Ya'll aint gonna believe this one!!

She said they were cows , looked like some fat steers to me , but what would I know . The chumps that gave
money to these folks are going to be the big losers . Who is going to know if the fat smiling guy sells
them , or turns them into cut and wrap. If I could get some jerks to send me $400,000.00 to keep a half
dozen steers , guess I could do it too . At least for a while .
Says they are going to have it where
visitors come see the cows, wonder if they
will serve burgers there?
As for the first video, I have to wonder.....did these folks take some of that "FREE MONEY" and pay for the bovines?? .....Or did they just grant asylum and leave it at that??

As for the 2nd story, geez....my jaw hit the floor! I've seen a few not-so-good episodes of TCR over the years, but Bob has totally gone over the hill on this one! Personally, I think the husband found out it's more profitable to take the money of idiots than it is to have the "livestock" serve their intended need.

Now, have I not made my stance on this perfectly clear yet?? :roll:
...Can't seem to get this craziness out of my head! Was in here yapping with the wife and I thought back to when I had to fly out to Kornyfornia to help Dad with his cancer stuff. Met some woman while there (I think from or-EE-gun) who had first told me about this GoFundMe stuff. Even though Dad was in trouble with cancer, I still couldn't help but wonder...."[i:dd81f5eca4]Isn't that wrong[/i:dd81f5eca4]?" Don't get me wrong - not trying to push my views on anyone else here or anywhere else, but honestly, isn't that just like panhandling? Only, with a specified purpose? And being online, how do you know if the hard-luck story you hear about is actually real?

I've met an awful lot of very wonderful people in over 1/2 a century and have come to the same conclusion to what I was taught growing up - that hard times only makes us stronger. Yes, many will fold under pressure and take the easy way out, and some actually don't have much other choice but to beg or die. I understand that. But when you go out asking nameless, faceless people for money so that you can make YOUR life better......sorry, but that just makes the blood start a-boiling, ya' know?

There once was a time when people looked to friends and family, and were firstly expected to tighten the belt a few notches.....just like everyone else was doing. I just don't understand this mentality of getting FREE money to do with whatever you please. Come hell or high water, you'll never catch me out there begging for money like that! ...But then I'm pretty set in my ways and don't wanna change. :wink:
I know of one woman who is a second or third generation welfare person. She went on "Go Fund Me" with a sob story and collected enough money to take her whole family on a vacation several states away. Then again, the people that send in money can't be all that bright either.
Wonder if those idiots that gave the money realize all they did was pay for that man and woman a new farm. All the farmers out there with livestock ought to set up a gofundme site say they are protecting the critters and get
money to buy another farm. What a bunch of idiots this country has bred
There are plenty of these folks around I live among them,farmers really need to look at these videos to see the way farmers and farming is view by a whole lot of the public. Ideas have made a
drastic change in the last decade and these people out number farmers probably 50 to 1 or more when they vote.And they don't buy the 'everybody is gonna starve if we can't do it the way
we always have argument' because there are plenty of farmers that will do it their way. Is it silly?Some of it is for sure but as you can see they are ready to put out the $$$$ to see
things are done the way they want.
Like the thread here the other day about county 'weed commissioners' in Iowa,in my area they'd be tarred and feathered if they even thought about going down the road spraying anything
the least bit toxic.
I know a guy that shot and killed his wife a while back, has a go-fund-me page set up so he can buy

from the jail commissary magazines and treats !!
(quoted from post at 07:01:04 06/06/17) I know a guy that shot and killed his wife a while back, has a go-fund-me page set up so he can buy

from the jail commissary magazines and treats !!

PLEASE tell me he's not having any luck! Sheesh!
IMO gofundme is a high tech version of standing on a corner with a sign "will work for food".

Yea a lot of people scam or try scamming people on there.

I don't quite understand why people send money to the various people begging for help. Last year there was a young lady begging money because he parents refused to pay 100% of her college plus fund party money. They wanted her to get a job for "fun money". She felt that she deserved the extra cash to have the proper "college experience". Sorry, I just don't buy into a lot of the sob stories. I more the I gotta know for sure that A: you really need the money because of a real problem B: that the money will be spent to help resolve that problem.


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