Cold Outside? Let's see your shop!

Ken Christopherson

Well-known Member
Hello all! I was just thinking of some fun ideas for topics to generate some conversation here since it is about -25 to -30 windchills out where I am at. I thought it might be fun to do some shop tours to see where a lot of us get our work done... (And since many of you are aware we are looking for our next home)... Looked at two different places recently with nice pole barns, but our offer was declined on the first. On the second we are a bit hesitant because the house needs a bit of work... Anyhow, here is a photo of where I do most of my work (when not outside)! And included below, is a link to Rudy Calin's magneto shop for many of you who need magneto service. I helped Rudy put the video together - so I hope you enjoy! Can't wait to see some of your shops, and some current projects you may have going. All of my stuff is frozen in place!


A Rebuilt Mags Shop Tour
That's NOT fair! You actually have a floor in your shop that you can SEE! Maybe If I can get the door open far enough, I might be able to post a picture or two.
(quoted from post at 06:11:59 12/29/17) the corner of the basement garage here in NJ,,is my shop corner?

OMG! YOU HAVE ONE!! Wow Larry, you can't BEGIN to know the memories that flooded back to me when I saw your bandsaw! Dad had that same saw when I was a kid. ...I remember how it used to break blades all the time, also! *lol* Never did know what he did with his, but came back after the Air Force, I believe, and it was suddenly not there anymore. ...I think Dad hated that thing. *lol*

...........I "think" I still have the stand that his was mounted on. That was really the best part of the whole machine. :wink:
Nice work area you have there. I particularly like the paint on the vice that you did. Sure makes it pop! That little green compressor reminds me of one my grandpa had in his garage. Not sure on the type of compressor it was, but was an identical color.
I am a bit crazy when it comes to shop cleanliness. I am constantly putting tools back in the toolbox before I am even done with them... I am in need of a bigger space, though.. I seem to be busting at the seams! This one is a little big to fit in there... Especially with the JD A and Case SC inside... Don't even get me started on where I keep my H and F20... Uff. Just lucky I have good friends I guess.
I wish I could show pictures. I have three shops but they certainly didn’t come all at once. My first shop was a little bigger than a one car garage and it swayed in the wind. I could not afford to heat it in weather like this. In 1982 it was replaced with a 30’ by 32’ new tight insulated building. I thought I was in heaven and in a way I was. That shop is now the tractor shop. When I got out of hogs, the century old hog house was sitting there empty. It was insulated so 15 years ago I cleaned it up, closed in a couple of doors, installed a couple of new doors in different locations and screwed used roofing steel over the top of pink board insulation over the old siding and now I had a woodworking shop. The north side and east end are sided with galvanized steel and the west end and south side are white steel but it’s unnoticeable. The ceiling is low at less than 7’ but it works and through the years I have added tools as needed. It’s not fancy but it’s functional. Third shop is the truck shop I made inside the old cattle shed five years ago. I ended up with a 20’ wide by 40k long shop that will hold one semi tractor with plenty of room to work around it. My son has that shop. I have done all of the work on these shops myself except for having help laying the roof steel and putting up the ceiling steel in the truck shop.
It doesn't get real cold in Alabama so my tractor shop is open, small metal shed is where tools are stored. Wood working shop is too small but can be heated.


I couldn't imagine having three or four buildings. But as you said, it didn't happen overnight. I started wrenching in my grandpas front yard around 12 years old or so... From there it migrated into his dirt-floor garage which was double deep, and two car wide. If I had to put a number on it, it would probably be 24X36 or so... Relatives sold the grandparents place when I was about 16, and until I had bought this townhouse with a single car garage it was back to the elements... Moved into the townhouse in 2007, and have been wrenching there ever since. Started accumulating more tractors, and have been bouncing between outside at friends places and inside at the townhouse.. Still not heated, but it stays fairly warm due to being 1/2 underground and sharing common walls. Either way, I will be excited to move to a place that has a little more room... As my collection continues to grow, though, and still being close to the city.. I may have to stop collecting quantity and start wrenching more... Uff, that will be a hard one to stomach!
What is the area up above the shop? Is that cold storage? A grand kids play area? Those lean-to areas give you a lot of extra area to wrench out of the elements as well. Very nice setup.
(quoted from post at 06:48:51 12/29/17) 10 dollars is what I Paid for it at a yard sale,,you can have it for 10 if you need it
Heck, I remember it breaking blades so bad that I'd rather pay you $10 to keep it! *lol*
Since I am a neanderthal as far as electronics and computer inputs from cameras are concerned ""! Please see this in your mind's eye""An 8X12 floor space "garden shed" shop; wooden topped steel work bench along the north side from the door for 4 feet where I do any mechanical work with a 10 inch heavy duty vice at the door end; followed along the same wall by a floor mount 5/8 spindle drill press set on a 3/4 steel plate at the floor; followed by a 6 inch grinder set on an old transmission tunnel from an IHC B series tractor painted white; along the west wall from the corner Hung up the central vac for the house and shop followed in the middle of the west 8 foot wall on a shelf a small wood lathe followed by at the southwest corner a 14 inch floor mount band saw still needing one of the table adjusters repaired; turns the corner and along the south wall we find a saw stand and on it a 10 inch slide saw; next to that is a set of ancient postal benches given to me by a previous post master when they were being junked stacked one on top of the other so the working height is about 36 inches //[ by the way all my equipment is at least 36 inches off the floor { I am 6'3"" tall}]// and to complete the south wall view a space large enough to house a table saw when I desire to find one. Now picture some parts for my IHC BN example the hood or pieces of wood stacked in the south west corner, or a set of torches tucked under the central vac in the North west corner, along with a "KeroSun" kerosene heater sitting and movable on the floor, to heat the shop up to a tolerable 50 to 70 degrees when the out side temperature presently is 0 to 12 F her in southern Ontario Canada. main walking floor space is about 4 by 8 down the centre .
Happy New Year to All.
Here?s my little getaway! 40? x45? heated shop. Nice on cold winter days. Just got to much going on in there. Try to fix other people?s stuff to pay for my projects. Got a couple big money jobs done so most you see in there is my projects. Even got a little office and utility room with a mezzanine above for some parts.

Now that tickles me! I have hammers everywhere. I see them at garage sales and I buy them. It is the hardest thing for me to put down a well used hammer. My family laughs at me. Looks like yours is an organized collection. I should organize mine better. :)
My shop has no heat really, actually one wall is just a tarp, working last night and it was 3 degrees and had to warm the adjusting gearboxes on the press brake with a torch, grease was so thick could barely turn them!
Ken-Do you really heat your shop, with that barbecue grill?-Kidding.
Weren't you going to surprise us with a new project, recently?-Loren
You don't want to see my shop. I can't even see it myself, there are so many projects, materials, and junk piled up in it.
Twenty years or so ago I bought a stove shaped like yours from the old boy that picked up metal from work, think I gave 20 bucks for it. Ten years ago the insurance agent spotted the chimney and told me to get rid of it. I sold it to a guy for $50. and later he said somebody offered him a couple of hundred for it. Recently I saw one on Craig's list for around $300. Can't remember what the embossed name on the door said. I got scared of mine one time, was building my kids an 8x10 gambrel roof play barn inside my shop and tossing scraps in the stove, shingles too. All the sudden it was way too hot for an uninsulated shed in the middle of winter, sides of the stove were bright red and looked close to melting,
(quoted from post at 14:41:02 12/29/17) Okay, Hammer House tell us about your collection. How it got started, when it got started. How many you have. Is there any you do not have?

I'm interested too. Looks like a neat display. A display like that is an interesting sight and it doesn't take up much room.
It was -3 when i drove home from work. There is no way I am going back out to the shop to take a picture. Maybe in a couple of weeks. Maybe next year will be the year i insulate and heat it.
Same here. Pushing the -30F mark this evening so this pic from last week will have to do. Only change is that now the hood is off the Merc and I have a hoist and lift set up overhead to lift the motor (and probably the transmission too).
Its an old building we put up about 1972. Got an oil furnace that I fire up when I really need to work and its too cold to take my mitts off.
We call it our man cave. My wife turned our son's bedroom into a craft room when he married ,so us boys needed somewhere. Maybe one day we will do some finish work to it. Needs insulation and wall covering of some kind
Slowly getting my property set up for my needs. Just got my 40x60 shop up my 30x40 shop got turned into a horse and animal barn for mama. Added lean toos on both building for extra storage. Bought a central boiler forge 3500 to heat my shop and house.. getting floor done this spring then time to tackle the interior hope next winter I?m wrenching on my G when the snows flying...


Shop is 30 x 32 with a 12 x 32 drive through lean to. Is not big enough for any more stuff. I had the 30 x 32 built and added the 12 x 32 myself. When I had it built I did not figure on 2 tractors, now I have 5.

If I do heat it, I have a small ceramic tower heater that gets it probably up into the 50's which is plenty warm for me to work wit a sweat shirt. I have also used a small sunflower heater (ice fishing) that works pretty good too, but I don't like wasting the propane for the grill. I'd rather cook burgers or steaks with it at -20 than heat the little garage up.

The new project(s) are still in the works. When I/we get more information and a little farther along I will definitely post a video for all to see.
Looks like plenty of good space to work - I like the improvised flooring as well. Don't have to worry about oil spots when you can turn your floor over or take it out all together! Looks like the project is coming along inside there.
Again, a great looking shop with one heck of a nice mill. Oh the things I could make with one of those (once I re-learned how to use it of course).
Looks like a very nice, spacious shop. I am hoping to have one (either existing or built) that is about 30X40 or 30X48 even. Single door on one end, a couple windows, and a service door. Concrete floor would be nice.... I'm in the suburbs so I would have to make sure everything is kept under a roof, out of sight. I'll be packing them in like sardines if I can help it!
It's a large 2 car garage, 32' long and still not big enough but now days, I usually only do small garden tractors
top pictures, Break area with a hand small rollaround bench good for brake jobs on cars and trucks
Wifes Captiva, doesn't go out after the state starts salting the roads.
Large roll around bench The picture with the pressure washer in it also shows the 28 gallon waterheater that heats the shop thru tubes in the floor. It keeps it at about50 degrees all winter. Also in one of the pictures hanging from the ceiling is a propane heater that I turn on when I'm going to work in there. In the picture with the propane heater way off to the right there is a cabinet with a laptop computer which I use mostly as a radio for listening to talk radio no static ever. The file cabinet is full of manuals and other junk. To the right is a table saw, A bench with a chop saw and a bench with two grinders, grocery cart, parts washer, another saw all on wheels and in the corner, a welder.















Here is mine almost ready to move in and one taken a couple weeks ago with the MH50 getting closer all the time.



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