Update on CDL

Well, I have passed the written tests for school bus and passenger vehicle.
My blood pressure was a little high to pass the school bus physical. I went to my doctor yesterday and had him write me a blood pressure control prescription. It is coming down, it was as high as 143 over 96. Now it is 124 over 82 so I am getting it under control. I want it to be no higher than 120 over 80 before I take the physical.
There is still a little "catch 22" on the passenger test. I need to qualify in a wheelchair accessible minimum 16 passenger bus. There aren't ANY available in Missouri. I went on Craigslist also to see if anyone had one for sale. One came up, but it has already been sold.
I have tried in Hannibal, Rolla where they told me to call Don's Towing in Sedalia, Don's will bus train you but no vans, also in St Louis where i found a 24 passenger van that rents for $722 for just long enough to take the test, but not wheelchair accessible, also tried in Kansas City. My wife works in a residential care facility, they have a wheelchair van, but it only holds 12 people plus the driver.
Does anybody have any idea where I can find the type of vehicle I need to test with? The VA clinic in Columbia where the job is won't let me test with theirs, they say you need to have the CDL first with the proper endorsements. DOUG
You might also call around to a few (...OK, a lot!) churches, as there are many that will use both full size and smaller handicap-equipped vans to pick up children for Sunday School.
...And if you find such a church that is also willing to help you out, I'm sure they wouldn't turn away a nice little off-Sunday offering. :wink:
(quoted from post at 16:08:09 12/21/17) ...And if you find such a church that is also willing to help you out, I'm sure they wouldn't turn away a nice little off-Sunday offering. :wink:

Churches of actual believer Christians would not touch that money with a ten foot pole !!!! Accepting money for services rendered or for goods, tends to make the donor feel that he has "earned" his way one step closer to heaven. Even though this is essentially saying "God you owe me!!" there are actually a lot of people that think this way if you can believe it. Real believers don't want to take a chance on misleading people this way. Merry Christmas!!!
This may sound dumb, if you want to drive a school bus, try applying for a job to drive a school bus. The potential employer will probably be happy to help you get a license to drive their vehicles. They may offer training as well.
The school districts around me would give you free training with their buses. They are all begging for drivers. Our school district will even pay for you driving test and provide the bus if you'll go to work for them afterward.
Over here in Illinois we have Rides Mass Transit. They have Handicap buses. 450 or 550 fords. They are always training and looking for drivers. I?m sure Mo. has them as well. They will haul you to store, job, Dr. etc.for like 1.50. Our tax dollars at work!
Showcrop, I don?t want to get this off topic to bad but, your comment is drawing my reply. I don?t
mean to offend you in anyway and I respect your opinion. I?m a practicing Christian attending a
Lutheran Church. Here is what I want to say. Any church of any size in today?s world is a twofold
entity. For one they are about supporting the work of the church whatever that is and serving
those that gather in their flock. Which also includes spreading their message as well as bringing
others in. Secondly and more to my point they are a...business...taking care of a property,
buildings and other equipment(van). Point being that funds put out to operate the bus would be
taken out of the purse that could be supporting the number one church purpose. So, in my
estimation refusing his donation is throwing good money after bad. Please know that I do believe
that all things do ultimately belong to God.
(quoted from post at 21:52:13 12/21/17) Showcrop, I don?t want to get this off topic to bad but, your comment is drawing my reply. I don?t
mean to offend you in anyway and I respect your opinion. I?m a practicing Christian attending a
Lutheran Church. Here is what I want to say. Any church of any size in today?s world is a twofold
entity. For one they are about supporting the work of the church whatever that is and serving
those that gather in their flock. Which also includes spreading their message as well as bringing
others in. Secondly and more to my point they are a...business...taking care of a property,
buildings and other equipment(van). Point being that funds put out to operate the bus would be
taken out of the purse that could be supporting the number one church purpose. So, in my
estimation refusing his donation is throwing good money after bad. Please know that I do believe
that all things do ultimately belong to God.

Red MN thanks for your reply. We go only by what the Bible says, as opposed to man's knowledge. Our small church of less than 200 members is constantly reaching out and we fund a number of missionaries. To put all this effort into reaching lost souls and then on the other hand knowingly make it difficult for another lost soul to be saved would be counter productive. God makes the money that he wants us to have available.
Eph 2:8 For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God,
Eph 2:9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Taking the money of a non-believer for services, is supporting his belief that he can get into heaven by doing good works. It is a very bad thing for a Christian to do
I am a Christian. My wife works graveyard shift so we don't go to our local church very often. We did find a cowboy church with services every other Wednesday at 6pm. That works better for us. I do admit we don't tithe. Our plans are to leave our estate to several churches instead of her kids. That is a long story in itself. DOUG

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