Getting A New Mail Box


Well-known Member
Sanford, NC
I guess I will find out how much I can get out of that GEICO Lizard a guy took out my mail box about a hour ago. Whodathunkit a Yankee driver from Connecticut at that I though they could drive in the snow... He probably could have drove away but the ends of my driveway pipe and culvert are formed and poured in concrete, It cracked his aluminum wheel.

I have seen insurance claims denied for mail boxes IF THE BOX WAS IN FACT ON THE PROPERTY OWNEB BY THE STATE, highway right of way. More than likely not worth messing with but maybe you will be lucky.

We will see GEICO justed called me a adjuster is coming out in a few days. NCSHP wrote up a report time will tell...

Now lucky me gets to hook up a generator power is out...
You'll be lucky if he doesn't sue you cause it was a pipe set in concrete. Think they are supposed to be break a way so somebody doesn't get killed. I've lost 5 off them in the past. Last one
the guy just missed my pickup parked in the driveway. He went a long way in the ditch before he got it straightened out enough to pull back on the road. Road was dry and the sun was still
He hit your culvert and drain pipe, right, after he hit the mailbox? Those should be
on public property who set the standards. Looks like you will get a new mailbox to
Place I used to work at always was getting the mailbox knocked down in the winter. Owner (and everyone else) thought it was the snow getting thrown up by the plow coming out of a side street. Set it on a section of railroad rail set in concrete. Not too long after it was half bent over and car parts and oil were around it but no trace of a car. We searched the local body shops and found it in a shop almost across the street. It was a Toyota pickup that was literally sliced in half, couldn't believe it. Turns out that when it snowed, the drunks getting out of the nudie bar down the street couldn't make out the small dog leg in the road when it was all white and were running into it. The guy (who didn't get hurt) didn't want to do anything about it because he didn't want the cops to know he was plastered. The owner explained everything to the postmaster and they let him relocate the mailbox farther into the driveway, well off the road.

So is Geico your carrier or the mailbox killer's ?
If yours.....
I would just replace the mailbox.
You likely have a deductible that won't be met.
And Geico will try to get whatever they pay out back from you via a premium increase.
Or they will drop you as a customer.

mailbox killer's shontz co... GEICO has stuck it to me before they did'N even use lube so I plan to do them the same... I had to run to get some gas car's littered the ditch to town 6 in a 1 mile stretch. This guys mail box was saved...


Power still out...

What towns actually own the land where the roads are? Or are we talking about a city? Any where I have lived in NY or MI, homeowners own the land where the roads are. Town usually just have right-of-ways or prescriptive easements.
JD In Tennessee the State OWNS the road right of way where the road is a state road , in counties and cites the same , our land deed will go to say 50 ft from center line or something like that but roads are on a separated owned right-of -way.
our township doesn't allow mailbox posts larger than 4x4 and can't be set in concrete. Also can't have concrete driveway within 33 feet of the centerline.
Hi, Several years ago, a fellow ran into my mailbox
and took it out. His insurance paid me to fix it. Ed
Will Oliver BC
I had a 16 year old go in my ditch and run over the culvert om my first drive and continued on to the next drive and went over that culvert too before he stopped stuck in the ditch. In the process he took out two sections of White plastic rail fence, some Christmas decorations, and my corn and straw for sale signs. I sent a bill to Progressive Ins, the kids Ins. company, for 319.00 bucks for material and told them I'd not charge for labor for the repair. That was a couple of days ago and their response was a check would be in the mail in 10-15 days.

I didn't want to push it because the fence is technically on the road rite away which goes back about twenty feet into my yard.
My point is - a "right of way" is not ownership. I have come across the situation many times where people think towns own roads when they do not. I lived in three different towns in central New York and in all three - the town and counties owned almost no land where public roads are. Same here in northern Michigan. Where I am right now, I own near 1 mile of land with a town road right through the middle of it. The town claims a 50 foot easement from the center of the road, to each side. I am still the property owner but am not allowed to impede maintenance on the road. If the town cuts down any trees, legally they cannot take that wood away unless I give them permission since I own it. I know that some town worker do not know this since I had some try to take my wood to their homes one time - but I made them bring it all back. Here in Michigan, they don't even show the land owned by taxpayers on the tax map. That because we get exempted from tax on the parts of land we own that are in a public right-of-way.
(quoted from post at 20:16:38 01/17/18) JD In Tennessee the State OWNS the road right of way where the road is a state road , in counties and cites the same , our land deed will go to say 50 ft from center line or something like that but roads are on a separated owned right-of -way.

Same here in Florida.

easements are not the same as a R.O.W. either.
I had a box hit by the Rural Mail Carrier,then the Post Mistress threaten me because I did not have a good box to deliver to. I have had PO Boxes for over 40 years now,let them hit that box.
Not that way in Tennessee the government that has the road ACTUALL has a deed to the road. If they come by one of my farms and decide to make the road wider they pay for so many feet and a deed is recorded just like any other owner. Most utility poles are located at the back of the state property and our fences are on the farm adjacent to the right-of-way.
Maybe it's different here in Ontario. The municipality owns the road and roadway, and can expropriate more land if needed.
We live on a downhill curve and our mail box gets run over at
least once a year. I buy several at a time. Ya, no body stops
In Iowa we own to the center of the road, but the county gets the use of it. I don't have to pay taxes on
that part of my property. Any problems the county gets sued.
(quoted from post at 15:26:46 01/17/18) I guess I will find out how much I can get out of that GEICO Lizard a guy took out my mail box about a hour ago. Whodathunkit a Yankee driver from Connecticut at that I though they could drive in the snow... He probably could have drove away but the ends of my driveway pipe and culvert are formed and poured in concrete, It cracked his aluminum wheel.


Any of you guys with mail ox trouble just consider getting PO box?

IMHE, saves a lot of trouble and drama!

BT,DT, have a PO box!
Few years back on a hot Sunday morning my mail box and post were smashed, went to Menards and got a new box and 4x4 and was home sweatin my azz off digging a post hole when some county mounty stops and wants to know if I want to press charges if they catch the guy that ran over every mailbox both sides of the road for three miles. After he hit mine he was sliding towards a cement box culvert and his left front wheel caught the edge of the cement wing and aimed him back on the road. Would have been a lot more satisfying digging that hole if that truck would of been standing on it's nose in that culvert with some teeth stuck in the steering wheel.
What's with all the snow?, looks like more than I've had in N. Illinois so far this winter.
Grandpa always wanted the extra large farm-style mailbox, which was often a target for the vandals. He told me he had mounted one on a railroad tie, but some guy on a motorcycle managed to hit it and kill himself, so from then on, break away posts only. My plastic mailbox with integrated paper tube is mounted to a four by four stuck in a five gallon pail of cement- if the post doesn't snap clean off, the bucket is only buried half way and it can tip over. The plows finally busted it up last winter after about 15 years, probably due to replace it this spring. We only get the Sunday paper any more, and not nearly as much snail mail, sure don't need the giant box.

My drive is in a bottom in a curve I get all the water from the road and some from across the street. I had to form and pour concrete to stop the erosion this also gave me a foot are more drive on each side. I have planed to add a bout 6ft on that side so two cars could enter at the same time are a tractor trailer could get in the drive more easily. A interstate battery truck ran off the other side about 7 years ago it cost him $600 to get winched out. On the other side a power pole and guide wire is in the way so I can not go that way. The natural gas main line runs on my side of the highway I know were its at so got to be careful punching holes in the ground... They moved my tap to the other side of the road and drive a year ago the tap was about were the box set.

I had poured it in concrete about 10 years ago a city water meter man ran off into the ditch and broke it up so I went over kill the next time... The best I can tell it took the impact this time :).... Any way you go there is a 15" concrete pipe to hit, it now its has a formed and poured wall at ground level...

When I talked to the guy that hit the box he was on the phone with Geico it looks like they are going to take care of it. Geico has called and sent me a claim # by email.
(quoted from post at 01:02:04 01/18/18) What towns actually own the land where the roads are? Or are we talking about a city? Any where I have lived in NY or MI, homeowners own the land where the roads are. Town usually just have right-of-ways or prescriptive easements.

In my area of Ohio we own to the center of the road with easements for utilities something like 40 ft. from the center line of the road. Awhile back the new owner of the property around us built a fence between our properties. Just after it was done the county engineer came rolling up my driveway and said "Your fence is too close to the road, the post is 39 feet from the center line" I said "It's not my fence, I didn't build it." He kept yammering on about it and repeated what I said about half a dozen times before he finally left. They never did have to move it.
Read a story a few years ago about a guy who's mailbox would get smashed by kids driving by with a baseball bat on a regular basis.

Bought a big commercial mail box, suspended a normal mail box inside, and filled the gap with concrete.

Several weeks later, he noted a mild amount of damage to the box, and half of a Louisville Slugger laying next to it.
Don't matter where the driver comes from, if the car has bald all season tires on it, it isn't going anywhere you want it to go on the snow and ice.

Reality is that even if you live where it snows, most people don't know how to drive in it. We get plenty of snow every year here in Western New York state, but you'd think it was North Texas the way people drive every time we get a little snow.

My mail box had been bashed by kids so many times that I decided to just buy the cheap plastic ones at Lowes (something like $10) and just keep replacing them. Current one has been in place a couple of years so I guess destroying mail boxes is no fun anymore.

GEICO Lizard showed up I ask for 4 Franklin's he gave me 5 :)...
The extra Franklin must be the interest they owed me on the other claim.

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