Nursing calf


I have an almost one week old calf that seems to only be nursing from one teat. The calf is smaller but healthy and energetic. Do you guys think that she will start drinking from the other teats or should I put something on the other teats to get her interested in those? I would think the best option is just to let her go and let nature take its course but just wanted to see your guy's opinion. Thanks.
my guess is it'll get around to it sooner or later, raised lots of calves and never had any problems. of course we always stole a little of the milk for personnel use....
If the other teats are normal size things will work out OK probably if they are really large you may need to get her up and milk them out.Another possibility might be she has mastitis
and not giving milk out of the others. Keep a close eye on her unless you can easily get her up and check her bag and teats out.Look for hardness and heat.
If the calf only does one then you have to milk out the others or she will get the mastitus if she does alredy not have it. Very good chance she needs the vet.
Could have scabs on the ends of those teats, essentially plugging them. Calf may get them open on its own, but then again may not. I'd keep a close watch. I don't wait longer than a
day or two at most, then get the cow in and get them all open and milking good. That's where a calving pen with a head gate is the way to go. Makes jobs like this so much easier.
Personally, all teats should have been cleaned prior to the calf nursing and all teats should have been opened for the calf to smell the milk and the calf should be made to suck each. Maybe I'm too interested in the cow/calf health. On another note for discussion, we always give a new born calf, at birth a 3ml shot of BOSE. We are deficient and have seen the loss without it. By the way BOSE is Selenium.
her teats are all soft and pliable so I'm not too worried about mastitis yet. If the plugs are still in the other teat could that be a risk of getting mastitis or would that have sealed it off and essentially kept it a sanitized container? Tonight when I'm feeding her grain I'll try to warm up some milk from the house and use that to moisten the teat and try to strip it a bit. And hopefully any leftover milk on the teat will attract the calf to nurse off that one.
When I read the site this was posted just a few lines down. It struck me as funny.
I like the look of the cow on the left. It is like she is trying to figure out where the other two are.
Just a quick update. I was unable to get any milk out of her left front teat. It felt empty but the quarter was full and tight. I put some warm 2% milk on it for stripping it so I am hoping the calf smells that and will do the work tonight. I didn't want to tie her up and get her stressed out so I did it while she was eating grain. The calf is still energetic and healthy looking so I am not too worried yet. I will try again tomorrow night.

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