Hip Cortizone Injection

Keith Molden

Well-known Member
I'm scheduled for a Cortizone injection in my left hip on Feb 15th. Just wondering if any of you have had this done & did it help any. The pain in my hip has gotten increasingly worse since August. They put me in physical therapy for 3 months that did no good, did MRI & found Arthritis in my hip and gave me a tins unit but it did not do much to eliminate the pain and now I'm walking with a cane, so I guess this is next. D.A. said that I have about a 70% chance of it helping and if it doesn't, a replacement will be the next step. That isn't gonna happen this summer, we've got haying to do, (if I can get on a tractor) Keith
my left hip has been bothering me when i set for awhile like driving setting in the chair watching tv or first thing in the norning when i get up.but after i get up and moving around its almost gone not sure whats going on gonna have to see the doc i guess.
It just all depends....
My wife had a cortisone shot in her shoulder that stopped all pain and never returned. That was 40+ years ago.
Within the last year, my mom, who is 88, had two cortisone shots in her hip, each time stopping the pain for a couple of days. After that, the intense pain returned. She couldn't walk, sit or sleep without having intense pain, except in a one certain La-Z-Boy recliner that the hospital offered.
She then had a new hip put in the first part of December and now all pain is gone. BTW, the surgeon's assistant said that her hip was one of the worst he had seen in over 40 years of assisting hip surgeries.
Dad got cortisone shots for spinal stenosis problems. The first shot helped significantly for several months. Each succeeding shot had a shorter duration of effectiveness/helpfulness.

Seems like Dad had said that cortisone shots can possibly mess with blood sugar levels (he was diabetic).
I get a shot about every six months. Seems to work for about five months then the pain starts comming back. Another shot and I'm good again.
Mine has a sharp pain that will almost make me fall. I never know when it's gonna do that. There is a constant dull pain in the hip all the time now (started a couple months ago). I could live with the dull pain (the tins unit takes care of it), but the sharp jabbing pain just seems to come out of nowhere & hits hard . Keith

I've had cortisone injections in my right shoulder several times. More recently I got a cortisone injection in my right knee. None, not a single one of those injections made any difference at all.
Never had one myself, but some guys I work with have. Usually knees. Like others said, it helped for some, not so much for others. Seems like they all had to have surgery eventually(4 or 5 guys), but helped them get by.
I had a torn meniscus in my knee and have some arthritis there also. Doctor gave me a cortisone shot that didn't make any difference. He didn't want to do surgery for various reasons so he tried a "Rooster Comb" injection. Within minutes all pain was gone. It felt so good I overdid it the first couple of days. I went back for the full treatment of 5 injections and each time it got better and better. 2 years later and I still have absolutely no pain in that knee. The injection is made from rooster combs hence the name and looks almost like a silicone jell. Kind of greases the joint till it heals itself up.
Had one many years ago. Having the shot was easy, just don't look at the needle. Never felt any pain with the injection, and it relieved the soreness in my hip. One shot worked for me, and I haven't needed another yet. Go for it, you have nothing to lose, except the pain.
I had three injection over a period of 1 1/2 years. Got to a point that they didn't help much Had a replacement put in that was instant relief. I didn't have to go to physical therapy, but had some exercises to do at home. You have to let the bone grow around the replacement. I had it done in November and was good to go in about two months. Have to remember not to cross your legs for quite awhile. Would recommend getting it done before spring. John
A friend of mine had one a little over 2 yrs. ago. He couldn't hardly walk at the time. Got the shot it didn't work. Told the Dr. a couple of weeks later to schedule the operation was told since he had the shot he had to wait like 3 mos. for the surgery until the effects of the shot was out of his system. Had never heard of that before. It might be a question you may want to ask before the shot. Good luck.
I got a cortizone shot in spine in 2004. The pain center I went to had an x ray device to locate nerves. They said if the needle were to hit a nerve, good chance I would be going to the bathroom in a plastic bag. Scary. My shot only lasted for a few days. The physical therapists twisted my back and pain returned.

I know a concrete finisher who got a shot in spine to block pain, the needle hit the spinal column. He thought his head was going to blow off his shoulders for months.

Then Dr gave me steroids to take for 7 days. I not sure, but think it was called a Z pack. That relieved the pain. I thought I was cured. While on meds, I removed a chimney form house and moved interior walls. What a mistake. When the meds were gone, I was in worse shape than before.

Pain is trying to tell you something is wrong. Listen to the pain or things will only get worse.

25 years ago my knees were gone. I could hear a grinding of bone on bone. I read where Ostio bioflex helps rebuild the joint. Been taking for the past 25 years and knees are better know than before. However if you wait too long, forget it, bone on bone will damage joint beyond repair.

I think of ostio bioflex like greasing to a ball joint. Wait too long to grease it and then forget it.

Something else to think about. If you overload a truck, you will damage suspension, blow tires. People don't think about being overweight. But overloading your joints damage knees, hips, ankles.

I've lost over 30# in the past 4 months. Nothing special, just eating small portions, more meals a day, and staying under 2000 calories a day. I'm feeling great too.

Imagine having that pain in every joint in your body. I can tell you honestly, I have had probably 30 or so cortisone shots when I was younger. They helped for a short time, but eventually "wore out". My wife has had 2 or 3, one in her hip, and I think the other 2 in her knee. They helped her a lot, but she eventually had to have surgery on her knee. Hip is still fine. I personally think you need to find another doctor. The ones Ive seen never put off a cortisone injection.

2X what Mark Ia said. Recovery time from hip replacement is only like 20 minutes. Get it done soon and you will have forgotten all about it by June.
my wife has done it,.got 10 percent better for a month ,. word of warning ,,.jumping off these tractors and tailgates loading docks haylofts to wagons will make anyone a prime candidatefor hip and knee replacement ,,. especially us heavy fellas ,. I am gonna put a hanging step on all my stuff,,. however, I mho ,, the best threrapy for the hips is a daily nice workout with a fine lady
Forget the shot. Get the replacement "anterior". Fast recovery. You'll be ready for hay if you do it now.
Be careful mixing shots and surgery (infection). If my Dr. wanted me to wait 3 weeks for a shot, I'd find a new Dr.
Had a hip done 9-20-16...back to normal in 6 weeks and I am an old geezer.
Also, there is something about a "waiting period" before you can have surgery after receiving a cortisone shot... and something about increased risk of infection from the new joint surgery after receiving a cortisone shot.

I'd do some research... or get a second opinion.
If you have a bad joint all the "mechanic in a can" won't help. Get it done.

Left shoulder survivor living again!
I had hip and spine cortisone injections for ears....relief lasted from 3 weeks to 8 months. I don"t understand your doc"s idea about waiting so long. My better half has had some knee injections- calls dr and gets the shot within a day.

Had hips replaced in "09 and 2015. Yes, there is a waiting period for surgery after cortisone injections. 2015 surg/recovery much different from "09- simpler and quicker recovery, due to the first surg was cutting across the muscles, while last one was cutting with the muscle striations. Both hips are fine now, but DO THE EXERCISES! That is key to recovery.

Both hips were bone on bone, with "shooters" going down the leg. Some of that came from spinal stenosis, an increase of cartilage growth around the spinal column, which I had surgery for in December. Can"t say I got much relief with that surg, but I hope it will get better over time.
I've had cortisone and rooster comb in my knee, and cortisone in my shoulder. Gave some relief, I suppose, but I can't really say how much or for how long. I'll be having knee replacement sometime this year.

A friend suffered for years with hip pain, but he was afraid to have replacement. The pain finally overruled his fear and he got the new hip. He says the result was so great he could kick himself for suffering so long. He's now recovering from replacement of the other side.
Sometimes cortisone works, sometimes not. I had both hips replaced a year apart. Both surgeries in Feb-March. I was loading hay in June with no problems. My feeling is don't wait on the surgery. You only suffer and it doesn't get better.
Had them last few years first couple were about 6 mos apart. Now about once a year and helps big time. Have trouble getting in and out of car or truck even more trouble sitting on tractor, some times I have to readjust sitting position more the once to finally sit down. Walking on uneven ground is very painful. Waiting for appt right now, makes a huge difference, well worth it.
I've had em in both knees. They worked good for a while but the left knee was so far gone eventually they did no good at all. I'm still getting them in my R knee. Lasts about 6 months

I was told 3 months waiting before hip surgery after a cortisone shot. I had the shot it did a little good, but only for a little while. I had my hip replaced 4 months ago and doing good. The operation was not as bad s I thought. I am doing my other hip after my mowing season, the end of summer. Stan

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