This photo bugs me...


Well-known Member
Saw this today at a store, it just bugged me that if you give the farmer credit for taking care of things, could you at least show a barn that the roof wasn't caved in from neglect.
Someone gave my wife, the chicken farmer that picture and I didn't notice the roof. I did see that the hay mow door was unuseable because of the lean too.
I especially dislike most of the cows in pictures and the cows don't look anything like what a good cow should look like. Bonnie Muhr prints are really nice to see though because she knows how a good cow should look.
You are right, the picture does not suit the caption. Those verses by Paul Harvey I think are what most farmers aspire to do. Ben
Bonnie Mohr came to it honestly. She grew up in the Holy Land, she was a classmate of mine.

I agree. This is actually showing how stupid many think farmers are. We let our stuff fall apart is what it seems to say to me.
i take that as god needing a caretaker, so he made a farmer to fix his planned paradise. meaning farmers can fix everything.
thats the way i see it, praising the farmer, not putting him down.
Just FYI, a buddy our age fell off his roof making repairs and was killed a few days ago. We are not young pups.
Very nice! Every print of hers you see everything in it makes sense and looks eye appealing to farmers.
Well if you want to get Biblical about farmers Cain the 1st farmer God made killed his brother Able.Of course saying God made anything is redundant considering according to the Bible God made
everything starting with the Heavens and the Earth.
Everyone is missing the point here: A nice print was seen by someone who works for some kind of money making enterprise, a verse was found that kinda goes with it, and there you go. They evidently sold some of them for a profit, and money was made, not by farmers, but by someone who has no interest otherwise.

A picture is worth a thousand words, or maybe a few dollars...
That is a picture from a earlier era of farming. The farmer worked hard made big plans. Time moves on. The farmers gone and everything he ever built will someday be gone.

But I can see where it could bug you.
Do you find yourself getting annoyed over things that other people would hardly notice? I'm sure Doctor Phil would like to have a chat with you ..... just joking but really, I think most people get the intended message.
Or it could mean that the farmer was the last of his family to farm, so he didn't spend any money on the buildings as he knew they wouldn't be used by the next generation. He saved the money and now resides in his condo in AZ.
You nailed it,just described me.I won't be cold before the dozers move in and start clearing for housing spots I'm sure.They'll demolish everything including the house I live in much less any other buildings,I'm just going to bide my time do what I want and when I'm gone they can have it.I could sell out for a whole lot of money and go anywhere I want but since this is where
I want to be it'd be a pointless exercise.Condo in Arizona is about the last place on Earth I'd go.I'm more of a end of the Hollow in WV or TN guy.
Those buildings are pretty obsolete now. On most farms in the Midwest they would only still be standing if the landlord won't let them be torn down yet.
Around here a building like that adds a lot to your property value. You can sell the place to some old hippies and they will put in a garden and call themselves farmers. Or you can rent it. I have a client who owns her dad's old place and rents a barn worse than that one for $1K a month. Now that I have my new barn nearly done I am starting to rebuild the foundation on the old barn. It was similar to the one in the picture before it caught fire and ended up being torn down. Took about 3 dozen Holsteins with it when it burned. Gonna spend some time on that foundation this summer and try to do the upper in 2018.
Hi, my father bought a 10 acre pc. Just down the road from our main farm. It was all brush etc. Totally undeveloped. He cleared it and drained with field tile. Planted hayland mix . When it was up and lush some one told him what a lovely pc of land God has given him. He said 'you should have seen it when God was farming it'.
Ed Will Oliver BC

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