Planter and i almost got hit today.


Coming in from the last of the planting young girl pull out of a side road doesn't even slow down.Sees me and speeds up and moves to the middle of the road if it weren't for a driveway would have had a total planter and car.So much for driver ed these days.
Same here was coming home last week young woman pops over a hill sees me speed upI pull over.She runs into one ditch on her side goes across the road into the other ditch.get back on the road and keep going.Saw her 2 more times now when she sees a tractor she stops and gets off the road now.Something tells me she had to go home for a change of underwear after that.
Happens all the time here. Had my share of close calls but never an actual incident. A buddy of mine had a nice new JD baler totaled and several thousand dollars damage to his tractor when a teen driving a Honda was not paying attention and rear ended him doing about 50mph.

The year before that another local was killed when he got hit in a 45mph road. Rolled the Farmall H over on top of him.

Here in CT it's actually state law that if you are traveling on a public roadway behind a vehicle displaying a SMV triangle... The vehicles are to remain in line behind it until the operator of the SMV signals to the other motorist that it is safe to over take. Otherwise should a MVA occur and the motorist was not signaled that it was safe to over take the motorist is at fault. Not that it matters when folks are hurt or killed.

Wish they would do a 5 or 10 minute lil lecture to new drivers about this stuff, think they are just not teaching it.
I nearly got sideswiped this week. Driveway's at the crest of a blind hill. I signaled for a left turn well in advance. Young chick was following for 300 yards and when I started my turn she decided it was time to pass. No matter that she couldn't see over the hill.
I do not think they train drivers on hand signals anymore.

Left hand out must mean please pass me
My niece is taking drivers ed right now. The book she was given
shows hand signals but also dates back to 1990. The tests and
actual class don't mention them. She drives tractors so she was
aware of them beforehand. So I highly doubt it's taught anymore.
When my Daughter and Son took Driver's Ed 6-7 yrs ago I told them that vehicle is a machine and you're just "a part" of it. I think
the best thing I did when they were 9-10 yrs old I bought them a 5hp go-cart. They learned pretty quick and it was fun for them to
fish tail around corners. I heard my daughter scream when she was driving it. I looked out the window and saw her get off the go-
cart. The go-cart kept going after she got off. I ran out and picked up my son to keep the cart from running him over and I told my
daughter to climb up in the jungle gym. Well the go-cart ran for about a minute thru the garden etc. It would go about 20ft and spin
out and go another 20ft in a different direction. It finally ran into the snow blade and I was able to shut it off. What had happen
the throttle plate bolts came off the throttle shaft so it was able to run wide open. Luckily no one was hurt. I know this was a
little off the original subject but felt it was worth sharing.
i think some of it is society now days.

watch anyone not just the new drivers. they just point the car where they want to go. no regard for anything or anyone around them. you've really got to be careful and watch for the other idiots. they got to be first so they'll pull right out in front of you with NO ONE behind you and then turn in 1/4 mile, or they'll just putt along 5-10 below the posted speed limit. Not asking them to speed but if you were in that big a hurry to pull out in front of me so i have to stand on the brakes i expect you to move it. Of course they look at you like you're they problem

almost got it this morning crossing US rt6. the A pillars are so big on today's cars for crash safty they create a big blind spot. the car going east and i were in perfect sync and she was completely hidden behind my passenger side A pillar until right at the intersection. that will wake you up. I've had that happen many times on several cars over the past few years.

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