Pre-game tractor work


Well-known Member
This afternoon while awaiting 3:30 PM, the start of the Steeler's and Cowboy's game, I was using my tractor to mow pasture.
I am not an avid football fan but I have watched a few lately. Being a Texan I don't need to tell you which side I'm on. Regardless, I cannot recall an instance where an entire game kept me on the edge of my seat but this one was absolutely stellar.

Thanks guys, both teams for a spectacular performance. You earned your title (to support your bodacious salary) as movie stars today.
I have been a Pittsburg fan since the 70s.

Son in law was here watching with me.

He is boys fan. He has my daughter and grandkids brain washed into Dallas as well.

We had fun going back and forth just as the game did.

Was it as nail-biting as the Iowa game was Saturday? We can't really lay claim to any relationship, but Ike Boettger (No. 75) is our nephew-in-law's nephew. That kid is big enough to eat hay and drop road apples.
My claim to fame: Doug Free, the O lineman for Dallas worked on a farm I hoofed trimmes at ( Dairy farmer is now retired ). He pushed cows into the chute for me. Very nice guy.

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