double standards


friend of mine knows nothing about farming so he has been questioning me about to how clean up his fescue yard and what fertilizer to apply to it, he is one of those folks that prepackaged instance fix from a lawn and garden store is the way to $$$$$ I've have tried to explain to compare what the contents are on the labels, so he stops at his local lawn care expert and brings me a fertilizer application schedule, of course it is in 1000 square foot rates $$$$ when I added up a years total for nitrogen they recommended 210 lbs. of actual nitrogen per acre for a lawn!!!!, funny thing these are the same people that site farmer for excessive fertilizer showing up in there lakes and streams.
Actually many places yards and golf courses are the main culprit for fertilize, herbicide and insecticide contamination of lakes and streams. A few years ago I read about an incident where a local agency decided to crack down on such non point source pollution. They were certain the cause was poor farming practices. The agency paid an environmental firm a huge sum to help trace down the "culprits". To make a long story short, the main culprits turned out to be yards and golf courses. The funny thing is one of the practices that they recommended to be changed was that people caring for their "perfect" lawn didn't turn off their spreader or sprayer when they crossed their driveway. The firm said the vast majority of chemicals placed on driveways went into storm drains then directly to local waterways when it rained. Strangely when presented with the results the agency quietly dropped the whole thing lol. I believe had the problem been pinpointed to farmers they would have been punished as much as the law would allow.
Yes, cities are a major contributor to runoff.

They pour on the fertilizer, then water to make it grow.

I have NEVER watered a lawn.
It is called a money trail baby!!! You know who gets the short end of the stick. Farm is a minority as far as power. What really frosts you is you produce the food and then get kicked for makeing poo smells or dust at harvest or out in the field all night etc.
yea but you forgot to mention you can go the walmart whoever and buy all the roundup ect no questions asked
It should be no surprise that suppliers oversell their products to everyone: consumers; small hobby farms; and large corporate farms.
Exactly! It is tough to find much for impermiable surfaces on a farm outside of some garage or shed aprons. Farmers understand the input cost for these things far better than any suburbanite. I recall Pa reading an article in ?The Farmer? back in the ?80s when farmers were starting to have that finger pointed their way. It was a ridiculous cost/ amount per acre that suburbia was putting on the piece of heaven through sales pitches alla ChemLawn, Green Thumb, and the likes. All adjacent to the concrete curb and directly into storm sewer. A farmer could neither afford or justify those rates.
John what about every single city up stream dumping their sewage into the rivers that end up down there??? Big rains all the sewage in dump right through without being treated in many older systems.
The Roundup Walmart, etc. sells is so watered down it hardly passes for a herbicide.
JD Seller
There are many sources of nitrogen and phosphorus runoff.
It is just farmers are easy to blame because they use huge amounts of fertilizer and it is easy to see that feed lot has piles of manure.
And farmers are easy to regulate because they make a small portion of the voting public.

If we call it city over fertilization the first thing said is "How does my 25 lbs of fertilizer matter when that farmer uses thousands of lbs"
Can you see the government telling city folks they can not fertilize their lawn.

If we blame it on city waste systems we are now picking on a government entity.

And to think I grew up drinking the water right out of that river.
And they still to this day get the entire water supply for the whole city out of the river.
Anyone can buy 41% glyphosate off the shelf at Walmart and other consumer retail stores which is the same concentration as what you buy by the tote for ag use. Only the ready-to-use mixes are "watered down".
A friend of years ago reckoned that there was a simple answer.

Make it mandatory that a city's water intake had to be from the stream below the city
Well I kinda gotta agree and disagree. Yea, fertilizing lawns indeed contributes to the problem. No that is not being ignored. It's been in the news a bit over the last few years. Kinda went on the back burner after the last election but I'm sure that it will move to the front again in the next year or so.

But brace for it guys, they are going to restrict using fertilizers sometime in the future for everyone.

I have never understood why somebody would pay money to make their lawn grow faster, or stay green during a dry season. My yard can grow as slow or be as brown as it wants. Chemlawn hucksters don't stop at our house anymore after one insulted our yard to my wife, commenting how ugly it was with thousands of dandelions. She told him she thought they were pretty and they could stay right where they were.

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