Well I finally gave into the pressure .

Bruce from Can.

Well-known Member
The fellas are working in the cellar as I type this , putting in a new Propane furnace . Put it off as long as I could but,even I can only take so much . My sweetheart was threatening to not make any more pies until central heating was restored. That was all I needed to hear. New furnace, with complete installation, including tax , $4,035.00 . Happy wife , priceless !
AC is only necessary in field machinery here. No need in the house. I have not seen weather hot enough to require in house AC since the 1980s. Now a furnace, that is an absolute necessity. Mine has run every day in October this year. Cold cloudy and damp. What ever happened to "sunny Saskatchewan"?
Just got a new one also as the old one was deemed unsafe at 23 years old with manifold leaks or something like that. New one was $4500. I think the old one worked better at heating the house but this new fanggled giMo is supposed to save %30 heating costs PR something like that.

Stuck in a cottage on crystal beach by fort Erie in Canada with a bunch of relatives. Been here since Sunday and hopefully leaving tomorrow. Thought about trying to meat up with some of ya Canadian yters but probably won't work.
(quoted from post at 16:31:06 11/01/16) The fellas are working in the cellar as I type this , putting in a new Propane furnace . New furnace, with complete installation, including tax , $4,035.00 . Happy wife , priceless !

That's about the same as they charged me for a new heat pump and air handler. The previous heat pump wasn't all that old but they could no longer get parts for it and had been patching it together until they no longer could. Better system, the heat side of it works much better. I also had them put the oil burning hot water system on a separate thermostat so I can shut down the heat pump. The oil burner was the backup/emergency for the heat pump and both would run when I switched on emergency heat, now I can save a bit on electricity. The oil system uses radiators.
Wouldn't be without it. All though I will be replacing the furnace and cooling equipment with a new gas furnace and heat pump next spring. Present equipment installed in 1992. I will be doing the work myself. Retired sheetmetal worker.
Just so you're aware, you're not going to get that blast of HOT air from your ducts with the new furnace like you were used to with the old one. The furnace will run more often, and longer, blowing cooler air into the room.

You also won't have wild temperature swings where you're sweating when the furnace kicks off, and shivering when the furnace kicks on. Modern furnaces keep the temperature within 1-2 degrees.

I thought something was wrong with mine and called service in to take a look at it. They explained this all to me and assured me it was running fine after checking it out thoroughly.
How far north are you? I live in SJ and it can get down to Zero for a couple of nights in a row. They say you can use a lower BTU unit but it takes FOR EVER to heat the house back up if you have a set back thermometer. Stay with the same size you now have. Next is these things are 95% efficient and better. Now they are, and your gas bill will drop. On the other hand. If your unit needs to run longer like mine cause it is a lower BTU, your electric bill goes up. One hand to the other. Stick with a bigger unit and tell them to take a hike. Hope it isn,t too late. Lastly. The water it needs to pump out will freeze and then your funace SHUTS DOWN. Look at the picture of what I did to my unit. NEVER EVER freezes now. Glue 3/4 plastic pipe that you cut on your table saw and run it up the exhaust pipe. Up at the end I put a little piece of 3/8 pipe and ran the vinyl tube through to the outside. Keeps the pump out water nice and warm. Works PERFECTLY. Get back to us.


my new 100,000 btu natural gas boiler--5 zone --cost me $6800---replaced my 140,000 btu oil boiler and saving over $1000 in fuel costs the last 2 years
south of Hamilton here bruce , paid almost exactly the same as you ( within a hundred bucks ) for the same thing, propane furnace, completely installed & they ran the gas lines from out side as well this past summer
my problem is that for 30 plus years we had an indoor wood furnace , wifey is not doing so well with propane thermostat at 19 deg c, where before with the wood furnace we just loaded it up and when it got around 26 or 27 deg c, we just put on shorts & opened a window LOL all I hear now is its cold in here sheesh
Still have the air tight wood stove , that is what we have been heating with This past while. And I know just what you mean about getting used to just having a forced air furnace for heat, house seems cold all the time . With the wood stove going too , if you get cold , just get up close to that wood heat. My wife loves the heat , so I tell her , "go and turn on the oven , and bake some pie " She can get warm by the stove , and I get more pie . We both win, right ?
I live in Fort Erie, if I had known that you were in town, we could met up Saturday, left Sunday morning for Moncton New Brunswick, I'm in Woodstock New Brunswick tonight, waiting for my truck to be repaired.
Actually did look at the member map and saw you lived right here in Fort Erie, but didn't really end up having much free time. Next time I'll try to plan ahead more.
As I did about ten years ago. Do you get rebates? A decade ago that made my total cost on the 95% Furnace and Central Air at just under $1500.00. NOW, in order to get the rebate you must use a 'certified' installer/Company. Too many Do-it-Yourselfers, I guess.
In the Midwest most of those furnace drains and A/C drains feed into the basement floor drain or a sump pump pit.

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