Get you one of these!


Well-known Member
You must have seen on TV or Utube where a police officer tries and tries to break a car window in order to save someone from drowning or a fire, but his trusty PR15 just keeps bouncing off. Well all you need is a spring punch, and my wife found this:


This tool includes the punch. Get them for family members too.
Be a good thing to keep in your car, because if you go in the water, you're electric windows probably won't work, and you'll be stuck unless you can break a window. And the blade is for cutting your seat
belt, especially handy if you're upside down and the belt is too tight to release with the button.
A spark plug works just fine. Hit the window with the top part of the plug. Also hit the window in one of the top corners. The window will break much easier by hitting in a corner than in the center. Almost any small ended object with some force behind it will work. This is the way we did it when I was on the fire dept.
If you ever need it to break a window when going into the water, you may want to break the window on the way into the water. I had a friend, who's story was written up in Outdoor Life back in 2014 (I think), had his truck go off the road into canal. Once the water had pretty much submerged his truck, the special attachment on his flashlight for breaking windows would not work. He pounded and pounded on the glass, to the point that the head of the flashlight cut into his hand and severed tendons. He finally was able to break the glass with a fire extinguisher. Something about the water dampening the effects of window breaking device greatly reduces its effectiveness.
coshoo, you must have seen the Youtube Myth Buster "Scariest episode" where they rigged the car to turn upside down in the water.

Even under controlled conditions, fully prepared, daylight, clean warm water... He still couldn't get out without taking air from the scuba tank.

That would truly be a terrifying situation! It would take a miracle to get out in real world conditions!
one of our drivers went on a winch out tow call, lady was in the ditch. as he was en route, lady calls back, says the suv is filling with water and she cant get out. chevy acadia type suv. she put it in a flooded ditch and then as the truck was filling with water, she climbed into the back to stay dry. there is no inside hatch release. our driver got there in time to get a set of meat hooks on it and winch her out. real scary. she didnt want to get wet, so she stayed inside. people do stupid things without thinking. our dispatcher had called 911, but the driver got the car out before they arrived.
Looks like something more to hang on your key chain and screw up the ignition switch on your vehicle with all the weight and swinging crap people put on their keys. GM would have never had a problem with ignition switches if people just put a bunny foot on their ignition key. The recall/repair was as stupid as the crap people think that should be on a key.
if you push the antenna over and hold it against the window flat with one hand, grab the other hand and grab the little ball on the end, pull back then release it will shatter the window.
Did you know....that many cars and other vehicles are putting safety glass in the side windows again? I don't know how many or who all, but we have seen several in our fire department in the last few years. Only the back glasses are still tempered in many cars. Also, in past years one could put a well placed heel in the corner of the windshield from the inside and push it out. That was when rubber gaskets were used, same way with the back glasses. Not so any more, they are glued in to stay, part of the structural support?

Be careful out there!!!
Did you know that the reason head restraints are removable and the tips of the prongs are pointed is so they can be removed and used to
break a window?
Not sure if this is really the true reason but you sure could use one for that!
I am just real curious as to what the odds are on being trapped in your vehicle in water (and as someone suggested, upside down to need to cut the seat belt) as opposed to the likelihood of being mugged and needing a concealed carry firearm? Of coarse, if you had the firearm, the window wouldn't be a problem either.
Anybody who does a lot of driving near canals should have some means of breaking glass in their car. An automatic center punch works well, but may be hard to find when you need it.
I see a lot of people carry the tools to break glass and cut belt webbing in door panel pockets, consoles and glove boxes. Where are they going to be when the vehicle overturns, and how are you going to reach them when the seat belt won't release because you are hanging in air on the latch.
"GM would have never had a problem with ignition switches if people just put a bunny foot on their ignition key. The recall/repair was as stupid as the crap people think that should be on a key. Loren"

The JEEP/Goat company had the same issue. Still get recall letters for that issue with a JEEP we no longer own (Thank God!)

I actually wasn't thinking of using mine myself, although I know that it could happen. I was motivated by the two recent news stories, where as I said in the OP, they showed cops, who are supposed to know better, trying to beat in the side window glass with their PR-15s. Everyone really knows that finding a good place to hang it is a non-issue.
Looks like a good idea. My concern is how much does it weigh? I had to replace
the ignition key set on my truck, $150. The dealer said it failed because I had
too many keys on my key ring, the weight damaged the key set.

Like others said, if you have it any other place, good luck finding it when you
need it.
(quoted from post at 06:27:26 02/28/17) Showcrop,
Looks like a good idea. My concern is how much does it weigh? I had to replace
the ignition key set on my truck, $150. The dealer said it failed because I had
too many keys on my key ring, the weight damaged the key set.

Like others said, if you have it any other place, good luck finding it when you
need it.

What do you drive? I will look at one and tell you where to hang it.
(quoted from post at 11:31:32 02/28/17) It has the seatbelt cutter too windows break easy from inside not so on outside.

With the right tool they break extremely easily from the outside. As a firefighter/rescue for 35 years I had occasion to do a few.

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