. It doesn't say to let people walk all over you! ...Just sayin'.
(quoted from post at 05:45:48 05/11/18)
(quoted from post at 21:56:03 05/10/18)
If he planted it how Is it yours . People run cows on my place in the summer I guess this fall I?ll lock the gate and say nope they?re mine

What a stupid question! :roll: Just because they planted it doesn't mean it's theirs! By your definition I can plant a tree on anyone's property and it is mine they are NOT allowed to cut it down according to you! Are you really that much of a Dunce?

Louis A, you have a serious problem with manners. This isn't the first time you've shot your mouth of in an incredibly rude way. Try wording things in a more reasonable, less insulting manner please.

Thanks Brett!
(quoted from post at 06:22:50 05/11/18)
Louis ....... I suspect that you have been on the receiving end of a few nasty punches over the years as a
result of your bad manners and offensive comments.

Why do you people keep condoning assaulting someone for something that they say? People like you are why the second amendment exists and why I have a carry permit! I dare someone to try to assault me! It will be the last thing that they ever do! PERIOD!

Louis, I don't think that you can put a period there. It would have to go after they carry your dead body out of the penitentiary.
(quoted from post at 18:11:32 05/11/18)
(quoted from post at 06:22:50 05/11/18)
Louis ....... I suspect that you have been on the receiving end of a few nasty punches over the years as a
result of your bad manners and offensive comments.

Why do you people keep condoning assaulting someone for something that they say? People like you are why the second amendment exists and why I have a carry permit! I dare someone to try to assault me! It will be the last thing that they ever do! PERIOD!

Louis, I don't think that you can put a period there. It would have to go after they carry your dead body out of the penitentiary.
........and his posts here will be an aid to the prosecution! Brilliant!
(quoted from post at 06:22:50 05/11/18)
Louis ....... I suspect that you have been on the receiving end of a few nasty punches over the years as a
result of your bad manners and offensive comments.

Why do you people keep condoning assaulting someone for something that they say? People like you are why the second amendment exists and why I have a carry permit! I dare someone to try to assault me! It will be the last thing that they ever do! PERIOD!
rom a poke in the nose to a bullet and grave yard dead.
From a poke in the nose to a bullet and grave yard dead.

Poke in the nose? No, It's called assault! You don't have a right to put your hands on anyone just for something they say!
(quoted from post at 17:54:58 05/11/18)
From a poke in the nose to a bullet and grave yard dead.

Poke in the nose? No, It's called assault! You don't have a right to put your hands on anyone just for something they say!
ust so we all understand if some one touches you you are OK shooting them? I understand assault but you sure sound trigger happy and that's my last post on this.
(quoted from post at 20:54:58 05/11/18)
From a poke in the nose to a bullet and grave yard dead.

Poke in the nose? No, It's called assault! You don't have a right to put your hands on anyone just for something they say!
ssault is not a capital offense, DA!
When born dumb, it lasts a long time, for some, but for the really dumb, a bit shorter.
Assault is not a capital offense, DA!
When born dumb, it lasts a long time, for some, but for the really dumb, a bit shorter.

Defending yourself is not a capital offense either! You obviously don't seem to understand! You obviously think people have no rights and do not have the right to defend themselves! :roll:
Real estate laws can vary, but sometimes people improve other people's property in order to obtain it. Motive is important, but I doubt a few trees would be considered in this area unless it went on for a considerable period of time and in obvious sight. Someone did this to a part of my mother's property, but it was a small area and actually at the back of the property just over the fence. (I think there was a fence there) He took a weed whacker and maybe more and cleared the brush from her side of the property. She had her attorney send the person a request to cease and desist. I think she jumped the gun, but the neighbor later moved.

People can be really bent out of shape when someone else starts doing something on their property without the owner's permission.
(quoted from post at 10:22:50 05/11/18)
Louis ....... I suspect that you have been on the receiving end of a few nasty punches over the years as a
result of your bad manners and offensive comments.

Why do you people keep condoning assaulting someone for something that they say? People like you are why the second amendment exists and why I have a carry permit! I dare someone to try to assault me! It will be the last thing that they ever do! PERIOD!

Because 99% of the people here can carry on a discussion without being insulting and ignorant. Now you take it further by making reference to shooting someone! As an NRA Life Member and staunch 2nd Amendment advocate I'd like to point out that you do all law abiding gun owners a disservice when you fly off the handle and start that crap. The 2nd Amendment does not exist so you can protect yourself from the electronic words of others on a computer screen. That's not "assault" by any stretch of the imagination. It's just garbage. Grow up.
(quoted from post at 00:25:50 05/12/18)
Assault is not a capital offense, DA!
When born dumb, it lasts a long time, for some, but for the really dumb, a bit shorter.

Defending yourself is not a capital offense either! You obviously don't seem to understand! You obviously think people have no rights and do not have the right to defend themselves! :roll:

I the United Kingdom and Canada the victim is arrested and charged if they try to defend themselves from criminal assault on themselves , others or property .
911 and die .
Some states in the US have a castle law.

I guess in some countries if you are handicapped your wheel chair must be electric and have an escape velocity mode or else you will be toast or in jail.

In any case I don't think that is the situation here.
Because 99% of the people here can carry on a discussion without being insulting and ignorant. Now you take it further by making reference to shooting someone! As an NRA Life Member and staunch 2nd Amendment advocate I'd like to point out that you do all law abiding gun owners a disservice when you fly off the handle and start that crap. The 2nd Amendment does not exist so you can protect yourself from the electronic words of others on a computer screen. That's not "assault" by any stretch of the imagination. It's just garbage. Grow up.

Yeah, I'm the one who needs to grow up, but the person who condones assaulting someone by punching them in the face just for saying something doesn't need to grow up! Really shows who the mature ones are here! Nowhere did I say what the other poster said to me was assault, what I did say was the actions in which he is condoning would be assault!

This isn't high school anymore where you punch someone in the face who you don't agree with! By the way electronic words on a computer screen are valid threats too, no different than saying it to someone's face. If you don't believe me, try threatening someone over the internet and see how fast the police show up at your house!

I am not saying the poster who condoned punching people in the face threaten me directly, he didn't threaten me, but it is wrong to say someone should be punched in the face for just words, Sorry, but it's just wrong! In my opinion someone who condones assault of another person is no better than the person who assaults someone! The law sees it that way too with a lot of cases! Someone saying they would defend themselves if someone were to do that to them is not wrong! Basically you are saying people don't have a right to defend themselves :roll:
WOW pdruff did you ever think your post on a neighbor cutting your tree down on your place would spin this out of control crazy! it went from a tree cutting post to punching and shooting people :shock: come on guys step back, take a deep breath, everyone cool off. we do NOT want this forum shutdown, and we don't need to be bashing each other on here, lets remember this is a TRACTOR forum and lets at least try to keep it civil. now on that note everyone here have a great evening and don't forget your mom tomorow :lol:
(quoted from post at 01:11:37 05/13/18)
Because 99% of the people here can carry on a discussion without being insulting and ignorant. Now you take it further by making reference to shooting someone! As an NRA Life Member and staunch 2nd Amendment advocate I'd like to point out that you do all law abiding gun owners a disservice when you fly off the handle and start that crap. The 2nd Amendment does not exist so you can protect yourself from the electronic words of others on a computer screen. That's not "assault" by any stretch of the imagination. It's just garbage. Grow up.

Yeah, I'm the one who needs to grow up, but the person who condones assaulting someone by punching them in the face just for saying something doesn't need to grow up! Really shows who the mature ones are here! Nowhere did I say what the other poster said to me was assault, what I did say was the actions in which he is condoning would be assault!

This isn't high school anymore where you punch someone in the face who you don't agree with! By the way electronic words on a computer screen are valid threats too, no different than saying it to someone's face. If you don't believe me, try threatening someone over the internet and see how fast the police show up at your house!

I am not saying the poster who condoned punching people in the face threaten me directly, he didn't threaten me, but it is wrong to say someone should be punched in the face for just words, Sorry, but it's just wrong! In my opinion someone who condones assault of another person is no better than the person who assaults someone! The law sees it that way too with a lot of cases! Someone saying they would defend themselves if someone were to do that to them is not wrong! Basically you are saying people don't have a right to defend themselves :roll:

No one threatened to punch you in the nose that I can find. What I do see is someone else pointing out you have horrible on line manners. 99% + of the people here can get along without insulting other people, talking about shooting people, etc. That sir, is the point. This is a decent place where we can disagree without being insulting and ignorant. Calling people dunces and stupid is not in keeping with the tone here. It's not the first time you've had an issue with this.
No one threatened to punch you in the nose that I can find. What I do see is someone else pointing out you have horrible on line manners. 99% + of the people here can get along without insulting other people, talking about shooting people, etc. That sir, is the point. This is a decent place where we can disagree without being insulting and ignorant. Calling people dunces and stupid is not in keeping with the tone here. It's not the first time you've had an issue with this.

I guess you choose to turn a blind eye to all of the other ignorant and rude posts that other posters make! That's typical! There are quite a few people here who treat people with disrespect and then expect respect back! That's not the way it works, Sorry! There are some posters who will never get respect from me because of the things they have said to other people! :roll:

Not at all. I just happened to see yours. If it's someone else being as out of line as you, I'll point that out too. The only way we keep this place at the level of discourse we usually enjoy is by policing our own ranks and pointing out those who go a bit overboard. Hopefully they take it constructively and mend their ways so we all can enjoy our time here.
(quoted from post at 07:59:18 05/11/18) Louis ....... I suspect that you have been on the receiving end of a few nasty punches over the years as a
result of your bad manners and offensive comments.

It doesn't say weather those punches were physical or internet.
Any more I see more bad manners and offensive comments from internet punches than from physical.
You can't shoot someone because they internet punched you, you can file harassment charges and call the police on them but you can't shoot them and call it self defense.
It doesn't say weather those punches were physical or internet.
Any more I see more bad manners and offensive comments from internet punches than from physical.
You can't shoot someone because they internet punched you, you can file harassment charges and call the police on them but you can't shoot them and call it self defense.

You don't have to play games, You know exactly what he meant! Anyone can figure it out! What exactly is an internet punch anyway? He obviously means punched by someone in person in real life! Like as if he knows what I do in my everyday life! :roll:
(quoted from post at 21:26:29 05/13/18) No I don't know if he meant a physical punch or verbal.

(quoted from post at 19:56:03 05/10/18)

What a stupid question! :roll: Are you really that much of a Dunce?

That's a internet punch!

Bingo! It's unnecessary, it's ignorant, it's inflammatory, it's insulting, it lowers the level of discourse here. Why do it that way?

FWIW, I used to spout off in anger and get out of line until calmer people pointed out that I was just making myself look like an idiot. We can all learn manners given a chance.

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