That ordeal is over........


Well-known Member
Till next year.

My wife's family's annual reunion. She has/had six older brothers, (two survive), and between six and ten assorted half brothers and half sisters. No one knows for sure. Every reunion strange people show up that no one has seen before. And the word "strange" can be used in more than one context.

Today there were close to sixty present. The combined weight of the females would have approximately equaled the displacement of the USS Saratoga.

Somewhere a tattoo artist is retired in luxury. And that's just from the female side of the family.

Biblical style long beards seemed to be in style among the men today. Maybe made them harder to identify. On the flip side, a nephew who likes to project a "biker" image was clean shaven and neatly dressed.

Like they say, you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your relatives. But, everyone jokes about it and has a good time, and I guess that's what it's about.
Goose you are in rare forum. Very funny 2 old sayings I like if I never see them again would be to soon!! And more trouble than my ex wife!!
Don't you wonder what it is that those types aspire to be? What is their ultimate goal? It appears that many on the street just want to be seen.....even if that means being seen as a freak.

Their job interviews must be interesting.

Too bad that this one hits close to home.....just try to keep it an arms length annual event...disguise your address and phone number.

A knock on the door at 8 PM might not be a welcome family surprise.
We say about a small town here, that it must be where the toothbrush was invented, if it had been invented somewhere else it would be called a teethbrush.
So did I. In the fall of 1956 when the Sara herself was brand new and still in shakedown.
I'm an Air Force retired type, but I've got a couple of traps in a COD on CV 59 & CV 60, even spent about 4 days doing sea trials on the USS Rhode Island boomer out of Georgia. Was going to fly for the Navy but a friend whispered that there wasn't any booze or females on the boats...switched to the Air Force and was sent to Nam anyway. Guess there are females on subs and carriers now so things have really changed. LOL
We turned over with the Saratoga battle group back in '87, when they were sailing around with the Wisconsin battle group. We went to sleep one night, and woke the next morning to so many ships you it felt like you could walk across them.

At the time I was onboard the USS William V. Pratt DDG-44. As it pertains to the original post, the would have what we called 'fat boys', which was calisthenics on the fantail for the guys who had failed their PT test.

We could almost always tell when they began doing jumping jacks, or other exercises that caused them to jump up and down, as we could literally feel the ship move.
I'm not well educated on fads these days. I heard a term for the first time the other day; "Tramp Stamp". That was all I needed to know about that, no need to define it, just wasn't interested to learn what it is. Too bad, I got the full definition of it. in my 63 years on this Earth, I have always lived my life by living modestly, paying my bills and feeling good that I paid my own way. My family insisted that I join that facespace internet thing. Just a short time on there taught me that the priority of many folks is go get tattoos and have yer nose ringed like we used to do hogs. Seems to me there are more of us folks sporting tattoos and hog rings than those who don't. Personally, I never could afford such things, nor did I have any desired to spend my hard earned money defacing my body with such things. Another thing I learned from that face thing is that there are many people complaining about the cost of living who have adorned themselves with strange markings and ringing their noses.
one of the funniest posts I've seen on here in a long time. :lol: I shared it with a co-worker here and we both laughed our rears off. Kind of feel the same about my and my wife's family. Just found a good excuse not to go to a female relative (her side) surprise BD party in a couple of weeks. It's good that the wife feels the same about the person. Makes it easier.
If you're a woman who likes women and you met your girlfriend in a Kentucky strip joint where your mother works,you might be my wife's niece. And that's the truth.
Goose you have a good way of putting words together. I read this while I was sitting in on a church meeting Marilyn was attending. (not interested in the meeting) I was trying not to visibly chuckle but didn't hold it in very well. Couldn't wait for the meeting to be over so I could let her read it.

Marilyn comes from a very large family, I come from a very small family. My family doesn't have reunions because there is no one to attend them. Marilyn's reunions usually have 80-100 attendees but they are all plain industrious down to earth folks so it's just a nice uneventful but very noisy gathering. Thanks for brightening my day.
(quoted from post at 20:33:38 06/04/17) .......

[b:ffc18a1b90]Their job interviews must be interesting.[/b:ffc18a1b90]

Some years back, I was interviewing people for a receptionist position where I was a manager. Narrowed down to a dozen or so from the resumes and called the best prospects in for face-to-face interviews. One of the top people (on paper) came in and opened her mouth to speak and I was staring at a tongue stud. She kind of lisped with it too. Needless to say, she didn't get the job. To this day, she probably doesn't know why. Not the kind of thing we wanted our customers to see when they first entered the office.
a nephew who likes to project a "biker" image was clean shaven and neatly dressed.
Did you ask about court appearance date? Was he due in court next day or just had it? Old classic: Biker accused cleans up, sits in spectator section and complaining witness can't point out defendant that clerk of court said has signed in. Warrant to be issued for non appearance IF complainant will testify under penalty of perjury that defendant isn't in courtroom. Sign the form, warrant issued and then if defendant stands up the warrant must be voided, witness noted as not credible and a misdemeanor false filing charge at the least applied to him. Sometimes the 'in laws' are 'Outlaws'. RN
Wife and I went to grocery store yesterday evening. I commented to her about all the appearance of most of the people. Looks to me the are modeling their appearance after Afghan Tribal Elders and that just don't sit good with me ! Soap is about the cheapest thing you can buy. Whats the deal, they cant make rent but they can afford tattoos. No matter how little money you have you can still be clean.

We had a family reunion yesterday too. Just my immediate family and my kids and their kids, except one. My sister showed up with her first husband instead of her current boyfriend. My older brother came alone. Hadn't seen him in a few years as he lives in MN with a friend. The younger brother who lives not far away was, as usual, absent. He was the youngest and like most youngest had it the easiest, but he is still holding to his belief that he got the short end of everything, so he wants nothing to do with his sister or oldest brother, He will see me if I am alone.

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