Owls (again)


I was out at the farm on Monday and saw 2 Great Gray Owls hunting for mice along the fence line.
Got the camera out, but the female took off and landed in my bush.

We had Hoar frost for a few days now, so the trees, etc. were all white.
I thought the photo looked good anyway, with the dark gray owl contrasting with the frost covered trees.

Hope they decide to nest out there again this year.
They are big birds.
My inlaws used to have a pair of bald eagles nest by their place. It was sure neat to see them on the frosty days like that.Great looking picture.

Since you're on the topic of owls I'll add my experience. Years ago out in the woods I ran across this one on the ground. I think he must have dozed off. Strangely it didn't fly, just acted aggressive being approached. Left it alone, returned a while later and it was nowhere in sight. Long ago as kids we came across several baby ones on the ground that didn't like being bothered either.
Beautiful nature picture. He has his full attention on you for sure. When I was a kid I found a injured owl injured under the road bridge so I picked it up bare handed. Until then I didn't realize how tight an owl can squeeze its talons around a finger. I was doing my own share of hooting until it let go!
I think I remember a post on these last year about the same time. Don't worry about repeating yourself...these are beautiful birds and great pictures. I have a print I bought decades ago at an art store of great grays. I wish we had them here. We have great horned in quantity and screech owls are common also. Closest thing to a great grey is the barred owl but they are really uncommon around here now. I was really tickled last year standing on the deck one cold night to hear a barred owl at the back of the farm in the woods along the stream.
Thanks for the nice comments.
I believe that the Great Gray Owl is the largest owl in North America (in size, not weight).
They have about a 5 foot wingspan.

Last year, we had them nesting across the road where they raised 2 young ones.
About 50 feet from my little cabin, we had the Northern Saw Whet Owls nesting in a nest box that I built.
They raised 5 babies. These are one of the smallest owls in North America.

In early June, some owl banders came out and banded the young of both species.
About 45 people (of all ages) came out for the banding adventure.
It was kind of neat that people got to see both the largest and smallest of the owl species in the same evening.

This picture is one of the baby Saw Whets in someone's hand.
I guess you can tell that I love Owls.
Hank that is a great picture ! I'm a bird nut too. I have probably posted these pictures on here before, the Barred is from 2015 in full hunt mode.
The Oriole was trying to persuade the crow into leaving the area last year because of the nest it had nearby.


I caught this barred owl last summer perched on the clothesline pole. Blurry, but by the time I got the camera settled he took off. It's upright on my computer, couldn't get it here.

That's a nice picture of the Barred Owl.
We have them here too, but they have been using artificial nest boxes.

I just built a nest box for them, but have yet to put it up.
I made a "deer horn perch" mounted on front.

I don't want to put it in a location close to the Saw Whet boxes.
Both species hunt at night, and the Barred owls will prey on the little Saw Whets.

The box is huge - over 2 feet tall and the hole is 7" X 7".
Yes, me too. I was thrilled to hear the barred owl that one night. I think we have the saw whet owl here also, but I have not heard them. I think I was told they prefer conifers and there are few around here of any merit. Keep the info coming! Love it!
Dave H,

I usually place my Saw Whet nest boxes on a Poplar tree, with Spruce trees nearby.
The Momma incubates the eggs; the Pappa does the hunting (at night).

In the daytime, he wants a conifer near the nest box where he will hide and sleep.
This is a picture from 2016, of the Momma Saw Whet peeking out at us.

You can see her little claws on the bottom of the hole.
I've had a barn Owl that hangs out in my shop, there was a family of Great horned owls that I watched grow up from my living room the spring an we have burrowing Owls that lives on the side of our road that we watch grow there family each spring.
Rons b,

Those Barn Owls have got to the most colorful owls I've seen - very pretty.
Wish we had them here, but too cold for them.

Lots in BC, apparently.
Not sure where you are from.
Very nice!

I didn't get a picture (I'm lucky I didn't ruin a pair of shorts!) but several weeks ago I opened the door to my chicken coop and came face-to-face with a Great Horned Owl chowing down on one of my birds.

I guess he/she was too full to be aggressive, we just sort of looked at each other and said "Now what?"

Eventually I grabbed a rake and gently drug the owl out of the coop. It sat in the grass for a couple minutes and then flew off.

It's amazing how quiet they are when they fly, isn't it?

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