Need some input. I am presently receiving chemo for chronic leukemia. My blood platelets are extremely low as is my white blood cells.
Have any of you guys or gals been in this situation and what are some of potential things to prepare for. The chemo is not the kind to
make my hair fall out so possibly a less harsh chemical but the other problems exist. Thanks for any input
Sorry to hear of your health issues. I don't even really know what chemo is or how it is administered. Can someone walk me through it?
Basically it is for the most part intravenous injections over a period of time of chemicals(hence the name chemo) into the blood stream. The result is cancerous cells and good cells are destroyed but since bad cells divide more rapidly than do good cells then it will reduce or eliminate the cancerous ones over time. Side effects can be severe especially with lowering white blood cells and the ability to fight infections and lowering blood platelets that cause blood clotting. Platelets can be infused and I have had some. Some argue it doesn't help that much but today the evidence seems to indicate generally improved health and possible elimination of all the bad cells.
My mom was diagnosed with chronic leukemia back in '93. She is now 89, lives alone and takes no medication.
She went through a mild chemo about 4-5 years ago and some other medication to bring her white blood cell count higher. She seemed to have benefited from it, as her doctor just gave her a "you are doing about as good as we can expect" report on her last yearly checkup. She has to watch her health and go to the doctor whenever she gets a cold or the flu as they give her strong antibiotics to fight off sickness, sometimes spending a few days in the hospital with an IV hooked to her arm, because as you know, her body doesn't make a high number of white cells.
Other than that, she leads a normal life.
I know when my Brother was going through chemo for similar condition he got weak but a nutritionist made him a list of foods he should avoid and a list he should eat to build the blood, when he started eating as she told him to he improved and felt much better and stronger within just a few days.
Sorry to hear of your illness. Prayers sent.

Don't have any personal experience, but a few years back I did some work for an oncologist.

He liked to hear about things mechanical, and in turn shared some info about his job.

One thing I remember him telling me was some of his patients would take it upon themselves to take various otc supplements to counter the effects of chemo, build their immune system, and ease the side effects. He said most of the time, the remedies are harmless, and can be beneficial.

But, the patient needs to be completely honest, and tell the Dr. what they plan to take BEFORE taking it! Just because it is otc doesn't mean it is always safe. Some can have negative effects, countering or reacting with prescribed meds. Others that are intended to build the body up, can actually feed the cancer at the same time!

So, about all I can say is stay in close communication with your medical provider. Clear everything through them first.

Hope all goes well for you, keep us informed.
God bless!
yes cannabis can be your friend, especially in your situation.
I have a few friend that have benefited from it.

Think about it, it has been used for thousands of years as a medication, until the "antis" got a hold of it!
Jim, So sorry to hear that you have problems. Just remember to keep a optimistic outlook on life. It will be hard sometimes but believe me it's the best way. I am a 3 time cancer survivor. The first was Colon cancer, and I had an operation and did Chemo 1 day a week for 6 months. Then good for 6 years. The next was throat cancer and I had 31 Radiation treatments. I was good for another 6 years and then I got Lug cancer. They removed a third of my right lung and didn't need treatments. I have been clear of any cancer for the last 4 years. I will be 80 years old in a few months and am doing pretty good. So you see it can be done. Good Luck
So glad for you that you have thrived even in the midst of adversities. I will be 80 also the end of Dec.
Did you ever need infusions of platelets or white blood cells?
God bless you.
I really appreciate all your inputs. I use essential oils which I believe are beneficial as well as heavy doses of vit C. These are mainly to help fight off infections.
You guys are the best.
I took chemo and radiation for lung cancer 2 years ago. Platelet count got so low they gave me a blood transfusion. Put me on supplement drink, I believe it was high protein drink and tasted the best when mixed with ice cream like a malt, advised to avoid situations where I could fall or get bruised or cut/scratched due to bleeding. Talk to and listen to your oncologist. I wish you the best and have added you to my prayer list Leroy
Had treatments in 2005 and 2012, received a twice a month shot of something (can't remember the name of it) that boosted white blood cells and red blood count. The treatment does affect your memory. Then when you are done it is a good year or so to get back to feeling normal. A positive outlook is very important,as stated earlier. Prayers with you, it can drag you down.
Again, thanks guys for all your advice. My oncologist told me about 6 years ago that I was producing platelets but my spleen could be destroying them and removal of the spleen a possibility down the road. Well, appears we are down the road.

Have any of you had your spleens removed and if so how have you been affected.
I have always been so active and this bump in the road is a real downer.
Thanks so much.
I have cancer from Agent Orange. Tried chemo but it only made me feel worse. Plus since they told me nothing could be done. I just said to hell with it. I will live out what life I have left.
I hope jim has better results. But for me I just didn't see any sense in it. Why go through that sickness from the meds and the results were going to be the same. Watched my brother and father go through it. Besides I have a new pal to visit.

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