The Farmer..............


That is very much like my grain truck. The one I bought from Tom O'Conner. Mine is Chevy red...which is orange to the rest of the world...and single axle. That truck is indispensable. Try to remember what life was like without it...not pretty. :)
(quoted from post at 17:04:25 04/14/17) Need to add: And gets government subsidies to cover the rough spots

That's a pretty blanket statement, it's like saying all Italians are in the mafia. There are a great deal of us never go in the FSA office.
I have to disagree with you pair a dice. I'm sure there are "some" that don't take the subsidy but I would hardly say a great deal. Personally I don't know of any not taking it and I know a lot of farmers.
I am not saying I agree with the subsidy thing but I stand in line with the others for my check. It's there so why not take it? Incidentally, here in Nicollet Co. Mn. anyone signed up with the arc-co.
program collected nothing in 2016. Our yields were so high that the formula beard nothing for us.
At my age, 61 October 9 this year, if I never have to go under the hood of a truck like that, it'll
be too soon!! There's been many a one of the old Chevys and Fords of that era that hauled a LOT of
grain to the elevators!! At my work, I still see a few of them bringing corn and wheat to the feed
Sure is and that's a sweet combine too. Still got one like it( well not near as good looking).
I get so tiered of hearing how bad the farmers have it. I'm going o 52 years old born and raise on a farm, have a small place of my own raising cattle and hay. I work 50 plus hours a week off the farm and many more on the farm. The farmers I know pay very little taxes and drive around in the newest pickups. The younger ones just starting out are also building new houses. This must be tough. I suggest put up another mail box and the government will send you another check payed with the taxes I pay.
One big difference you for got to mention. Farmers can sell all they can produce, at some price.
Not to many others can do that. Just saying.
My grandpa always said Other industries can set their price but the farmer has
to say, What will you give me for it? That is very true.
That's kinda funny,living here in Canada any talk of US farmers getting subsidized quickly gets squashed by the statement that farmers are not subsidized by the government? Always been an argument for supporting supply management and always been counter argued that the subsidy statement is false.
Dad always said if you can't swing it with the government insurance money, you don't belong in it. He's no big farmer, but he doesn't owe any money and has been at it 45+ years. Made him mad last year when one of the nearby big boys was complaining that his insurance money was down and it wasn't enough to buy a new tractor. Allegedly.
If you cut a 6 mile circle around our town you will see more brick homes outside of our town then you will find within. All built by BTO's and their kids. Right now things aren't looking that bright for them. As long as they pay there property taxes maybe my house with clap board siding won't be to high.
Had a great uncle use to say the ones that look rich are not and the ones that act poor have loads of money! I have seen many instances like he was talking about!
There's guys like that around here too,sooner or later it catches up,your Dad is a very wise man,huge debt when interest rates climbe spells serious trouble
Was in the paper yesterday, $114,000 distributed in the southern part of Minnesota. $16,000 went to two outfits in my small town of 14.000 population.

This was an art grant for plays and exhibits and so forth.

Seems the govt doles out money to everyone.

Farmers as a whole really need to quit the Self Pity thing,if you're farming and don't like the way it works then quit and do something different.All jobs and businesses have their good
and bad points,farming is no different.
You pay very little taxes IF you invest every penny you make back into the farm. IF you make any money and try to actually keep it for yourself, you get drilled and drilled hard by the IRS just like everybody else. When you sell the farm you will also get drilled for every penny you avoided paying while the farm was in operation. Don't kid yourself. Farmers pay taxes big time one way or another.
Maybe so but, I was telling a friend, who is a farmer, that I had to borrow 10,000 dollars to pay income tax. He informed me that he hadn't paid a dollar in income tax in 20 years, yet he drives new vehicles and lives in a new 2 story house and spends a lot of time sitting around watching TV.

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