You might expect to see this at Wal-Mart


Well-known Member
But I saw this at Krogers.Not sure if this keeps window up or stops it from rattling.
What do you think?
Don't really think it's a reflection of where somebody shops, more likely window wouldn't stay up so they got resourceful when rain was coming and used what they had on hand. Better than the classic garbage bag duct tapped on......
HaHa. I didn't notice the reflection on my phone.
That 6 ft fat man has been fighting the battle of the bulge. Got down to 175# and and holding. Can't seem to lose any more without finding it the next day. Any tips slim?
Yes you're right. You'll find me at both places. Kroger more because I go past it all the time. Only 3 miles away too.

BTW, that's not my car.
What attributes do you have that causes one to look down upon those who shop at Walmart? Are they not human beings just like all of us? Why do people feel good putting down others? I await a reply .....
I agree it is not nice to laugh at someone. But my sister is a manager for Wal-Mart. She will tell you sometimes that is all you can do or go nuts.
(quoted from post at 17:13:39 08/26/17) What attributes do you have that causes one to look down upon those who shop at Walmart? Are they not human beings just like all of us? Why do people feel good putting down others? I await a reply .....

Just a thought, perhaps it is not so much the people as the place. We have all seen the pics, and I have to say that there are some very unusual people out there, and perhaps it is just that Walmart is a place where they are more likely to be seen. What attributes does one need to point out, rather than just observe, what he sees as something incorrect that someone else does?
(quoted from post at 00:18:25 08/27/17) I agree it is not nice to laugh at someone. But my sister is a manager for Wal-Mart. She will tell you sometimes that is all you can do or go nuts.

Personally, it doesn't seem to matter if you're at the bottom line grocery store, Walmart or the top of the line super expensive place. The people are the same animals in every store, they just dress nicer the higher up the food chain you go.

I find the Walmart/regular people bashing tiresome.
(quoted from post at 21:13:39 08/26/17) What attributes do you have that causes one to look down upon those who shop at Walmart? Are they not human beings just like all of us? Why do people feel good putting down others? I await a reply .....

I'd like to know where all these elitists shop? Where does the "I'm sooooo much better than you" crowd go? I shop where a guy with cow crap on his pickup, and maybe even his boots, is accepted as a benefit to the community because he's actually working and paying his own way. Tell me, where are these places where there are no goofy people with EBT cards or where they only sell 100% American made goods?
Maybe you didn't catch my drift. George makes a snide comment about walmart customers. Then he says he's at krogers. So I suggested the customers are about the same at both places - implying that he is no better.
(quoted from post at 05:54:49 08/27/17) showcrop you live in a world by your self, bet its hard to be as perfect as you all the time

Well, Stonerock my buddy, you know that I have been trying to help you out. The main thing is a little self restraint. Perhaps I should set up a correspondence course curriculum to speed the process up.
Someone offering a urinal for those that have to go real bad and can't make it into the store?
(quoted from post at 19:13:39 08/26/17) What attributes do you have that causes one to look down upon those who shop at Walmart? Are they not human beings just like all of us? Why do people feel good putting down others? I await a reply .....

Those bashing Walmart shoppers and say they never shop there sure seem to know a lot about those of us that do shop there.
(quoted from post at 17:42:10 08/27/17) Crazy Horse, showcrop is not going to answer you, he's to buisy putting me down, makes him feel like a big man

Stone rock my buddy, I think you may have gotten little lost here. Crazy Horse has just one post that I can see here on this thread at last on modern view, and it is before mine. So I din't think that he is looking for any response from me.

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