Ben centash do you have a copy?

This message is a reply to an archived post by Joker on February 15, 2017 at 16:59:08.
The original subject was "Ben centash do you have a copy?".

I grew up in that area and we had a 9n Ford. Dad got parts from a garage that sold Ford tractors at the corner of Fanshawe Park Road and Highbury ave. Not sure what they called it, the owners name was Burrel.
Don ' t remember a dealer there, but it is about 60 miles south of us. RV dealer and a gas station, closed restaurant on the corner now. Ben
John my Dad grew up a mile south of there. Would that have been a Ferguson dealer after the Ford Ferguson split? I seem to remember him saying something about a Ferguson dealer on the south west of that intersection diagonal to the church.

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