My Apologies for OT

I 'am sorry that I may have started any hard feelings from my post yesterday. I didn't mean to shed a bad light on our Navy or Administration. Just felt overwhelmed by current events of the world, I have missed my old friends I used to bounce thoughts and ideas off of..... Again my apologies and will keep my posts tractor related, Craig
Soooo...if you think about just did the very thing you were complaining about in your original post. Apologizing for your position. Too much of that going on in the country and in the world.
Didn't read your origional post, but rest assured that many of us are worried, scared if not downright terrified by what's happening in our world now. We have many in this world who have no aspirations of living in a peaceful world. Some of them are only seconds away from unlleashing their wrath.
I just read through the whole thread, I didn't really see anyone being offended. If someone disagrees with you or makes a contradicting stand, does that mean they are offended? Of course, there are off-topic posts (like a person's issues with his neighbor's fence or BBQ smoke, the postal guy being a lazy bum, etc) ....... not really "tractor related" as asked in the forum guidelines for Tractor Talk but still worthwhile talking about. Then we wander into the political arena for being OT, that's when things start to heat up. That and things like race, religion, etc should be avoided if possible I think. I think we can all live with the fence and postman problems discussed here.
My 43 Farmall A still quits after an hour.Now, that obligation is covered. I think that we are headed for wxx soon. The NK guy is nuts and will continue until that happens. Those of us who lived thru WW II know what it all means. So don't worry youself about your feelings. There will be a point when it will come. In order to be proper. we need to be fired upon first so watch closely. I belive it will come soon , most likely from two directions. As far as I am concerned you did nothing to apologize for.
I saw nothing wrong in your post. The problem is America has been kicked around for years.The worlds little dictators knew we would do nothing. Now we have a new sheriff in town. So they have to test him. My sister in law is from Korea. She will tell you little pig boy is a full blown nut case. Believes his own lies. Very dangerous man.Says she doesn't think NK would last a week. Most of the people would run from this idiot give=n the chance.
Nah, don't apologize. We have strong opinions, and that's nothing but good. If you can defend your opinions, that's all t he more better. If you can convince the other guy, that's the best.
You don't really need to apologize for anything.

One very important thing that people in this Country fail to recognize, is that there are other Countries (NK and IR being 2 of them) where the Value Of Life means very little to the people. They do not have the thrills and frills that we have, and they are fine dying for their beliefs, at any time. They had no "Time Outs" when they were little. They did not get to play sports where they received their "Participation Trophy". It's not that they want to die, it's just that they are fine with it if it helps their cause, or for some other reason, has to be.

That is why you can not take these Country's lightly, and think you can pay them to be nice.
You did nothing wrong, good post. DJT gave both the north korean napolean and the mullahs clear warning last night, the ''fire and the fury'' was meant for both, shortly they will slink off in their respective caves and be quiet for the next several years like Quadaffi when Mr.Reagan had the Air Force remodel his tent.
All that is going on in the world both good and bad is foretold in the Bible. One thing for sure those that love Israel will be better off than those that hate Israel. The Lord is our only hope in these perilous times.

I remember when Reagan got tired of Momoar Ghadifi threatening us constantly. He directed a hit on the dictators palace. Shut him up for about 20 years. Did not even hear a peep out of him. Need to do that with some more of these petty dictators. Put the Fear of God in 'em.

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