Health Care Law for Retired Grumpy Old Farmers


Well-known Member
You want a health care law for grumpy old farmers? I'll give you one; NO MORE LITLE CIRCULAR PILLS!" That drop on the kitchen floor and clink and roll, and you have to search on hands and knees for half a hour, madder and madder, blood pressure blowing out the top of your head, til you finally find the D#$@$ thing in the hallway, in that dark corner, and THEN YOU can't get up cause your knees hurt so bad! Flat rectangle pills, oblong, square, triangles, whatever, BUT NO NORE CIRCLES! Not that my blood pressure is coming back down now and my knees almost feel human again....
Old farmers are starving to death trying to open the tamper proof packages of food and medicine.

The theory is "if you can't get it open, you can't eat or take it, so it can't hurt you."..or help you.
I agree with you on the chasing of errant pills. To the two preceding posters, Are either of you old enough to remember the poisoned Tylanol pills and the resulting deaths? The perpetrator was never caught, thus the reason for the difficult access packaging for meds. Drives me nuts, too, but I'll take it compared to the alternative.
Actually no two drugs use the same shape or markings. All drugs can be identified by the markings,whether it's a round pill,oblong,capsule or whatever. The Physicians Desk Guide has pictures of all of them for a reference.
Ya that happened to that old guy with his only Viagra pill when that beautiful gal was winking at him.
Whether they caught the guy or not, after that happened, tamper-proofing the packaging became a necessity. If one person figured it out, someone else certainly would sooner or later.

BTW, on the blister packs, if you're having problems with them you are not an old farmer. Every old farmer is required, by law, to have a pocket knife of some form or other on his person or accessible to him at all times. Old farmers don't pop pills out of blister packs, they stab them.
A while back I had a bad summer cold. I was trying to open one of the pill packages and having trouble. That was bad enough but my eyes were half swollen shut and watering and the directions are written in letters so small you need a microscope to see them. Whoever comes up with that must be some kind of sadistic demon.
(quoted from post at 10:12:23 11/01/16) I thought they did catch the guy. I remember them saying it was done to manipulate stock prices.

Nope, no one was ever charged or convicted. A guy from New York was convicted of extortion for attempting to blackmail Johnson & Johnson, but police determined that he was in New York and the poisonings were in Chicago.
Imodium in the blister pack! I accidentally got it in blister packs once. Had to use a scissors to cut completely around the tiny little pill to get it to drop out. My big fingers don't fit a scissors well and when I need Imodium I'm not in a patient mood anyway!

Yep, I use a flashlight at an angle to the floor to see 'em.

There have been posts about the TYLENOL mess back in the seventies and I think that it's correct that the incident caused the introduction of 'child-proof' caps and whatnot. I think they slow down old folks more than they prevent kids from opening them but lately there are some caps that are easy one way and child-'proof' when screwed on with the other side down. So, take heart, it's gotta get better! 8)

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