Another help dealing with situation or people


Well-known Member
A lot of things "jerk my chain" especially this one. You are in a business STANDING #2 in line they wait on #1 your up next right?? WRONG Some guy barges in and goes right in front of you and starts telling the counter man what he wants!! Well I have gotten short fused I guess because twice in the very recent past I blew up at both the person and counter man (my time is of value to me and I waited my turn) For what it is worth they were dumbfounded, guy waited his turn I was taken care of and left. Some places use a number now serving 323 and that puts an end to this crap. Many years ago a similar thing happened at a large industrial place. Guy put his parts on counter clerk started looking at them another guy started moving them, but not for long as guy #1 let an uppercut go and guy #2 left the building on a stretcher!!! SO HOW DO EACH OF YOU DEAL WITH IT?? AM I RIGHT TO CALL IT OUT?? AND IT SEEMS TO BE ON THE RISE EVERYWHERE YOU GO.
The uppercut, no. Calling it out for sure. If you don't call it, the person who butts in front of you has just verified that it's OK to behave that way. After a while cutting in becomes normal to him or her and the fuss just gets bigger and bigger. I think it's called normalization of poor manners. Or something like that.
I don't blow up. I just simply say, "Excuse me, but I'm next. I was waiting here before this person." Then person who was trying to budge in line, will look all apologetic and say, "Oh, I'm sorry... help her first." (Even though they had previously looked me right in the eye - and knew that I was waiting in line before them.)

Conversely, if a clerk begins to help me (because they weren't sure who is next in line), I will always say, "That person was in line before me. Please help them first."

I guess I just don't believe in blowing up about much of anything. I try to follow the advice of that old song, "Don't worry, be happy!"
I was standing in line at the bank along with 5 other people. We had all remained several steps from the clerk so the current client's conversation was private. A woman walked in, stood there for maybe 2 minutes, loudly announced that she 'didn't understand why everyone was afraid of the clerk', and barged in front of us all.
Call it out! If you don't stand for something , you'll fall for anything...and they know it! Ain't gonna change and may even get worse.
I noticed that too at Harbor Freight! I even mentioned it to my wife. . The people working there were incredibly patient. To top it off, when you give a man a coupon he goes plum stupid.
Las week at the vet 's office I was standing back a respectful few steps behind the previous customer at the window who seemed to be homesteading there. A big burly mean looking man walked in and kept edging up to the window. I said excuse me but I'm next if he ever gets done. He said I only want to ask the receptionist a question. I said then you can ask it after I pay my bill. He apologized and everyone was civil. No licks passed or shots fired. TDF

I get a little annoyed when I am waiting in a long checkout or similar line to be waited on, when an employee comes along and opens another position, and asks "can I help someone" as if we were all just hanging out killing time. Sometimes they will ask "may I help who ever is next over here?" which is a lot better. I would say that when they just ask can I help someone, maybe 1/3 of the time those who are most recently in line will tell those who should go ahead of them to go ahead. Do you?
I am just old enough to remember a good punch in the mouth would settle things. As several of you have hinted at all of this pc stuff is killing us.
I will sometimes call it, depending on the situation.

If I sense arrogance or entitlement, yes.

If confusion, generally no.

But either way it's best to be very polite and cautious, I never know the whole situation. The person may have been there longer and had to step away.

But another thing that bothers me, the counter man that stops in the middle of waiting on me to answer the phone! Leaves me standing there with money in hand while dealing with someone on the line that doesn't know what he needs, what he has, or how to fix it, but needs to know how much it will cost!
A lot of getting along in this life is how you deal with other people. I will just get a big smile on my face and say "you just jump right in there ahead of everybody else and get what you need, the rest of us have, well we've waited all day for a fish to bite before." They will generally get embarrassed enough to get the idea and go to the back of the line and be quite about it. No need for anybody to get their blood pressure up over something so trivial. In life you need to get your priorities straightend out, this is not a problem rather just a little inconvenience. I will certainly agree that people are getting more rude and inconsiderate of each other.
My short fuse is people buying lottery tickets, they don't know what they want and ask a thousand questions about which one pays off most, then want to scratch them at the counter while everyone is waiting behind them.
Steve: I have always enjoyed your posts. We had a similar one haying season guy was getting a part hauled out cash, counter guy grabbed the phone and was yakking away. Customer picked up part and left!!! All the devil broke out next day over that customer said "you were to busy to take my money"
I live midway between two fairly large towns.Both have local news every evening. Every day people are getting shot,stabbed,beat up over smaller things than that.A guy that needs a heroine fix isn'the going to wait in line.You never know who or what your talking to.
Had that happen a Lowe's picking up a garage door at the commercial desk. When it was my turn told the guy I wanted my money back as that is no way to treat a customer. He called the manager who agreed they should train employees to say you are not next in line. Gave me 25% off to take the door. They did not train the people but from then on until we finish the project I got good service from the morning crew.
Well.... how about an auto parts store for instance-- you arrive in person start getting waited on, phone rings, counter guy says excuse me, the guy who didn't bother coming in gets precedence. But, that's just how it is, have to learn to be a little patient.
I always call them on it. Generally by ask "who do you think you are". The fact that I'm large grumpy looking older male helps with that.

The worst offenders it seems to me a small people trying to prove how big they are and the summer lake people who just think they are better than everyone else. Don't get me wrong. Some of the lake people are as good as they get. But we always get a few, who have never gotten their hands dirty who think they are better than the locals! I love calling those ones out especially if they have their spouses with them!

I mentioned this once to the owner of a NAPA store and he said he gets 80% of his business over the phone by people calling in parts orders. He said that way he can have the parts picked and the order put together when the customer walks in.

There's a community college with a strong automotive department in that town, so I would assume a significant part of his business was from them, so maybe it's possible.
Reminded of a time, back in the mid-90's. We had a Wendys open up. The drive-thru was always lined up at lunch time. Some inpatient people would drive around through the back alley and try to nudge their car in to get to the head of the line.

One day, a woman did this to me. She slowly inched her car forward between me and the car in front of me. I wasn't about to have a collision with her and waved her on in. She never acknowledged me.

When she got to the speaker, to place her order, I could see her mouth start to move...I laid on the horn. When she was quiet, I let off the horn. The person taking the order asked her to repeat it again. Once she opened her mouth, I laid on the horn again. She flipped me off.

I continued this for around 8 to 10 minutes. Each time I'd hit the horn, she'd flip me off. She was hanging halfway out the window trying to scream into the speaker! I finally got tired of messing with her and quit honking.

When I got to the window, I explained to the employee why I did what I did. They got a good laugh out of it.
Was at an auction all day with my brother and they were finally selling shop big tools in rows. They got to the torch that my brother wanted, it was a set with the tanks and an extra oxygen and acetylene tank. Auctioneer was getting tired (they were on the 8-9 hour of selling) and we had his bachelor party to go to, anyway he said all to go, and I was the only one that heard him I guess. Brother bought the package and they moved on to the next item, when the other bidder asked about the other tanks, auctioneer said all to go and then the argument started. I looked at the other bidder and said LOUDLY pay attention or go home he said all to go and then I looked at the auctioneer and said next item, on down the row we went. People paid attention after that. Brother and auctioneer thanked me. He sold the extra tanks to our cousin for what he paid for the whole lot, so a cheap torch setup for him. And yes I voice my opinion a lot to much at times, but people listen then. I'm only 6'3" 275lb. chris
Years ago I went to a major department store in Minneapolis to buy my wife a present. I couldn't find what I wanted so I went to
the clerk in the department to ask for help. She was trying to help me when the phone rang. She answered it and said "Just a
moment I'll check" and off she went to the back room. After she left I reached over and hung up the phone. When the clerk returned
and saw the phone the look on her face was priceless! I said to her.... I bet you won't do that again will you!
That would annoy me as well and may say something depending upon the situation. The one that really burns me is people skipping in line at the elevator.
Is this jocco's topic of the day?

OK, I'll play.

On occasion, I see folks try to go to the front of the line. Most times, the clear, cashier, or another customer will gently point out to the offender where the line starts.

One thing that gets my goat is when I am standing at a counter waiting for service, and the clerk will look right past me and wait on one behind me. At that point, I speak directly to the offending clerk and ask him if I am invisible. They usually turn red, and stammer for a bit while I remind them that I have been waiting patiently for my turn.

As to the uppercut, that is assault and battery where I live, and can get you a misdemeanor 1 up to a felony 3 conviction along with the civil suit to follow. Personally, I do not hand out uppercuts (or any other form of haymaker) unless the soon to be recipient makes the first aggressive move. I can only remember one such instance that I had to "react" to in the last 40 years or so. Almost got myself a free stay at the crossbar hotel until it was determined that I had acted in self defense.
I place all of my napa and John Deere orders over the phone (with part numbers for Deere). Stores are 20 miles away and my wife picks up the parts on her way home from work. She walks in, they hand her the parts, she walks out. Saves a lot of time that way.
One of my favorite pranks against a condesending sales clerk happened at a large upscale department store. My wife likes a certain perfume and it is only available at these large stores. I needed to pick up some for her birthday and stopped by the store in my somewhat worn work clothes.I asked about the bottle sizes and price. I asked about the larger size. She said, "we do have the larger size, but it is quite expensive." This sorta irritated me so I ASKED HER IF THEY HAD THE TWO LITER SIZE. She looked puzzled and said, " I don't know, I will have to go ask." When she came back, she was totally cooperative.
(quoted from post at 20:53:41 12/13/16) My short fuse is people buying lottery tickets, they don't know what they want and ask a thousand questions about which one pays off most, then want to scratch them at the counter while everyone is waiting behind them.

DITTO! Freakin' lotto ticket buyers seem to think they own the counter. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!"
(quoted from post at 22:30:16 12/13/16) I mentioned this once to the owner of a NAPA store and he said he gets 80% of his business over the phone by people calling in parts orders. He said that way he can have the parts picked and the order put together when the customer walks in.

There's a community college with a strong automotive department in that town, so I would assume a significant part of his business was from them, so maybe it's possible.

I don't much care how much over the phone business they get. If Ive been standing there for 10 minutes waiting for Joe the Counter Man to finish up his bs session with the guy in front of me and the phone rings that's just too bad. Do like every other business and answer the phone and tell them they're on hold. It's ridiculous.
Well jmg sorry to ruffle your feathers. Yes that is a reverse order of it and I have seen it. Only answer to it is sometimes a big customer that has precedence over us peons!! Or someone who was in earlier and a mistake was made or called in an order. I too feel calling out the offending clerk on it is in order.
Emporia KS is home to a large population of Somali "refugees". My wife's sister was standing in line at Wal-Mart and one of the Somali men pushed by her and laid his items on the counter for the checkout person. Apparently nnalert men are used to doing that to women in their country. My BIL (climbs poles for a living) let him in the American custom of getting a boot in your arse for being rude to women - especially women married to a man that cares.
I am not physically imposing like the rest of you folks. About 5'6"(I shrunk some last year), maybe 165lbs. So, this happens often enough. Usually in a big city, which I try to avoid. I will always speak up.

The only time it was an issue was with a gentleman(well, I'm being polite) who walked up to the counter at the TX DMV where I was at the head of the line, and I asked him to wait in the line provided. He advised that he "only needed to ax'd a questchun", and actually held up a forefinger toward me, like I should mind my own business. I stepped right up to the counter and handed over my registration papers, and title application to the clerk. It got very quiet in the office as I said "I WOULD LIKE TO TITLE AND REGISTER MY CAR PLEASE". To the clerk. She took a few seconds to decide, and then turned to the gentleman and advised him that he could find info online or wait for the next clerk in the line. He glared at me pretty hard, and I just smiled. Cya - don't want to be ya.

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