Neurapathy SLOWLY getting better

Below , I posted in the stroopid column,. having bad legs will cause me to do things differently than if i had great health,. but i manage,,.. and i SHOULD Have Climbed down and locked the head,.A couple monthes ago i talkt with a man i knew who was older than me,. He told Me that he had the exaxt stage 3 cancer ,surgery and treatment plan , just a different Dr. and his event was 3 yrs ago ,,. He thought it would be wise to REST and let things heal on their own . NOW ,He is dependant on a walker , not for everything mind you ,But he will not leave home without it.. He Was Amazed i was doing so well ,It Made Me feel guilty for the "Why Me Lord Syndrome ",..And I know i left him feeling guilty for not getting therapy ( I had a therapy alright LOl,, My Farm duties ) .THANKS TO having to drag my ornery tail end out each day to feed My Cows and to pack and cut firewood and stoke the fires .It WAS TUFF , as Many of YOU Know ..I am Far better with my poisoned body parts than i was last Christmas, One Never Knows How sick they were until they get better .In JULY , i Started Chiro Care and Massage for my aching back , immediately, i could tell my nerves were waking up from the adjustments and especially the massage ,. my bathroom times straightened up and i was more mobile with each week . it seems highly possible that i will be ok in the coming year or 2 ,. if NOTHING ELSE HAPPENS,Dear God ,.. But golly ,,.The term , THERE Goes Me except for I , applies to me ,,.And i Thank God for everything.
I'm glad things are looking up for you. Staying active is a lot better than sitting around. Wish you a good year in 2018.
Got an old neighbor who's 89 years old. He got in to a farm accident when he was a kid and busted up his pelvis and what not pretty bad. He's got one leg that's at least an inch and a half shorter than the other. He's always walked with a limp for as long as I've been alive. He's worked his tail off all his life. He farmed and worked in a factory all his working life. He said the doctor told him one time that work was all that had kept him going. Said if he hadn't worked so hard he'd have been a wheelchair by the time he was 40.
Hopefully the worst is behind you, something about tending after them old cows just does a person good, or at least I think it does, maybe cause you know they are depending on you. Good luck and best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.
I'm glad that things are getting better for you and hope a full recovery to you. I don't know all of the causes for neuropathy but my brother and my brother-in-law's mother both have it from chemo treatment for cancer. I certainly don't need to tell you about it, like them you're dealing with somethings that I've been blessed not to have to deal with at least for now. The best to you and yours and as someone else said, Happy New Year...after Merry Christmas.

jim, glad to hear you are improving. it doesn't take long for things to weaken when you are out of commission, and a lot longer to build back up. merry Christmas!
Thanks to All of You for the Well Wishes ,, You guys have no idea how much i enjoy writing and reading about all our farm friends out there ,,. especially when i was jacked up in the hospital bed for 15 days march 2016,.. Many Of You , not just Mark , Do not understand what neuropathy is, and its cause ,Frankly If I Knew i would endure all these after affects , I would have chose NO CHEMO and rolled the Dice . i did not know , until i was in the thick of it,I Would not tell anyone NOT TO Take The Chemo ,..I firmly believe it saved my life ..What the chemo does ,, is kill cancer cells ,.,. sadly some good things get killed too, or very impaired. The Nerves in My Feet and Hands are( dead) ,. constant tingles of asleep limbs ,. its like my feet are wet and froze cold ,,. We All know what that feels like ,,.. Thank God my circulation is very good and there is warmth in all my toes and fingers,, I Hope I dont bore you of the events of My Decline and rebuild over the last 18 monthes . Its funny I was raking wheat hay a week after i got out of the hospital in april 2016 . i was Strong, dumb and Happy and able to plant and hay most all early summer , even took my 3 day chemo pouch with me to the field ,.//// fast-f to earlier this yr i was reporting my legs to be like fence posts ,.today i have overcome that, my legs are good enuf to walk a good speed , and i can now run .
12 chemo treatments over 6 monthes were completed sept 27th,.i told the Drs that i could feel it moving into my legs in early july ,.and they abruptly pulled my bottle , and gave me a reduced dose !! ,.. However I continued to loose my legs and get very winded doing the simplest tasks ,. declined to my lowest around last Christmas ,I was So Bad off i honestly thought my lungs had to be told to breathe,.it scared me,.In Church While everyone was up and down , I mostly sat, but would kneel for the Consecration,And IT FELT GOOD ,. but i would instantly need to pee,. and have to leave church for just a durn drizzle,.and it stunk bad like medicine , i was needing the bathroom a half dozen times or more a day ,.if i could even make it in time , and that burned like hot barb wire comin out and gave me hemoroid trouble ,.again That smelled of chemicals,,.. i ate many a meal that tasted like sawdust,.Sadly early on i befriended a skinny fella getting chemo same as my shcedule ,.. He told Me to "eat
,, even when you did not feel like eating",..That Man died from complications from his treatments last fall ,.. That was a shocker when i asked where Fred Was ?, And they Told Me He did Not Make It .. This Spring I planted and cursed thru tears my arms and legs for feeling like they were made from wood ,And I Could not get them to perform like I Knew THEY Really Should . repairs were atuf job,.climbing,dragging myself under to grease and change oil,my back had a big squaere in the lower lumbar that ached like a cold ,. i had a triangle in my shoulder blades the same way,.my strength was way down as far as torquing lug nuts , i would ask my nephews to check my work if they happened to come by ,.. when i was fixing fence a cold rain caught me a ways from the tractor and i chose to make for the house ,i honestly feared i Could Not Make it,..Thank God the rain slacked up a bit,. by the time i swaggered in there,. i was chilled thru and thru. And My Sara Helpt Me Get a Hot Bath That Made Me feel like a Million Bucks , while it POURED BUCKETS outside .i noticed i could not handle much hay bales without being winded and shot for a couple hours , so i avoided over exerting in the heat,.and my sons and pals put the square hay up. while i loaded the elevator,. i was a good tractor driver for round baling mowing and raking though , and could stay there all day , No Trouble ,just keep me in water . Lol

Now To Another Sad Chapter, My sister Linda ,In mid Sept , She was diagnosed with Multiple Meloyma. Head ,arm , and lungs ,.She Took radiation and chemo thru October,.and it thru her in a tailspin ,She had 3/4ths her plan behind her and was totally bedridden . And that Aint like Us,.but , She refused to go to hospital , when she got so sick, because she feared that would interupt her treatment plan. When B-I-l Joel scooped her up to take her in for their next treatment ,,. they Said " NAw .No more , it could kill her",.(I Knew THEY WERE NOT KIDDIN from my own experience) " we got to get you back healthy GIRL " we have been most of 4 weeks getting her healthy again, Last Sunday ,She looked marvelous as Neighbors , Friends And family Galore celebrated in grand style her 60th birthday at the church she married Joel in 1982.. she got out of nursing home to oversee the cooking sunday morning , and went back in til wednsday,when they released her,. She is using a walker to lean on to tour the barn lot , and lookover her Rabbits and calves ,.. We all Pray That She Can Come Thru as I Did , and her Son in law RUSH ,Who is Fighting back LeuKemia heroicly and successfully ,.but , Sadly , we also Know What She Has ,,The Deck is Stacked Against her . But maybe The Drs are Wrong on myloma , and GOD dont need another Rabbit tender for at least 30 more yrs,. Please Forgive Me for the wordy run on posts .. Honestly Our Family was immune from all sorts of hospital type sickness all my life ,. but lately , it hascaught us up in itssights and ishammeringf away at some of us .
Thanx Randy ,I Like That,. My 1st wife got that album for me when i broke my ankle and ribs ,LOL.and i had about 200 hundred of them rascals to worry about and a clipboard full of homes needing siding and gutters,.i fell off a 10 ft step ladder on to frozen ground on april fools day , i thought the house moved .LOL , ( that was the beginning of my vertigo troubles i hadfor a while )./.the trouble with falling off step ladders is that you will land on thedamthang, my ribs!,,.we came thru ok.. I had a Guy That Loved Animals that helped in the Hoggs and he even knew how to clip needle teeth and castaerate , and make feed with my young sons ,. after a week at home, i went to the jobs to straighten things out and found i could tail gate supervise pretty good and even make trim on the brake ,.. but i could not punch the clutch in all my straight shift trux,so i needed a chauffer ,,My Piggy Man helper turned out to be a durn good siding helper too ...

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